I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Bianfutang, enter the small world

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"It's better today," Xu Zi said lightly.

"Then this afternoon," Elder Qiansha said readily.

After winning the game, he and Mozong could have an explanation, and naturally he was willing to agree to anything.

Xu Zimo nodded, preparing to leave the central square, but was stopped by Elder Dan Sheng.

"Friend Taoist Xu, are you interested in coming to my Danta to be a guest officer?" Elder Dan Sheng smiled.

"Not interested," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"The position of Ke Qing will always be reserved for you," Elder Dan Sheng smiled.

Xu Zimo waved his hand. He left the central square with Fairy Jie Yue and Miss Jing.

"Where are you going now?" the mirror girl asked.

"Didn't you say that there is a side hall here," Xu Zimo said.

"Then go inside and see if there is any news about the Xuanyuan family."

Girl Mirror nodded.

The three of them were walking on the main street of Van Demon City and saw a deep mansion on one side of the bustling street.

The mansion is made of simple blue bricks and green tiles, but it looks very grand.

There are two guards at the door.

The clothes they wear are similar to those of the county government.

The sleeve is three feet long, the right side of the neckline, the whole body is dark cyan, and he wears a long knife in the shape of a meniscus.

He wore a Zhengkan official hat on the top of his head.

On the plaque above the head, the three characters "Bianfutang" are shining brightly, exuding a majestic light.

After the three of them walked in, these guards did not stop them.

The size of this mansion is so large that there is no end in sight.

Various ancient buildings rose from the ground.

Two words, "Huge!"

Guards wearing the same style of clothes can be seen everywhere, and most of them are holding rolls of bamboo books in their arms.

Some people even staggered when they walked because of the hug too much.

Under the feet is the floor of orthodox white jade.

"This is the largest intelligence location in the Van Devil City. They don't collect intelligence from other places, but only provide news about the small world at the ends of the world," Miss Jing said.

"It's as large as what happened every day, and as small as what you ate today, it is very clear."

"It's so amazing," Xu Zimo smiled.

"You can go and ask, maybe there is really news from the Xuanyuan family," Jing Yunjing replied.

The three of them walked for a while, asked a few guards passing by, and finally came to a hall.

I saw a middle-aged man with a mustache and blue robe receiving the three.

"The three are here to ask for news?" the middle-aged man asked.

Xu Zimo nodded.

He looked around the whole hall, the layout inside was very simple.

Several bookcases, several wooden tables.

A pot of incense was placed on the table next to it, causing the whole hall to be scented.

"Do you have any side orders?" the middle-aged man asked.

"What's the use?" Xu Zimo shook his head and replied.

"A few of them should be newcomers," the middle-aged man laughed.

"If you are only asking for general information, then naturally you don't need side orders.

If it's something secret, it won't work. "

"Is it secret about Xuanyuan family?" Xu Zimo asked.

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, the middle-aged man was taken aback.

Then he quickly laughed and said: "You can come in with me first."

With a wave of his hand, he saw a small door split into the originally calm wall in the hall.

This little door is deep and I don't know where it leads.

Everyone followed the middle-aged person into the small door.

The area inside becomes wider again.

Divided into small rooms, everyone walked into one of the small rooms.

"Do you want to inquire about the Xuanyuan family?" the middle-aged man sat down beside him and asked.

"To be precise, it should be the position of the Xuanyuan family," Xu Zimo replied.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man smiled.

"Come for Xuanyuanjian?"

"You Bianfutang inquires about the news, do you want to inquire about the origin of the guests?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"It's not necessary, it's just related to the Xuanyuan family, it must be needed," the middle-aged man waved his hand and replied.

"We are all ordinary casual cultivators, there is nothing to ask," Xu Zimo said.

"Even if I tell you, you may not know."

"Who told you that the Xuanyuan family was in the small world at the End of the World?" the middle-aged man continued to ask.

"Don't you think your words are a little too much," Xu Zimo replied.

"Then excuse me for no comment," the middle-aged man shook his head.

"You didn't intend to tell us originally, did you," Xu Zimo stood up and asked back.

"Go back," the middle-aged man said lightly.

"That's not where you should be."

"It seems you know something," Xu Zimo said.

"There used to be many people like you who came for Xuanyuanjian, and they didn't listen to advice either.

Later they became corpses, but now they should be bones. "

"Enough," Xu Zimo smiled.

"What is enough?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Your answer, knowing that the Xuanyuan family is in the small world, that's enough," Xu Zimo said.

The middle-aged man waved his hand and did not answer Xu Zimo's question again.

He got up and packed the items on the table next to him.

It wasn't until Xu Zimo and the others left that he stopped his movements and walked toward the depths of the room anxiously.


"What do you think?" the mirror girl asked.

"They should inform the Xuanyuan family that we are stunned," Xu Zimo smiled.

"But it's okay, I didn't intend to sneak in anyway."

"You mean they are connected with Xuanyuan family?" Girl Jing asked in surprise.

"Trust my intuition," Xu Zimo smiled.

Walking out of Bian Futang, he looked in the direction of the small world and said with a smile: "It seems that this trip has been a lot of twists and turns."

"Should we go in with you?" the mirror girl asked.

"No," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

"What I can't deal with is useless to you."

After speaking, Xu Zimo smiled again, looked at Girl Mirror inexplicably, and replied: "I hope you will still be there when I come out."

"I'm definitely waiting for you," Girl Mirror smiled.

"Best," Xu Zimo nodded.

The three of them came to the Great Temple while talking, and Elder Qiancha had already been waiting inside.

Instead of going into the room on the right this time, they went straight to the aisle on the left. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

There is a big formation there.

In the formation, black magic energy and Buddha energy were surrounding, turning into two clouds of smoke, entwining the formation and continuously rotating.

Within the range of the formation, countless dense runes were carved on the ground.

When everyone approached, these runes exuded a powerful force.

Each rune turned into energy, floating in the void.

There are forty-nine people in the open formation.

They stand on both sides of the formation, each controlling its own rune.

"Open," just heard someone shout, and the sky vibrated instantly, and the sky fell apart.

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