I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Secret, go to the Brahma City

"I'm really the villain (

The dzi has lasted for nearly half an hour.

Finally, it slowly dissipated, and the dying void returned to calm again.

The long river of fate is still running peacefully, as if nothing happened.

However, in the depths of the void, a faint light was jumping through time and space, and no one noticed it.

If you look closely, you will find that the core of this light is a round bead.

Chaos beads.

The Chaos Bead carries Xu Zimo's soul, and shuttles through the dense Tianzhu.

It's like a flat boat in the huge waves on an isolated island.

But it was this ordinary flat boat that prevented the huge waves from overturning.

Let Tianzhu be indestructible, shuttle through the layers of void, always approaching the long river of fate.

Seeing getting closer and closer, the river of fate in front suddenly moved.

The magnificent river "crushed" directly in the void.

The distance the Chaos Orb had just approached was suddenly thrown away.

Xu Zimo's eyes condensed, and the soul came out of the chaotic bead. He held the chaotic bead, and the power of chaos filled his body.

Even though the world and the gods and demons were visualized, they were still extremely small in the face of this long river of fate.

"Open," Xu Zimo shouted.

Wrapped directly in the Chaos Bead and headed towards Hanoi for the long fate.

A hole was opened in the river of fate, and his figure disappeared in it.


The river of fate is constantly tumbling.

As if stirring the entire void, Tianzhu rioted outside, constantly looking for Xu Zimo's figure.

But it dare not break it down, because it will affect the long river of fate.

After a long time, the long river of fate gradually calmed down, and Tianzhu also became quiet forever.

There was a sudden "bang" in this emptied world, and Xu Zimo's figure flew out of the long river of fate.

The blood was floating in the void, and he quickly left here relying on the Chaos Pearl.

The void was torn apart, and Xu Zimo fell into the Shenzhou Continent covered in blood.

"Lord," the people of Bymeng hurried over.

However, Xu Zimo has the tree of life, and his injuries are constantly recovering.

"I'm fine," Xu Zimo waved his hand, stopping their attempt to heal their injuries.

"How could you do this," said the Seven-faced Demon General.

In his impression, Xu Zimo had never suffered such a serious injury, and in Xu Zimo's way of dealing with things, he would never put himself in danger.

Xu Zimo did not speak, but looked at the sky peacefully.

I have a few doubts and want to see the long river of fate.

One is the identity of the mirror girl,

One is the identity of the old man Zhuoqiu,

The other is the identity of the old man in Weiyang Palace.

He just saw the identity of a mirror girl, and he almost died.

Before he could see the identity of the old man in Weiyang Palace, the backlash of fate had already come.

Xu Zimo had never seen that kind of terror.

He didn't even have the power to escape, and Chaos Orb forced him out of the river of fate.

Otherwise, at this moment, he will really be wiped out.

The backlash of the long river of fate depends on the importance of what you want to see.

If Xu Zimo only saw an ordinary mortal, he could still bear the kind of backlash.

Miss Mirror's identity is terrifying, but he still bears it.

But the old man in Weiyang Palace, he didn't even look at it, he was almost wiped out just at the beginning.

As for the elderly Zhuoqiu, he has not had time to see it.

Xu Zimo was silent, he felt that many things were like a trap.

Since he became the demon master of this generation, and since his resurrection, someone has been laying out.


He got up from the ground.

"Lord, are you okay," asked several people in Bymeng with concern.

"It's okay," Xu Zimo shook his head.

Said: "Our speed is going to speed up."

"Retrieve the ancient magic cave?" Bymon asked.

"Yes, otherwise the current power is still a bit weak," Xu Zimo nodded.

After a few brief words with the people of Bymeng, he left from the mainland of China.

Although there are still many doubts in my heart, it is obviously not suitable to go to the long river of fate now.

After resting in the inn for one night, Xu Zimo came to the North City Gate the next day, and Miss Jing had already been waiting there.

"You are late," Girl Mirror smiled.

"It's okay, I know you will wait for me," Xu Zimo replied.

"Let's rent a spirit ship," Miss Mirror suggested.

"It's also quick to go to the Brahma Devil City, and feel at ease. You won't encounter trouble along the way."

Xu Zimo nodded and said, "I don't understand here, just arrange it."

The land of the two Chaos Tianzhao walked to the place where the spirit ship was taken.

The photogenic girl along the way introduced: "The Brahma Demon City was created by the Emperor Brahma and it exists specifically to connect the corners of the sky."

"Where is the so-called Tianya Haijiao?" Xu Zimo asked.

"An ancient place left by ancient Mi," the mirror girl explained.

"There are four times in our Nine Regions, namely, Primordial, Ancient, Ancient and Medieval.

The first two eras are rarely encountered now, but after the ancient and the middle ancient times are perished, there are still many ancient places left behind by UU看书www.uukanshu.com.

These ancient places are full of aura, and most of the adventures, many people will live in them.

When the Emperor Brahma Demon was alive, he discovered the ancient land at the end of the day, and he naturally controlled it.

Later, when the Emperor Brahma disappeared, he was taken over by his sect of the Western Regions. "

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

While chatting, the two of them had already arrived at the place where they boarded the spirit ship.

What you can see is a fleet of fleets.

Like an aircraft carrier, it looks like a ship but has two wings.

Accompanied by the roar, many spirit ships flew overhead. They were extremely fast and only consumed spirit stones, which was very convenient.

"In the past in Beiluocheng, there was a force called Gongsunmen.

Their founder Gongsun Shu is a real organ genius, and he believes that organ art can replace manpower.

Created this kind of spirit ship, almost swept the nine regions, and the battle puppet he created is the strongest to fight the emperor. "

"So powerful," Xu Zimo said in surprise.

"Let me tell you, among the nine domains, the other eight domains look down upon our mortal domain, and think this is the most backward world."

Girl Mirror smiled and said: "But many people have appeared in the realm, and they have become famous throughout the nine realms."

The two came to the rental place of the spirit ship.

Only then did I know that the spirit ships in recent days were all used up, and there were hardly any rented rides alone, so they could only go with others.

Girl Mirror frowned slightly, it was the first time he heard that the spirit ship was used up.

You must know that this Beiluocheng is the birthplace of the spirit ship, this has never happened before.

"Where are the two going?" the person in charge asked.

"Vatican City," the mirror girl replied.

"That's just right, there is a spirit ship that also goes to Van Devil City, you can share rides with others," the person in charge chuckled.

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