I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 977: [Zhang Wei returns! 】

The next day.

Beijing Satellite TV.

"I love to remember songs\" column group.

Hu Fei, Dong Shanshan, Hou Ge, Hou Di, Da Fei, Xiao Lu and other column groups are sitting in the office area, looking up at Zhang Hao, who has drawn a blackboard on which to write and draw, listening to him talking about it. .

Zhang Wei painted something. "The venue uses "Remembering Lyrics", but it can't save money. Many things have to be changed. For example, the table should be enlarged. Now it is not possible, and the main color of the venue must change. It’s darker, it’s too bright now, but it’s all right to say, it’s very convenient to change it, it’s not too big. Then it’s the money, this show, at least one hundred million production funds must be bottomed out!”

Everyone was stunned.


"One billion?"

"Is it used so much?"

Hu Fei was also shocked and silently wiped the sweat.

Their Beijing TV is not a strong TV station in local TV. The ratings are not bad, but they have not reached such a high level. Therefore, their variety shows are more conservative. They are not as rich as CCTV. They never dared to go through this. Big blood, so listening to a hundred million figures, everyone will have a panic.

Dafei asked: "Mr. Zhang, what is the program?"

"Yeah, "masked king"? We don't understand it." Xiao Ludao.

Hu Fei also said: "How to mask? Who is masked?"

There is no such show in this world, so everyone is confused.

Zhang Hao has forgotten this nephew. "Well, I didn't make it clear. Then let me talk about the content of the program. The core system is to invite some stars, singers, actors, actors, or even athletes." Yes, the only requirement is to have visibility and sing well, let the designer design masks or hood clothing, cover the faces of these participating stars or the physical features that are easily exposed, put them on a stage PK The winner does not open the mask and go directly to the next round. The loser can choose to uncover the mask, or not to reveal it. How to eliminate and advance, I will elaborate on it later. At the same time, we have to invite some heavyweights in the industry. The judges and guests can ask them to guess the mission. Their task is to comment and guess the identity of the players!"

Everyone heard another stunned!

There are several newcomers in the column group, and even have been stunned!

Masked song king?

The meaning of the original mask is here! ?

Zhang Weidao: "The selling point of the show is here. If these stars stand on the stage, we all know them, but they all wear masks, just sing by voice, guessing their identity and enjoying the songs they bring. Shock, this is the explosion!"

Hou Difei quickly raised the question, "The characteristics of many singers singing are obvious."

Zhang Wei replied: "You can let them change the singing a little, or change the position slightly. This is easy to do."

Hou Ge asked, "But when you talk, you are stuck?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "There is now a thing called a voice changer, which can directly intervene in the microphone, and the tone after the sound change. It is estimated that even the relatives and mothers can't hear it."

Hu Fei stood up excitedly. "Star PK? In case the famous singers are afraid of losing to their younger generations, they are afraid of losing people, not coming?"

"Get out of the game, and I just said it." Zhang Wei said: "The loser can also choose not to open the mask and go straight. As long as the cover is good, as long as the internal confidential work is done well, no one knows. Who are they, this requires our staff to work together, I suggest that only the director knows their identity, others simply do not tell, rehearse, video, let them all have masks! Never reveal their identity! If the identity of the masked star is exposed outside the court, then our selling point also loses support! This is absolutely not allowed!"

Zhang Wei’s words have already formed a program structure!

Everyone listened dumbly, look at me, I look at you, I saw the surprise in each other's eyes!

A newcomer blinked and asked: "The previous singing programs are all drafts. They are all newcomers to show themselves on the stage. I have never heard of the stars competing on the same stage. This is how big the collision! No. People have done this big! Anyone will come?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "You can rest assured."

Everyone sucked cold.

Face to face PK between stars? Fighting one for you to die? This kind of thing, Zhang Hao dare to think about it! Others estimated that they didn't even think about it! No wonder there is a production fund of one hundred million. How much does it cost to ask these players? There are also stage layouts, as well as a group of insiders who guessed the jury?

too big!

This is too big to play!

Is this going to stir up the music circle?

A female new person said: "This, is this really true?"

Dong Shanshan suddenly raised his head. "I think it is OK!"

Hu Fei suddenly shot his thigh. "Whether it is OK? It is too much!"

All of a sudden, many people in the column group were a little excited. Just thinking about the picture and stage that Zhang Wei showed them, they were a little excited!

Whether it is creative.

Whether it is scale.

Whether it is a competition system.

Whether it is professionalism.

This is a variety show that has never been seen before in the history of TV shows!

In the past, the first ear of the program proposed by Zhang Wei would make people feel unintelligible and feel unworkable. For example, "I love to remember the lyrics", what is the look of a lyrics program? For example, "Zhang Wei talk show", what is the talk show? For example, "China on the tip of the tongue", what kind of storm can a documentary make? But in the end, the facts have proved that Zhang Wei is right. His vision and vision are much higher than others, leading the industry for too many years!

But today, when Zhang Wei proposed the "Monstered Song King" program, few people questioned it. When they listened to this program, they knew that it was too bullish - forced!

Hu Fei was in a good mood. He laughed and smacked Zhang’s shoulder. “I really have to ask you to teach Xiao Zhang! This is a different program from other people. It’s different from others! Who else in the industry can Think of these shows? How is your brain growing!"

Xiao Lu also called: "At the end, I can fight with Teacher Zhang again!"

"When you come back, we have a bottom in our hearts!" Dafei went up and gave Zhang Wei a long-lost bear hug. "We all want to die, Teacher Zhang, welcome home!"

Hou Ge went up, "Welcome home!"

Hou Di is also excited to bear him, "Mr. Zhang, waiting for you for a long time! Welcome home!"

Zhang Wei was the red-haired Beijing TV station and was forced to leave by the Beijing TV station. He has grudges, gratitude and friends here. There have been too many things in the past two years.

Today, Zhang Wei is back.

I came back with a TV show that might sensationalize the country.

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