I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: The destiny of Plant 1 family, Wanhua Fairy

Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

He didn't know what Fairy Wanhua was doing.

The old woman was full of folds, and continued to smile: "Guests, please follow me."

The people around were all scattered, and the old woman trembled, walking forward step by step.

As if every step he took, the old body felt like it would fall down at any time.

Xu Zimo followed her and looked at the nearby buildings along the way.

Along the way, the valley of flowers has always been a city of flowers.

The walls of these valleys became the walls of the city.

All I met along the way were flower demon.

Some have turned into human forms, and some still retain the characteristics of a demon.

They sang and danced happily, a scene of prosperity.

The old woman took Xu Zimo to a place of flower buds.

Here are the flower buds all over the mountains, their buds are like purple, and the center stamens are like whips, spreading out from the buds.

A few unbloomed petals surround it.

When the sun was shining down, there were light and shadow figures dancing above.

"This is a light-year snow lotus, but outsiders prefer to call it Do not forget Ailian," the old woman introduced.

"This lotus has no other effect, the only effect is that it will not wither for a long time.

Therefore, many people often use it to describe unswerving love.

It is also a flower often given between men and women.

It is a pity that this light-year lotus is very dependent on the living environment and cannot be planted and can only reproduce by itself.

Now that humans are plucking it wildly, this flower is close to extinction.

Except for Hundred Flowers Valley, it is difficult for you to meet such words again. "

After the old woman finished speaking, the figure continued to walk forward.

Xu Zimo glanced at the light-year snow lotus, and followed closely behind.

The figure of the old woman stopped again.

This time, in front of her were the velvet flowers all over the mountains.

And it's not ordinary velvet, but yin and yang.

The best in velvet.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the alchemy master Wu Xuzi of Pill Tower created a kind of pill.

You can refine the bleeding magic pill, this pill can reverse the blood, forcibly change life against the sky.

Let a person's strength increase a hundredfold, although after use it will become a waste.

However, the effect of a hundredfold increase still makes many people excited.

In the mortal domain, everyone wants to get a pill of this kind, so it can be used as a backup.

The reproduction of the yin and yang strange velvet is the same as that of the light-year snow lotus.

In today's mortal domain, this kind of yin and yang velvet is also about to become extinct. "

This old woman took Xu Zimo and walked almost all over the valley of flowers.

After most of the valley of flowers has passed, she will briefly introduce Xu Zimo every time she stops.

What kind of mysterious medicine, what kind of effect, and today's magnificence.

After surrounding most of the valley of flowers, Xu Zimo also saw many flower monsters.

There are dry ink lotus, lingxiao, asters, colored glaze chickweed, evening primrose, southern candle.............

These names seem to be somewhat different from the flowers and plants in our common sense.

But these are really true flower monsters.

They are no different from human beings, they are all flesh and soul existence.

When the circle came down, the two figures stopped in front of a very wide palace entrance.

The old woman looked at Xu Zimo and said with a smile: "What did you see?"

"The suffering of the plant family," Xu Zimo replied.

In fact, everything in this world can be distinguished by animals and plants.

It's just that humans, monsters, monsters, beasts, and even other races, immortals, and gods are all consciously noble.

Unwilling to conspire with animals, there is a saying that there are more than three thousand races in the world.

But compared to animals, the plant family is inherently disadvantaged.

Because flowers, plants and trees, unless the feet have deep roots, like the legendary sacred tree and fairy grass.

Born with consciousness, can move around freely, vomiting the essence of heaven and earth.

Most of the flowers and trees, they want to practice is very difficult.

Because their souls are extremely fragile, they are not unable to leave the earth or even move.

Only by practicing step by step in the long years can there be a trace of vitality that can change the fate.

In these long years, the dangers they will encounter are stronger than imagined.

Just like those light-year-old snow lotus and yin and yang strange velvet.

The end is self-evident.

"Plants are also a kind of sentient beings, why are we born like this," the old woman said.

"In fact, Empress Wanhua is a kind of person with you.

You want to break the destiny of the demons, and Empress Wanhua also wants to change the destiny of plants. "

"What do you want to say?" Xu Zimo asked.


"You need to talk to your mother about this," the old woman pointed at the palace in front of her.

"I just want to change your opinion, you don't have to be enemies."

"You may have mistaken my purpose," Xu Zimo replied calmly.

"I came to Baihua Valley for the Xuanyuan family.

As for Fairy Wanhua, if she doesn't stop her, I won't bother her either. "

Because of Emperor Qi Tian's affairs, Xu Zimo has always been wary of Fairy Wanhua.

But when it comes to hostility, it's not too much.

After all, the relationship between him and Emperor Qi Tian was just a deal, and I couldn't believe it completely.

As you learn more about the world, you will find that there will be fewer and fewer people around you who are worthy of trust.


"You want to see the Xuanyuan family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and waiting to go to the palace, everything will naturally have an answer," the old woman explained.

Xu Zimo took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

Stepped out and walked into the palace.

The shape of this palace is also very special, it is like a blooming flower.

The petals fall vertically, at an angle of fifty degrees to the ground, and are colorfully filled all around.

And it also has a fragrant fragrance.

The flower pole is like Optimus Prime supporting the sky, holding up the entire palace.

The white energetic air fell with the petals and spread down the paved steps.

Xu Zimo walked up the steps and came to the gate of the palace step by step.

Many flower monsters on both sides bent towards him to show Xu Zimo's arrival.

Walking into the palace, the scene is even more shocking.

Thousands of flowers in full bloom, colorful, beautiful, is a dazzling array of flower monsters.

Each of them is graceful.

Some are like waterfalls, falling down the walls of the palace, crystal clear.

Some resemble rockery pavilions, lofts and Yuyu, supporting a world.

There are also some flowers that look like a beautiful ice sculpture when closed.

After blooming, the green leaves covered the ground and suddenly turned into a boundless ocean, flowing quietly along the palace.

In such a scene of great mountains and rivers, there is a pavilion.

One is wearing a red robe.

The robe was more than ten meters long on the ground, and the red robe woman was sitting in the pavilion.

The pavilion is located on the mountains, and the mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist, and only an outline can be seen faintly.

"The devil, please come forward," said a cold voice.

Then I saw the distance from Xu Zimo to the pavilion.

Like I am really a villain, please collect: () I am really a villain, the update speed is the fastest.

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