I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 986: [Why do you give Zhang Hao face? 】

Zhang Hao arrived.

The people who have even family punches are already in their hearts!

I am grass!

How come this **** is coming!


Bad things!

They all subconsciously panic, they did not participate in the previous Tianshan National Art Conference, but Zhang Wei’s notoriety, how could they not have heard it!

Hou Ge Houdi and others immediately greeted.

"Teacher Zhang!"

"You came?"

"They have buckled our equipment!"

"What is this called! What do you say this is!"

Han Qi and Xiao Lu are so angry.

Hu Fei also looked over, "Zhang Er."

Zhang Wei asked: "Is anyone okay?"

Hu Fei frowned and looked over there: "It's okay for the time being, but they have to do it, the guys have copied it, and the police are useless!"

Zhang Weidao: "I know."

Hu Feidao: "You are careful."

Zhang Hao nodded.

Ning Lan also came up.

Zhang Wei and her eyes were in the air, and both of them met for the first time, so they all looked at each other.

Ning Lan is a first-line movie star. Her temperament is very good and she looks beautiful. But at this time, her dress is a little bit weird. It is the kind of costume, and the sleeves on the shoulders are torn open and a lot of dirt. And some "blood" should be the need in the play.

Ning Lan reached out, "Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Wei and he shook, "Ning Jie."

Ning Lan was also a person who had seen the big world. Although the people in the crew were trapped here, the equipment was robbed, but there was no screaming. Instead, he laughed. "According to what you said, I I can mention your name, but it doesn't seem to be very good."

She looked back at the people who even saw the boxing.

Zhang Wei also looked at the past, "Lianjiaquan?"

For the first time, Master Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Exactly."

Zhang Wei’s tone calmly said: “It’s like someone said that even if I came in person, what would I have? If I didn’t finish the words, you will continue.”

Hearing the words, there was a sudden silence!

The people who even the family boxing were suddenly misfiring, and they all supported me!

Zhang Wei looked at them. "I don't even have this face?"


What can Zhang Wei have on this side?

The police people are not taking care of it. It seems that Jiang Hanwei and many people in the line have called and said that they are clear, and even the people who have even family boxing are ignorant!

People in Beijing Satellite TV do not understand!

The crew of the crew did not understand!

In their view, Zhang Wei is a first-line star, but then again, Ning Lan is also a first-line star, the popularity is even higher than you, but what is the use? In this kind of rivers and lakes, people can be no matter how famous you are. This is basically two areas, don't worry!

However, the performance of the next boxer's next moment makes everyone a little embarrassed!

I saw that there was a moment of silence.

Finally, Master Chen hardened his scalp and stepped forward. Sorry: "Master Zhang, I can't help it. I can't talk to a few of my teachers. We don't mean that."

Zhang Hao, "but I listen to you that means."

Master Chen was holding his fist nervously. "Don't dare."

Ninglan is wrong.

Hu Fei is stunned.

Dafei Xiaolu Hanqi and the people on the other side of the crew also looked blank!

I rely on! What does this mean? What is the situation? The family of Lianjiaquan has just been fierce and sorrowful to do with them. How come Zhang Yi, they suddenly changed their minds? How to treat Zhang Wei’s attitude is totally different from the attitude towards them. Hey!

Zhang Wei pointed to the person behind him and said: "These are my colleagues. Ning Lan is my friend. I have already told Ning Jie before I came. I will be there soon. If there is something, I will report my name. Oh, I am only I know that I have no face at all, and my name is reported. Do you still have to do it? Ok." He sideways and avoided a few steps, freed the space, exposed all the people behind him, and made a request. Gesture, "Do it, just do it."

Master Chen’s sweat is really a bit embarrassing. “You laughed and jokes.”

Zhang Wei solemnly said: "I am not kidding."

Master Chen wiped the sweat again.

No one even dares to move!

Still hands?

Do you work in front of your face?

By, we haven't lived yet!

When Zhang Wei didn't come, in fact, they could do everything, swearing or doing it. No one can say anything, because even the family boxing is reasonable. The people in the crew have offended them and the police can't control it. This is similar to the less-number-min-family. Every nation has the rules and cultural traditions of each nation. You can't come and not respect the rules of others in the boundaries of others. But now, Zhang Wei came in person, this hand is saying that nothing can move, to Zhang Wei’s position on the rivers and lakes, if they don’t even give this face, that is, they don’t understand the family’s fists. The rules are gone. Of course, the most important point is that even if these dozens of people add up, his mother can't beat others! Hands-on? That is to find yourself dead!

