I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 992: [The show begins! 】

"Monstered King" scene.

The audience has all entered and the recording is about to begin.

At this time, the first guest took the stage, then the second and third.

"Wow, Chen Guang!"

"It's Chen Guang!"

"Zhang Xia grandma is here!"

"Ha ha ha, Lao Yao!"

"How did Lao Yao get a big back? Is the hair growing?"


"AMY! I love you!"

"I finally saw a real person!"

Not yet recorded, Yao Jiancai and Chen Guang both smiled and waved to the audience.

AMY is chatting with Zhang Xia. The other two members of the jury, Chen Yidong and Wang Chase, are also talking and laughing. They chat about the game for a while, not the audience. They are actually looking forward to it because they don’t know how to debut. Who are the masked singers, will they have their old friends?

At this time, Dong Shanshan, dressed in a lady's suit, also appeared on the stage. Today, her style is different from the past. It is not the kind of **** or the dress of the short skirt. Instead, it is more neutral and more traditional. The hair was also put up, and I also got a golden eye to wear it. The temperament of the whole person changed. This is because the program is not hosted by two people, so Dong Shanshan’s use of the previous dress is not suitable. He can’t hold the stage, a host’s place, and naturally there is a host’s dress, which is There is a particularity.

Many male compatriots in the audience screamed.

"Shanshan! It's so beautiful!"

"This looks good!"

"Yeah, it suits her very much!"


The scene is already hot!

The site is doing the final preparations.

Hu Fei confirmed: "Lights?"

Lighter: "OK!"

Hu Fei: "The aircraft?"

"No. 1 OK!"

"No. 2 is ready!"

"All are ready."

Hu Fei: "Fir Shan, try the microphone."

Dong Shanshan blows the microphone: "Hey, hello, OK!"

The miracle wheel band also appeared, and the equipment was debugged by them. The scene only needs to be confirmed, and it will be fine.

Everything is ready.

Hu Fei nodded. "Yes, all departments pay attention, count down for one minute!"

Thirty seconds...

Twenty seconds...

Ten seconds...

time up!

Recording begins!

An aerial position gave a panoramic view!

The stage lights flickered, and suddenly a gathering, countless rays of light all hit a door, the door opened, and slowly walked out from behind a suit woman with a red mask, high heels slammed on the ground, not much time, already Standing pretty in the middle of the stage.

The woman raised the microphone, the sound in the microphone was very sharp, and it was obviously modified by the umlaut. "Welcome to the mysterious show of the Beijing Satellite TV music, the exclusive title of the cocoa of the bright fruit - "Mongolian King"!"

The audience stood up in an instant, cheers, applause!

After a few hundred words of advertising, the woman suddenly turned around, and when the hand reached the end, when she turned again, the mask had been removed by her, and she put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, revealing a beautiful face.

"I am your host, Dong Shanshan!"

The sound is back to normal!

This opening will make the audience excited!


Change the sound.


This is the masked king!

Guess the team.

Zhang Xia also laughed. "Interesting."

AMY clapped, "This is fun!"

Chen Guang’s heartbeat is very fast, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Wang chased the book and smiled: "Old Chen, do you say there will be old friends?"

"There must be." Chen Guangdao: "But it is not necessarily recognized."



Zhang Wei is infusion in the lounge.

Han Qi followed him and kept him a little bit.

The recording has already started, there is also a TV in the lounge, and you can see the whole video.

"You go back to Xiaohan."


"I'm fine, you listen?"

"You don't talk."

"So you go back, call me when I arrive at me, I want to take a break, can't I? Don't let me talk."

"……it is good."

Han Qi had no choice but to leave and shut him down.

There was only Zhang Yi alone in the room. At this moment, he grabbed his chest, took a few breaths, coughed and felt a pain in his chest. He couldn’t help but smile. He knew that this was not a pneumonia pain, but The old injury recurred, I don’t know if the needles were closed, or the fever was basically the decline of immunity caused by the old injury, or the wound was inflamed, and the high fever increased the old injury. Anyway, he is very uncomfortable now. Breathing the lungs hurts!

Two months ago, the injury of the National Art Conference finally did not escape. It had already been suppressed. It was nothing to do, but it was not a trauma, but an internal injury that was smothered by the master Chen Xi, and later Zhang Wei. The dark wounds suffered by a group of more than a dozen big factions have always been there. This kind of injury is not so good. If it is serious, it may be life-threatening. Rao Aimin’s sister and brother-in-law are one year after being injured by Zhou Tianpeng. Successively. Therefore, it is him who is slow, even if it is Rao Aimin, now it is also a wounded body. The head of Huashan School Chen Xi is hurt even more. The rumors have not been revealed for more than two months. That big battle, many people are not hurt!

