I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: Brahma City, Great Temple

Latest website: This light turned into a wheel, and finally revolved before the eyes.

The moment it rotates, it seems to represent the sun and the moon like a shuttle, time and space countercurrent.

This countercurrent of time and space is not the power of profound meaning, nor the power of laws, but the rules of Tao.

Rules, the most powerful force in the world.

Irreversible and irreversible.

The tiger instantly turned into a bone.

Even if it is the great emperor, the profound meaning is immortal, the emperor is mighty, and the source of Taoism is endless, but it is just a bone.

The boneless body fell to the ground, and Miss Jing's face was pale, struggling to get up from the ground.

Fairy Zhaoyue hurried forward and paid her.

"Are you okay?" Fairy Zhaiyue asked.

"It's a bit expensive, just rest for a while," Miss Jing replied.

Because the spirit ship was destroyed, the two could only come down and return to the ruins of Laoshan.

"It's Mr. Xu," Fairy Zieyue suddenly looked not far away, and saw Xu Zimo leaning against the top of a tree.

Holding an apple from the tree in one hand, he was eating leisurely.

"Yes, even the emperor was killed by you," Xu Zimo smiled.

"It's all the credit of Miss Jing," Fairy Jie Yue replied.

"Master Xu, why are you here?"

"The tiger trapped me in my body just now, and then I fell with its bones," Xu Zimo explained perfunctorily.

"I didn't expect the son to be trapped by a tiger," Miss Jing said leisurely from the side.

"I often walk by the river, how can I not wet my shoes," Xu Zimo smiled.

"But compared to this, your previous chakra is even more surprising."

"This is the trump card that Master gave me, and it is used to prevent me from danger," Miss Jing explained.

"Oh, Ramce is really extraordinary," Xu Zimo nodded with a smile.

Said: "Now that the spirit ship is destroyed, it seems that I can only go back and borrow the spirit ship again."

"It won't matter," Fairy Jie Yue replied.

I saw her right hand with a move, very spiritual gathering.

On the sky, the broken parts of the spirit ship just now gathered.

Under the condensing of the white spirit, a new spirit ship came to life and formed in front of several people.

"These spirit ships are not that easy to destroy. As long as you master the core, you can recover or even change their shape at will," Fairy Zhaiyue explained.

"Then continue to set off for Brahma City," Xu Zimo smiled.

"I also hope that the son can be careful, not only pay attention to his own safety, but also our two weak girls must rely on your protection," Miss Jing reminded.

Xu Zimo smiled and threw the apple in his hand aside.

"This apple is so sweet!"


The huge spirit ship slowly started and moved on in the void.

Everyone didn't care about the Laoshan Old Demon.

I spent half a month on the spirit ship until some morning half a month later.

A looming city in the distance appeared in sight.

The walls of the city are built with two colors of materials.

One is the magic brick with monstrous magic energy, and the other is the golden tile with Buddha's light.

Magic brick golden tiles.

At the gate of the city wall, there are two statues.

One is a Zen master with a radiant Buddha, and the other is a demon king with soaring demonic energy.

The two statues face each other far away, both magnificent.

Walking into the city, this city is not particularly large, and it is incomparable with Beiluo City.

But the prosperity here is not bad at all.

"The Great Sage of Brahma and Demon is a double cultivation. Legend has it that he once went to the ancient altar monastery, respected the current Buddha, and practiced the Hinayana Buddhism.

Later, he obtained the inheritance of the demon clan, the double cultivation of the Buddha and the devil, which can be described as a true Mahayana of the Brahma and the Devil," Miss Jing explained from the side.

After the three of them walked into the city, they saw that Buddhism and Demonism were prosperous.

However, the so-called two religions are just being imitated by some furry people, rather than real Buddhas and demons.

"Where is the teleportation array to the end of the sky?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It stands to reason that if you want to enter the small world at the ends of the earth, you must be a disciple of the Western Regions Fanzong.

Either you must meet their requirements," the mirror girl said.

"Because here is the rule of the Western Region Fanzong, so you should also understand that the rules are made by them."


The Great Temple!

This is the largest hall in the Brahma Demon City, and it was also built by people to commemorate him after his disappearance.

Today's Great Temple is more like the office of the Western Regions Fanzong.

Because the entrance to the small world of Tianya Haijiao is here.

The whole hall is decorated with black gilt gold. It is small in size and divided into several areas.

The core point is the position of the formation.

On the left are some tasks issued by Fanzong of the Western Regions. Completing these tasks will earn points.

The points are the key to entering the ends of the world.

As for the right side, it is a place where medicines and weapons are sold, which is like a store.

"You can get 30 points for hunting down Jiangbei thief, and 10 points for killing."

"Finding an Ambergris, you get twenty points."

"You need an ancient keel to get fifty points."

Xu Zimo stood in front of the task on the left and took a look, and found that there are all kinds of tasks here.

Girl Mirror came up from the side and said, "I just inquired about it. It takes one hundred points to enter the end of the world and can stay for three days."

"You two will also go in with me?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Since I'm here, I should have seen it a bit," Fairy Zhaiyue smiled.

At this moment, there seemed to be a quarrel near the hall.

"Old ghost Zen, it's immoral for you to do this.

That Jiang Tu is the disciple of our demon sect who participated in the competition, so what kind of ability is you to lure away halfway through. "

I saw an old man wearing a black robe and long exploding hair coming in from outside and shouting dissatisfied.

In the room on the right, walked out an old man wearing a cassock.

He was holding a cup of tea in his hand, and there was a Zen stick behind him. As he walked, the iron ropes of the Zen stick collided and made a "bang, bang" sound.

The old ghost of Zen took a sip of tea lightly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com just smiled unhurriedly and said: "Everyone is soliciting by their ability, so why rob people?"

"Tomorrow's Ten Thousand Fa Pills will begin. You are grabbing people at this festival, so how can I find time to find someone?" The black robe old man said angrily.

"Everyone is right, but if you play such a small trick, I will truthfully report it to the lord."

"Then you go to the Sect Master, what are you doing here?" Old ghost Zen laughed.

"You...," the black robe old man snorted coldly without answering.

Behind him stood a few disciples in black robes, and saw him wave his hand, winking at those disciples.

Several disciples went to the task bar on the left and placed a large task card on it.

"Participate in the Wanfadan Club instead of Demon Sect, and earn points based on the results."

(End of this chapter)

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