I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 996: [I am a beautiful red rose! 】

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Moderator Dong Shanshan's voice: "? I have the next singer - clown!"

The applause was sparse.

The clown appeared, but he looked very lonely.

Chen Guang sighed. "It is the worst time to play."

Wang chased the book and nodded. "The two people have already squeezed the atmosphere!"

AMY asked: "Who do you think is the king of songs?"

Zhang Xia’s grinding: "The petals are raining and the face is big."

Chen Yidong disagreed. "On the last song, it must be the sunflower to win the song!"

Zhang Xiadao: "The petals rain has a few sounds, it's really great."

"The treble of sunflower, who is better?" Chen Yidong said.

The guests disagreed and argued, but no one mentioned the clown again.

The audience’s mind is not here either.

The two people who just appeared in the show are all fast songs, all of which are high-pitched, passionate songs, which are very igniting the atmosphere, so the emotions of countless audiences are still there.

"Oh, sunflowers are so loud!"

"I still like the rain of my family!"

"Haha, when did you become your home?"

"In any case, I am already a **** fan of the petals rain!"

"Do you know who she is?"

"I don't know, so I am curious!"

"Hey, is the clown playing?"

"His nephew can't, the first round of the song king fights, he is actually a foil."

"He is promoted, and he is lucky to win."

"Well, the song king must be a petal rain or a sunflower."

"That must be, this is still asking?"

"Oh, both of these names have flowers?"

"Look at which of these two flowers is a skill!"

The lights are suddenly dark!

The audience and the guests reacted, the next song has already begun, and then they have come back to God and found out that there is no band teacher on the stage!

What about the band?

What about people?

The crowd suddenly saw that the clown was sitting in front of a piano.



Everyone is jealous!

Chen Guang Zhang Xia and others are also surprised!

What state was the clown before, they have seen it with their own eyes, they all know that this is not pretending, he is really seriously ill, can stand very stubborn, but why? Already at this point, he still has to play the piano himself? The piano is not an electronic keyboard. It requires the strength of your fingers. This is a very laborious thing! You have no hope of competing in the first round of the song king, why are you? What are you drawing?

No one understands!

The audience can't understand!

You have been desperate for a song! This second, you still have to fight?

The guests and the audience and even the people in the column group are aware of one thing. Those who can go to this stage cannot be too famous, at least the stars that many people know. People who can get to this point are unlikely to be missing. On the stage, even if you pick up the child today, you won’t have no stage to play. You **** this is a desperate fight! Why are you!

However, no one knows.

This person under the clown mask, apart from here, really has no other stage!


Snow hidden!

News suppression!

Peer crowded!

no job!

Old injury recurred!

serious cold!

This is his worst time and his most vulnerable time!

No one appreciates!

I am a foil!

The piano sounded.

The sound of running water filled the audience.

The guest is stunned!

The audience is paralyzed!

The sound of the piano is sad, the sadness makes the audience quiet!

The light was floating on him.

Everyone’s eyes fell on him.

Zhang Yi forgets about the piano, and the melody of the flowing water pops up one by one, and every note carries his sorrow. He should have been the most beautiful scenery in the world. He should have been the most beautiful "Red Rose" in the world, but now he can only wear a mask to cover everything he has. No one appreciates him. Place, with a hoarse voice, sing a song that maybe only he can understand!

“In this era, the season is fast and many flowers are open.”

“The wind is blowing, the clouds are staying, and the scenery is close to the gate.”

"Who is picking up, uncomfortable, and slowly understand."

"The flowers are already open, no one is coming, it is not surprising at all."

Han Qi under the stage was stunned, "Teacher!"

Music director Bai Yuanfei opened his mouth.

Zhang Xia stunned!

AMY only feels that the goose bumps are all up!


Zhang Yan closed his eyes and sang quietly:

"I will sway with the wind and rain at night."

"I will cry when I see the sun."

"I am a beautiful red rose."

"I don't want spring to come back."

"Bloom up to the dark, provoked passers-by drunk."

"Flat look at yourself withered."

Red rose?

A red rose that is about to wither, beautiful and beautiful?

Chen Guang stood up excitedly!

Zhang Xia stood up!

AMY and all the guests stood up and stood up!


This song...

Zhang Yan closed his eyes and sang while playing:

"I am a beautiful red rose."

"Hate God is not beautiful."

"The flower buds were taken."

"It was stripped of the flower."

"Sorrowful to give people a rose."

Picking up the flower buds?

Peeling the flower?

Sadly give people a rose?

Han Qi stared at the stage, tears did not know when it had already flowed a face, she reached out to wipe the tears, but found that even how can not wipe!

Countless viewers looked at the stage with infatuation, they only felt that their heart was being smashed!

The figure in front of the piano is very sad and very lonely.

However, he opened his eyes, but smiled faintly. His voice was still so rough and hoarse. Even this time, he didn’t even have the strength to sing the treble, but this is the present Zhang Wei. Cut your hand, break your foot, seal your mouth, this is what he is now!

"The earth is the bed, the sky is the quilt, the meteor is the tears."

"Sometimes wake up, sometimes drunk, geese fly back and forth."

"It’s hi, it’s sad, and the spring is not bright.”

"Do not regret, do not drag, the dreams are fading like water."

"I am willing to be a piece of color, embellish the world."

"I don't want to sigh the world is right and wrong."

"I am a beautiful red rose."

"I don't want spring to come back."

"Bloom up to the dark, provoked passers-by drunk."

"Flat look at yourself withered."

Blooming to dark?

Even no one appreciates?

Even if no one is picking it?

Even if it is about to wither?

Hearing here, Zhang Xia's eyes are already red.

Why are you laughing?

Why is this already happening, are you still smiling?

Suddenly, the piano sounded!

The man in front of the piano has no strength. The hand that plays the piano can no longer pop up too many complicated syllables. It becomes more and more dull. He can only simplify the melody and accompaniment himself with the simplest syllables!

"I am a beautiful red, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful red rose."

"Hate God is not beautiful."

"The flower buds were taken."

"It was stripped of the flower."

"Sorrowful to give people a rose."

There is no treble, but the hoarse sorrow in the scorpion is slashed in the hearts of the people!

Han Qi cried!

Xiao Lu cried!

Many people are crying!

Many viewers at the scene broke out at this moment!

Stand up!

The whole game is boiling!


Do not!

Do not!

You are the protagonist!

You are the most beautiful flower of today! !

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