Old injury.


high fever.

This is the most frail time of Zhang Wei, and the worst time of his state. Immediately, he will start the first round of the "Mongolian King". When he meets such a situation, Zhang Wei can only bite the scalp. On, because he is such a person, never believe in life!

He wants to sing.

So today, no one can stop him!


on site.

Dong Shanshan hangs a smile, not screaming: "The singer who wants to play first, his voice, very clean, changeable, let us have a request - wonderful king!"

Wonderful King?

What is the name? <p>

The audience looked at the door curiously.

Guess the group has already begun to guess.

Chen Guangxiao said: "Qi Wei? Da Wang?"

Yao Jiancai blinked his eyes: "Isn't it just Zhang Hao?"

Zhang Xia was amused.

AMY also almost laughed and sprayed!

Zhang Wei?

Is it called Zhang Wei?

The two of them are really old partners, black each other!

These words were also recorded by the camera, but everyone knows that Lao Yao is joking.



"This style, cool!"


Dong Shanshan let go of the main position and walked to the corner of the side.

The first masked masker appeared. His mask is quite strange. It is a mask that can't wait for red, orange, yellow, blue, blue and purple. There is a net on the head. The whole head is wrapped underneath, even the neck. Can't see! He took a few steps and was already standing in the middle.

The famous variety show host, Chen Yidong, said without a word: "How do you guess this! The hands are not exposed, they are wearing gloves!"

Yao Jiancai said: "Socks are coming out."

Wang chased the book and smiled: "Do you see socks and recognize people?"

AMY has been curious to find out the body, just to get closer, "Who is this, there is no hint of detail!"

Zhang Xia is also analyzing, "Is not tall?"

The lights suddenly turned dark.

The scene also calmed down and everyone looked forward to staring at the man.

The music is ringing, the melody is very playful!

The wonderful king closed his eyes and his head swayed. It was not the kind of rhythmical shaking, but suddenly this side, cold and not over there!

Then, the legs followed!

He is dancing, but the dance is very special!

An opening, the song was also sent out at once!

"You are not, better."

"You too, don't say."

"I see, you are."

"Really, idiot." 镘/p>

"You said, you said."

"I said, I said."

At the beginning of a small RAP, everyone knows what this song is. This is a popular "idiot" in recent years. It is a Taiwan-Bay female singer. However, the singing style of the wonderful king is different from the original singing, the rhythm is obviously accelerated, and the sound is much more!

An A segment ends.

The applause of the audience suddenly sounded!

Zhang Xia concluded: "It is a young man!"

Chen Guangdao: "Yes, definitely not forty years old!"

AMY solemnly believes: "It's a man."

Wang chased the book and looked at her. "I can hear it too!"

As the wonderful king sings faster and faster, the atmosphere of the audience is becoming more and more active!

The rhythm is great!

So good to want people to sing along with him!

Chen Guang commented: "This person is very good at the scene, it should be a professional singer!"

Zhang Xia shook her head, "not necessarily."

Wang Chase wrote and praised: "Singing is really good, who is it?"

AMY suddenly burst into amazement: "Hey! Who is that, that, what is it called! QIQI? Taiwan - Bay that music award winner?"

Wang chased the book and denied, "No, I wrote a song to QIQI, and I don't look like a body."

"I see, I see!"

"I see, I see!"

"You are, you are!"

"Really, idiot!"

The song is over!

Full applause!

AMY is also clapping with excitement, "Good! Good!"

Zhang Xia’s evaluation is also very high. “Is there a singer with a good voice and rhythm in the industry?”

Wang chased the book and said urgently: "Who is this?"

The audience is also guessing.

"Too much like him!"

"sounds amazing!"

“Is this a singer? Or an actor?”

"Is there such a good singer?"

"I do not know!"

"It seems a bit familiar, but I can't remember it!"

"I am dying to death, and I will expel the face. When will I get to the side of the face? I want to know who this person is!"

"If you lose, you will get rid of it!"

"Ah, that's still ok."

“The level of the first singer is so high?”

"looks good!"

"This show is even better than you think!"

"Yeah, I thought I could guess by listening to the sound. After all, they are all celebrities? This should be very simple? But I heard that I know that Nima can't guess it!"

"who is the next?"


The wonderful king smiled and left.

Dong Shanshan once again staged the stage. "The next player, there is a very nice name, there is a very beautiful mask, let us have please - petal rain."



The knock on the door rang.

Zhang Hao sighed, "Enter."

Han Qi came in. "Teacher, you can prepare for it first. Now you sing the second player. You are the fifth to appear, and there are at most fifteen minutes."

Zhang Hao nodded, "Okay."

Get up and unplug the infusion needle.

come on!

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