I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: At the end of the first half, alchemy techniques

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When a few people came to the central square, it was already crowded.

The people in the entire Brahma Demon City couldn't let the waters out here.

Fortunately, Mozong, as one of the organizers, has a dedicated seat.

When Xu Zimo came, he found that there was already a large crowd of people sitting here.

One part is the elder of Danta.

Some of them are Zen people. What is surprised is that the front seat of Zen is a young man.

Looks like a leader.

There are also some well-known alchemists in Tuo Cangyu, who have been invited over now.

In the square, nearly a hundred alchemists are preparing to make alchemy.

Pill fragrance overflowed, pill fire scorched the sky, pill furnace shook the ground.

"These people all represent the highest level of the young generation of Moral Domain, you can take a look," said the elder Qiansha.

"Very good," Xu Zimo nodded.

These people are skilled in alchemy, and they all use different methods.

"That's the Ziyang alchemy master. The Ziyang alchemy method he created is the most famous in recent years.

Pills below the sixth rank can almost be made with half the effort. "

"There's also that, Black Sha Danzun. The Tian Sha alchemy method he used was created 10,000 years ago by the black Sha old man who condensed thousands of evil spirits.

Use evil spirits to remove all the dirt in the pill, 100% refine the best pill. "

Elder Qiancha explained to Xu Zimo one by one.

In fact, the meaning is to tell Xu Zimo the importance of alchemy techniques, this competition does not dare to refining like before.

Because Mozong will send three people to participate.

Xu Zimo was just one of them. After a while, the other two also rushed over.

A man and a woman, looks somewhat similar.

After being introduced by the elder Qian Sha, Xu Zimo knew that they were twins.

The male is called Wang Yuan and the female is called Wang Yi.

They were all alchemists trained by the Demon Sect for the Ten Thousand Magic Pill Society over the years.

"The three of you must work together to win this competition for our Demon Sect," said Elder Qiansha.

"The elders don't worry, we will do our best," Wang Yuan promised.

"Don't be careless," Elder Qiansha warned.

In the central square at this time, the alchemy has been resolved, and the alchemy has been solved one after another.

Although everyone's alchemy techniques are different, the great avenues are of the same origin, and the pill is finally refined.

It's just that the grade is different.

All alchemy techniques are for better and more convenient alchemy.


While Elder Qiansha was chatting with a few people, a young man walked slowly from a distance.

Behind this young man was a little girl, who still held a candied haw in her hand.

As if the candied haws did not leave their hands.

The youth's face was as if bathed in spring breeze, giving a gentle feeling.

He was wearing a black shirt, and the black shirt came up tight, his eyes were deep and pitch black.

The black shirt on his chest reflected the shape of a pagoda.

"It's Dan Qingyun," Elder Qiancha whispered.

"That's the so-called, the most prestigious disciple of the younger generation of Danta?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Yes," Elder Qiancha nodded.

I saw this Dan Qingyun coming over, and first greeted several elders in Danta.

Then he walked straight towards Xu Zimo's direction.

"Friend Xu Dao," Dan Qingyun greeted actively.

"We know?" Xu Zimo replied suspiciously.

"Yesterday's central square, I watched you make alchemy," Dan Qingyun smiled.

"After I went back, I still couldn't understand the mystery of your technique, so I came to ask you for advice.

I don't know what it is? "

"We are opponents now," Xu Zimo reminded.

"It's just a discussion on the pill. Victory is so important," Dan Qingyun smiled.

"It's not important to me, but you ask Elder Qiansha to see if he wants it," Xu Zimo smiled.

The elder Qiansha next to him looked embarrassed, and said lightly: "The game is about to start, please sit back to Zen.

This affects badly. "

"Fine, nothing," Dan Qingyun shook his head and said with a smile: "When I win you, let's discuss it again."

Seeing Dan Qingyun's departure, Elder Qiancha snorted coldly.

The first half of the competition has completely ended.

All alchemists put the pill that they refined in front of them.

They were identified one by one by the Dan Sheng elders of Danta.

After about ten minutes, the top three were selected.

The first place is a young man named Mo Yongheng.

He refined the seven-tier pill, which was also the only seven-tier pill on the scene, and naturally took the lead.

The second place is a woman named Yin Lihua, who has refined the six-tier pill and six-path pill pattern.

Like the third place Zhang Heng, they are all six lines.

It's just that her medicine is Gu Yundan, which is more complicated than Zhang Heng's Wuyundan, so she won the second place.


"Is there only six of us in the second half of the competition?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Others can also participate, but their results are not included," the elder Qiansha replied.

"This is the internal competition between the two sects of Magic Zen."

The so-called Elder Pill Saint said a lot of words on it.

Then rewards were awarded to the first few.

Then he came to the two Zen Demon Sects.

The Sovereign of the Western Regions' Sanskrit Sect, the Sanskrit priest just appeared.

He was dressed in a gold-black robe and his complexion was steady, and he strode up like a meteor.

Another talk.

However, everyone who knows the Western Regions Fanzong knows that the strongest sect is the two divisions of Zen and Demon.

As for the suzerain, his authority is not that high.

Many things will not even be heard by others.


"Qiansha, it seems that you have no chance this year," Old Ghost Chan laughed.

"Let's see," Elder Qiancha coldly snorted.

"Danta's people are not invincible, there are many capable people in the world."

"Qiansha, you are deceiving yourself," Old ghost Chan smiled.

With a wave of his hand, the three disciples behind him walked towards the center of the central square.

Jiang Tu, Zhuo Yiyang, and Dan Qingyun.

The people around are also talking about it.

"Zen's lineup is a bit strong this year."

"Yeah, let alone Dan Qingyun, Jiang Tu was originally cultivated by the Demon Sect.

As a result, he turned to the enemy, and there was a lot of pressure on the Demon Sect. "

"Nowadays Dan Qingyun does not know how far he has grown. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

I remember thirteen years ago, he challenged the 36th floor of Dan Pagoda without encountering an opponent.

Later, he drifted away from the mountains and rivers and challenged the great alchemy families, without fail.

Now that 13 years have passed, outsiders rarely see him publicly making alchemy. This is also the first time. "

Everyone had different opinions, and most of them were praising Na Dan Qingyun.

As for the others, almost all became his background board.

Some people even placed a bet on the side.

Dan Qingyun's odds are as high as one to thirty, but few people buy it.

When the three of Xu Zimo came out from the Demon Sect's side, the scene was much quieter.

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