I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: 10 Lipo Sword God

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Behind him, there appeared a statue of Kyara Buddha.

Galo was angry, and sentient beings were in various forms.

This stalwart Jialuo stood upright, and stepped on Xu Zimo.

With a "boom", his feet fell to the ground, and before he could stop, the light of a knife scattered all over the world.

Like a sword beam blooming in the center, the Tyrant Shadow pierced Jia Luo's big feet and swaggered up.

Xu Zimo's figure stepped into the air, behind him was the mighty river of spiritual energy rushing.

The blade smashed everything and fell heavily on Jia Luo's shoulder.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge body of Jia Luo completely shattered and fell to the ground torn apart.

The dust was flying, and in the dust, the figure of the Purgatory King swiftly fled to the distance.

However, he didn't escape a few steps before being swallowed by the chaos that fell from the sky.

"Why bother?" Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

He just came to borrow a way, but these people had to stop him.

This is Zhennan Pass. He took out the map he bought before and took a look.

The next stop should be Shilipo.

"Shilipo Sword God," Xu Zimo whispered softly.

This is a legendary story.

He walked towards Zhennan Pass step by step.

Behind him is the autumn breeze again, and the ancient buildings lonely in the wind.

The endless levels disappeared from sight.

He walked out of the ancient building, and the plain was again at the end of his sight.

The endless plains have no end in sight.

The moment I set foot on the plain, in the northwest, there seemed to be a sword intent rising into the sky.

It turned into a torrent, tearing the clouds on the sky.

No one has been seen, the sword intent of the sky has arrived.

Xu Zimo took a few steps, and someone in front of him had stopped his way.

It was an old man holding a royal paper and wearing **** clothes.

He squinted his back, his voice was high-pitched.

Seeing Xu Zimo, he said, "My Wanhua Empress does not want to see you, so please invite this fellow Taoist back."

"Wan Hua Empress?" Xu Zimo replied.

"You are talking about Fairy Wanhua."

"Bold, how can you call the name of the empress," the old **** scolded.

"What? She didn't dare to come out to see me and send a dead monster to disgust me?" Xu Zimo asked back.

"You...you," the old **** pointed at Xu Zimo, without saying a word for a long time.

"You are presumptuous."

"You ask Fairy Wanhua, do you remember Emperor Qi Tian," Xu Zimo said.

"Our family is too lazy to tell you," the old **** snorted coldly.

I saw him slowly spread the emperor paper.

Screamed: "Thank you Sword God to come out and see."

As soon as the voice fell, the sword intent galloped towards the sky.

That sword intent tears everything apart, Xu Zimo has never seen such a strong sword intent.

In the blink of an eye, the man of the sword was already standing above his head.

The broad sword was suspended in the void, and the man in the white robe with the silver cloak looked at them quietly.

There is no trace of emotion in his eyes.

Oblique bangs, half of the bangs almost cover one eye.

The face is firm, like a knife, with sword eyebrows and stars.

A white robe drifted with the wind, the silver cloak was mixed in the white robe, and the sword intent continued to gush out.

"The mother is dead, let you kill all those who trespass here," the old **** said coldly.

The Sword God glanced at Xu Zimo, but remained indifferent.

"Why don't you do it yet?" The old **** waited and shouted: "Do you want to disobey the will of the empress."

The Sword God glanced at him, just a glance.

The vast land seemed to be cut in half by a sword breaking dawn.

Countless sword marks densely enveloped the old eunuch.

At that moment, no one could see clearly that he had already cut countless swords.

Then these swords fell on the old eunuch, I am afraid he has died countless times.

This is a warning signal.

The sword **** said faintly: "My sword doesn't like others talking loudly, please pay attention."

He jumped down from the sword, and the sword seemed to have aura, lovingly surrounding him.

The old **** swallowed fiercely, and his tone was milder.

"These are all orders from the empress, I'm just sending a message."

"I see," Sword God waved his hand, indicating that the old **** could leave.

The old **** looked embarrassed, and finally gave a cold snort, and walked away.


"Xie Changliu," The Sword God turned his head to look at Xu Zimo, and calmly said his name.

"A battle."

"I look at your sword intent, and I don't look like the generation under the fence, how can I listen to Fairy Wanhua," Xu Zimo asked.

For those who have taken their own way far, their personality and kendo are already closely related.

It can be said that they are irrelevant.

You can also judge a person from this.

This Xie Changliu's sword intent, forever, will never be subdued.

"Everyone has their own difficulties, I won't tell you, don't ask," Sword God Xie Changliu replied.

"Pull your knife."

The wide sword in his hand was closed. There was originally a sword tens of centimeters wide. The wings of the sword were overlapped, and the blade was convex.

The broad sword instantly turned into a thin sword.

Xie Changliu held a sword, and the tip of the sword pointed at Xu Zimo.

Countless sword intent condenses on one point.

Xu Zimo slowly raised the Ba Ying, at this moment, the sword hit invisibly.

Neither of them did anything, but there was a golden and iron horse, sonorous power bursting out in the middle.

The sword energy and sword energy shattered the surrounding void like tofu into pieces.

In the entire world, only the boundless swords collided.

Behind Xu Zimo, countless sword qi condenses into a knife-shaped scimitar.

The same goes for Xie Changliu's Jian Qi.

Countless swords shattered, and the middle position between the two completely exploded.

"Boom boom boom!"

The aftermath of the explosion annihilated everything, but the two remained motionless.

Xie Changliu slowly raised his sword.

Then his figure moved.

If there are outsiders present, there is definitely nothing to be seen, only a glimmer of sword light remains in the world.

Bai Ju's sword light across the gap.

The next moment, the white robe flew, and the long sword burst in front of Xu Zimo's eyes.

Xu Zimo's eyes condensed slightly, and his scimitar moved.

Swordsmanship is very fast, almost to the extreme.

It seems that tens of thousands of swords can be produced in one second, and even thousands of swords can be counted.

But no matter how fast the sword is, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's movements in Xu Zimo's hands are not fast.

His Ba Ying defended normally, but he could always defend the sword perfectly every time.

Both have their own rhythm.

The final thing to see is who brings who into each other's rhythm first.

Dao Ying and Jian Ying shuttled in the void.

The two fought like this for more than ten minutes, and Xu Zimo didn't directly suppress it with powerful force.

It is to deal with it with a simple knife technique.

He has seen in his life that this man's swordsmanship is definitely number one.

If you put aside the realm and strength, and only by the sword, the two are even on the same level.

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