I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 982: [Fifty-year-old driver, I smiled! 】

"Mongolian King" stage.

The venue has not been fully built, but it is enough to try it.

Under the stage, many people are sitting there, there are Taiwanese leaders, channel directors, and most of Hu Fei and the column group. They have interviewed five masked singers. The following is the sixth person. They need to judge the ranking according to the performance of the scene and the comprehensive considerations of all aspects. It is not clear who will start in the first round, or who will be replaced in the second round. So it is very important today, they are very important. Need to understand the characteristics and strength of the players in order to make a decision.

Hu Fei bowed his head and wrote it on the book.

The first player: recommended starting, high-pitched explosive.

The second player: recommended starting, famous.

"It's amazing!"

"Yeah, these singers are too strong!"

"My goose bumps!"

"This is still not rehearsed. If it is really the day of the video, how much more shocking?"

"Our show is going to be a fire!"

"Who is the next one? Is the person coming?"


"The next one is the ‘clown’.”

"Who is the clown?"

"It's the oil worker!"

As soon as I heard this, everyone in the column group was happy!


"It's him!"

"How did he get such a name?"

"I am too curious about him!"

"Me too, I can finally see the real person!"

"Everyone looks at it and sees if he can recognize him! In the end, which old gun in the industry?"

These days, the song "I Offer Oil for the Motherland" has been spread throughout their TV station. The people in the column group listened to it once and laughed, and even the leaders of several Taiwanese listened and laughed.

At this time, several Taiwan leaders spoke.

A deputy director asked: "This is the master who claims to be a worker?"

Hu Fei smiled and said: "Yes, it is him."

Another leader said: "It’s so good to sing, but that song..."

Dong Shanshan also sat on the stage and smiled. "Demo of the day was an audition. He was joking with all of us. Today he must sing well."

The leader nodded. "Well, I am looking forward to it."

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes suddenly looked at a side door to the side of the stage.

The door opened and a white mask appeared in front of everyone!

People are coming!

The clown is coming!

Some people even don’t know what to expect, but they don’t know what they are, but who is this? The body of the public, too many qualified stars!

Han Qi saw so many leaders, and he was a little nervous. "The clown teacher is here."

However, the clown did not feel a little nervous. He walked onto the stage and stood on the top of the table to see the people under the stage. He gently nodded and did not speak.

Taiwan’s leaders and Hu Fei Dong Shanshan are looking at him in a blink of an eye.

Going too stable!

Standing too stable!

Their first feeling is: this is not a newcomer!

Dong Shanshan is the host. This part is also responsible for her. Pick up the microphone and smile: "Hello teacher, only your information, we have nothing here, needless to say the name, can you briefly introduce yourself?"

I was very good when I watched my old classmates talk to myself seriously, but I couldn’t recognize him.

Zhang Xiao’s heart smiled and deliberately hoarse and said: “I am a clown.”

For Dong Shanshan, he should be especially cautious. After all, he is an old classmate for so many years. They know each other too well. They are slightly exposed. They may let Dong Shanshan recognize himself, but Zhang Wei’s acting is still Confidence, this time ago, I have drawn a lot of skills and experience books about acting skills.

Dong Shanshan: "Is it finished?"

Hu Feidao: "How old are you?"

Zhang Yan’s eyes are not jealous, "Fifty."

Hu Fei’s foot swayed. “Occupation or a worker?”

Zhang Wei: "Hey, how do you know?"

Dafei wipes the sweat, "Teacher, don't you tease us?"

Zhang Wei: "I am a worker."

The people in the column group are all brushing their eyes!


You then install it for me!

A Taiwan leader smiled bitterly: "Since people don't want to say it, then forget it."

A director looked at it and said: "It must be a big wrist, otherwise it will not be so cautious, even the actual age can not reveal."

The channel director nodded, "reasonable."

Dong Shanshan looked at him. "Would you like to start?"

The band is ready.

The keyboard driver of the miracle wheel asked: "The clown teacher, what song are you going to sing? We adjust the tone."

Zhang Wei looked at him, "original."

"Original?" The musician sneaked and nodded: "Also."

The drummer said: "Then you sing, we improvise."

Zhang Weidao: "Can you?"

The drummer smiled slightly. "Of course, no problem, everyone is professional."

Just two masked singers have also adapted the songs themselves, or elongated the treble, or slowed down the rhythm, completely different from the original, their miracle wheel band also works well, they are the best band in the industry. Can this literacy still be there? Isn't it an impromptu soundtrack, what is this?

Guitarist: "Teacher, come on."

The people in the audience are also engrossed!

