I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Laoshan Little Demon

"I'm really the villain (

"I've been chatting with Fairy Zhaiyue here," Miss Jing smiled.

Xu Zimo looked at Fairy Picking Moon.

I saw Fairy Zhaiyue nodded slightly, and replied: "Girl Mirror has indeed been here, what's wrong?"

"It's because I thought a lot," Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

Asked: "Where are you now?"

"Just not far from Beiluo City, now near Laoshan," Fairy Zhaiyue replied.

Her voice just fell, only hearing a "bang" sound, the spirit ship seemed to have been hit hard, and the entire hull shook violently.

"The spirit ship in front, stop quickly, or don't blame us for destroying it," a sharp voice came from below.

"It's the little demon of Laoshan," Fairy Zhaiyue said with a slight change of face.

"Laoshan?" Xu Zimo glanced at her, knowing that this place had too many bad memories for her.

"Stop and see what they want to do," Xu Zimo said.

As the huge spirit ship slowly docked in the void, only a few violent noises were heard.

Several figures jumped up and jumped directly into the cabin.

Xu Zimo took a look and realized that this was a mouse with a big knife.

These mice have become fine, they walk on two feet, wearing silk and satin that are stolen from somewhere, colorful.

On his shoulders he also carried machetes about the size of their bodies, one by one, full of power.

"Fairy Zhaoyue, our boss wants you to come and gather together," one of the mice said in a humble voice.

"Who is your boss?" Fairy Zhai Yue frowned and asked.

"How much do you dignitaries forget, the scaly king doesn't remember," the mouse replied triumphantly.

Fairy Zhaoyue's face changed slightly.

The generations after these Laoshan mice were chaotic. The people from Xianyong Island passed by and accidentally killed a mouse during a dispute.

It is said that he is the son of this king of scale rats.

And this scaly king was heard to be one of Laoshan's favorite grandson.

Therefore, its prestige can be said to sweep the entire Beiluo City.

"I don't want to go," Fairy Jie Yue said lightly.

"This is not for you, you have to go if you don't want to go," the mouse swaggered forward and said.

"Here, no one dared not give us face to King Leopardus."

Fairy Zhaoyue frowned slightly, and looked at Xu Zimo for help.

The mouse hadn't spoken yet, and suddenly felt like he was being lifted up.

"Who touched your grandfather mouse, don't you want to live," the mouse yelled and turned his head.

Close at hand was the sharp tip of Ba Ying.

With a "wow", the green blood drifted away, and the mouse's body was thrown aside.

When the other mice saw this situation, they didn't have the slightest fear, but were even more angry.

They all yelled and rushed up.

Xu Zimo did not speak, only the overlord's sharp sword intent flashed through the void.

All corpses fell down.

"You killed them all, isn't that not a good idea," Fairy Jie Yue said worriedly.

Xu Zimo stepped forward and grabbed the hem of Fairy Zieyue's purple shirt.

Use this purple shirt to wipe the blood from his knife.

Then he chuckled, "Isn't this what you want to see?"

Fairy Zhaiyue was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "I don't understand what Xu Gongzi means."

"You know," Xu Zimo replied.

"I have a conflict with Laoshan, so won't I be able to avenge you?"

"Why does Young Master Xu miss me like this," Fairy Zhaiyue said after a little silence.

"Is not it?

You clearly know that you have a grievance with Laoshan, why don't you take a detour and pass over this Laoshan? "

Xu Zimo said: "You know I won't give in, but the little demon in Laoshan is used to being arrogant and often robbing people who come and go near Laoshan.

There must be a battle when we meet, right? "

"Young Master Xu thinks too much. You can reach the Brahma Demon City as soon as you cross Laoshan," Fairy Zhaiyue replied.

Xu Zimo gave her a calm look.

Fairy Zhaoyue was hit hard, and his figure fell heavily on the deck nearby.

A mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, his face pale.

"The son said that he would **** me all the way to the Brahma Demon City," Fairy Picky Moon said quickly.

"But it doesn't mean you can provoke me," Xu Zimo said lightly.

Fairy Zhaiyue didn't say a word, she knew that she was wrong in this matter.

"I don't have any opinion on what the son will do," Fairy Jieyue replied.

"You should be thankful that if it weren't for that altar to make wine, you would have died miserably now," Xu Zimo replied.

"I know that Wen Yuan's life and death are actually not a matter of concern," said Fairy Zhaiyue.

"It's just that the grievances have not been reported. I feel guilty for Xianyong Island and I want to die with them."

"If you play tricks again next time and don't use others, I will fulfill your wish to die," Xu Zimo replied, then turned back to his room.

Now that the Void Refining Realm is unstable, the heart demon that has just appeared made him a little cautious.

Or first adapt to the changes in the Void Refining Realm.

The yin and yang bridge went up to the sky, and after being able to communicate with the gods, he lived and died.

This is a saying from the Five Realms of the Great Emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~ The body is filled with powerful forces, passing through various channels and meridians.

More and more dark holes are being opened up.

He was feeling the current realm, and at the same time advancing like a higher level.

Before long, Xu Zimo felt a shaking from the spirit ship again.

Something seems to be attacking the spirit ship.

"These little demon in Laoshan are endless?" Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

When he walked out of the room, he saw that the spirit ship at this moment had activated its autonomous defense function.

A transparent barrier protects the spirit ship around.

In the surrounding void, countless dense little monsters surrounded the huge spirit ship.

"The human inside, the King Scale Rat is here, don't you hurry out to greet him," the little mouse demon's voice penetrated and shouted sharply.

They are armed with various weapons and wear satin clothes of various colors.

It looks weird.

"They are chasing again," Miss Mirror said, stepping forward.

"Leave these little monsters to you two," Xu Zimo replied.

"What about you?" the mirror girl asked.

"Killing them is too cheap, I'm too lazy," Xu Zimo said.

With a wave of his hand, the huge chaotic figure emerged from the mainland of China.

Beast power swept the storm.

Girl Mirror smiled and said, "Your small world is convenient enough, you can put everything in."

"Do you want to go in and take a look?" Xu Zimo asked with a smile.

"Okay," Miss Mirror nodded.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get out after you get in," Xu Zimo replied inexplicably.

"No, I believe the son will not harm me," Miss Jing smiled.

"But I'm afraid you will harm me," Xu Zimo said.

"My son, is there something in the words?" Girl Jing asked.

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