Zhang Yiping said: "I have heard about things. My friends have done something wrong here. People have already apologized. They can also make compensation, or you can ask for any requirements. This is why they are not right. I haven’t said anything!” Zhang Hao’s person has always been more reasonable. “But it’s over it. Are you a bunch of trainers, bullying people’s hands, and there’s no chicken? There are women. Comrade! What are you doing?"

Even the people who even boxed their fists didn’t dare to scream, and they couldn’t say anything!

Zhang Wei immediately said: "If you think that they apologize enough, these are my friends, I will give you a photo for them." He said, he held a fist.

Master Chen hurriedly helped, "Don't dare not!"

Another boxer who has a family boxing has also hurriedly said: "You are serious!"

"This thing has nothing to do with you." A female boxer also quickly said: "Master Zhang, you are heavy!"

Zhang Wei’s apology, they can’t afford it, and they don’t dare to accept it!

However, Zhang Wei’s attitude has come out, and their anger has actually disappeared by more than half. They suddenly feel that Zhang Wei is not as unreasonable as the rumors on the rivers and lakes.

Suddenly, the sound of the foot rang behind.

Come alone!

It is a middle-aged man, bald, this person looks very tough, but his temperament is very gentle.

The people who even the family boxing are freed from the general!




The Lord is coming!

Lianjiaquan generation of this generation!

The crew and the people of Jingcheng TV have subconsciously drummed their hearts. When they come home, they feel that things may change again. If people are horizontal, they can't go. But the next scene is a little reaction to everyone!

Zhang Wei looked at him and held a fist: "Let the master."

Lian Jiaquan is also looking at Zhang Wei as a family member. He holds a fist: "Master Zhang is a rare guest."

Zhang Weidao: "I came to solve problems for my friends and colleagues. They are ordinary people. I don't understand the rules on your side. If there is anything wrong with it, I will accompany them for a crime."

Lian Jiaquan did not dare to be a family member. He said: "Master Zhang said that I have learned the matter. Ying Tianshi was uploaded by his family. It is of great significance to our family, but you are right, I don't know. It’s not a blame, it’s not a big deal. Besides, you can’t give me the face of Master Zhang.”

Zhang Weidao: "I will thank my friend."

Jiang Hanwei's face, they can not give.

But Zhang Wei’s face, they really can’t help!

On the rivers and lakes, Jiang Hanwei’s position is completely different from Zhang Wei’s. Jiang Hanwei’s abandonment of the Huashan faction, even if it is a master of national art, even if the kung fu is very high, the abandonment is abandonment, and there is stain on the body, and that year Some things happened in the Huashan School, and some people in the national art circles did not like Jiang Hanwei.

Zhang Wei is not the same. Once, his kung fu is there, but it is a monk who can fight hard with the master. Under the national master of the country, Zhang Wei is the first person in the real world. Ingenuity, it is said that even those who are present today, even if they add a family to become a family member, these dozens of people are not Zhang Jian’s opponents. Secondly, Zhang Wei is a taijiquan who has disappeared for hundreds of years. The status of this identity on the rivers and lakes is too high and the meaning is different. Three of them, just a while ago, Zhang Wei once smashed a dozen big gates, kicked the mountain gate, and killed the Quartet. Almost all the plaques that the national art circles can count on were all smashed by him, even the Shaolin Temple and The Huashan faction has been devastated by the poisonous hands. This name is not only for him but also for him. Until today, his legend is still circulating in the rivers and lakes! However, although there are many people who denounce him, as long as they don’t have a **** vengeance with Zhang Wei, they can usually avoid hiding far away.

after that.

Lian Jia Quan was a family member who glanced at his disciples and slightly blamed: "Master Zhang is a guest, one by one, and you are so hospitality?"

Even the family members listened and quickly put down the guys in their hands.

"Master, I am sorry."


"Master Zhang, sorry."

People are polite, Zhang Wei is also polite.

Zhang Weidao: "We are sorry for it."

A staff member of the crew also came to the event and came up: "Even the master, I am sorry, we really don't know what the Yingshishi has to pay attention to. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future. You need to see what the martial arts needs, otherwise we will Paying for it, help you renovate here? I think there are quite a few houses that are quite old."

Even the family boxer shook his hand. "No, your people apologize. If things are gone, don't mention it anymore. Then, Master Zhang has come in person, can we let you lose money?" Turned to a few disciples: "What are you doing? Give people equipment back!"


"Yes, Master!"

Even the master made a gesture, Zhang Xiaodao: "Master Zhang, drink some tea in the house, please."

Zhang Hao also reached out and said, "Please."

The two entered the innermost house.

Leaving a group of dumbfounded people, they can't accept the facts at hand!

Master Zhang?

When did Zhang Wei become a master?

What the **** is this?

And... the person who even the family boxing actually gave Zhang Hao face! ?

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