Hu Fei raised his ears.

Dong Shanshan is not awkward.

Han Qi also stared at the stage and wanted to see the flaws.


The first time you put garlic on!

This time, I see how you still pretend!

Sing a love song? Still singing rock? As long as you sing, you have to show some flaws, so we have a chance to guess you!

Many people are thinking the same as Han Qi. They want to guess the identity of this person. They can't even know who this person is.

However, when the clowns opened their throats, they knew that their ideas were too naive! They will know what kind of old cannon they have encountered!

Zhang Wei raised the microphone, and the emotions were loud:

"Our workers have power!"

"Our workers have power!"

“Working daily every day!”

"He made a high-rise building!"

"Take up the railway mine!"

"The world has changed and it has changed!"

The leader of Jingchengtai fainted two!

The people in the column group fainted!

"Started the machine - rumbling!"

"Raise the hammer - ringing!"

"Causes the plough - good production!"

"Causes the guns - send the front!"


"Our face is red!"

"Our sweat is going down!"

"Why, in order to solve the problem!"

"Why, in order to solve the problem!"

The musicians of the miracle wheel are also stunned by the face-up. From beginning to end, they didn’t even match the drums. They looked at the masked singer on the stage with such amazement, and they only felt that there were 10,000 grass mud horses flying in the heart. Running by!

Impromptu music?

I am with your sister, me!

What the **** is this song! How is this **** match!

However, listening to the voice of the clown teacher, they have to admit it from the heart - sing too damn! This scorpion, real cow - forced!

The music stops.

Well, in fact, the music didn't ring. From beginning to end, Zhang Wei was singing, and the band of the miracle wheel was just bragging - for a long time, and a melody didn't come in.

Zhang Wei’s performance is over.

There was a bitter smile under the stage.

Is it the song of the workers?

Yesterday was an oil worker!

Today? Railway workers? coal miner?

I am a big brother, can you not be so inspirational!

Can you sing well! How do you guess this way!

Hu Fei cleared his throat and looked at the clown: "This teacher, you sing very well, too professional, we recognize your singing and strength, but what, um, can you change a song? Can you sing? A song about your real career? Are you a professional singer? Or an actor? Would you like another one?"

Zhang Hao nodded, "Yes."

Hu Feidao: "Thank you."

Everyone looked forward again and finally sang.

Career related?

Ok, then I can only tell you my real career!

Zhang Yilian did not fight, and the next song was sung out loudly. This scorpion once again gave the scene 50-60 people a temper to spit out an old blood!

"I am a 50-year-old driver, I am smiling!"

"It’s a bit long when I mention a big car!"


Dong Shanshan has been squinting and can't stop laughing!

Han Qi fainted!

Hu Fei’s eyes are black!

This time it became an old driver? Or is it a **** old driver? Are you still **** and smiling?

I will raise you two! !

Zhang Wei is very vocal, and his paintings are very vivid.

"I thought I learned to drive a car when I was eighteen."

"Playing with that foreign car, I am an old expert."

"But that's it, I haven't seen it, the Chinese car looks like it."

"I hope the stars look forward to the moon, and the domestic car that I hope is really out of the factory, hehe!"

"Our working class has won the light for the motherland!"

Everyone was already numb, so he stayed at him.

Zhang Yuyue sings more and more fun, the more singing the more excited:

"I am full of pride and strength."

"Hey Hey Hey."


"The land of the motherland is so big. I am really happy to drive the domestic car. I really want to go all over China in a blink of an eye. I put all the construction materials on my car. Day and night, no rest, transporting food, transporting steel, climbing the mountains, crossing the river, my old man personally driving to build our China, hehe...hey!"

"I don't stop working for another 50 or 60 years old!"


"Hey Hey!"

"Hey, hey!"

The last inhale, Zhang Hao finished with a treble and elongated, "I don't stop!"



There aren’t a few standings under the stage, and all of them have gone down!

Stop it!

You hurry to stop, big brother!


They really took this person!

Garlic is packed to his point, and it’s really no one!

Oil workers? coal miner? Railway workers? This time, my mother became a truck driver? You still live for another fifty or six years and you don't stop? Why don't you die?

The people were really defeated by the masked singer of this code clown!

"I offer oil for my country"?

"Our workers have power"?

"Old Driver"?

What is this song of his mother-in-law!

Are you so embarrassed to hide your identity? who the **** are you! ?


[Following my thoughts, some people have guessed that "our workers have strength", in fact, I have already prompted you, but even then, you can't guess the song "Old Driver", let alone, go on. Car, give the monthly ticket! 】


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