I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Dragon Girl of the North Sea, Weiyang Palace 3

Latest website: This chaos has been flying for several days.

After passing through Chang'an, Xie Changliu's heart seemed to be opened. With a place to vent, his kendo cultivation was getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's not an exaggeration to spend a thousand miles in a day.

It seems that his savings for thousands of years in the Tianya Haijiao Small World are now blooming.

Attain the realm of kendo.

"What is the sword canon that Wuming Erjian pursues?" Xu Zimo asked.

"With the cultivation base of Wuming Erjian and pursuing the sword canon, I guess the person behind the scenes should be Emperor Zhou," Xie Changliu replied.

"The so-called swordsmanship is nothing more than a fragmented volume. In fact, it is not strong in itself, but it is getting stronger and stronger by rumors.

My master does not want to hand it over because he knows that only the sword canon can survive. "

The two of them were talking, the chaotic figure stopped on a ruin.

And the devilish energy in Xu Zimo's hand also fell, showing that the old man Zhuoqiu was here.

"Here," the two jumped from Chaos' backs, their figures fell to the ground and looked forward.

An ancient ruin.

I don't know how long ago the ruins are, and all the buildings have basically collapsed.

The only thing I can see is some ruined walls.

Moreover, these ruined walls have been damaged for a long time, and countless traces have been wiped out in the passage of time.

"What is Elder Zhuoqiu doing here?" Xu Zimo thought to himself.

The two of them walked in the ruins, with uneven dirt mixed with gravel under their feet.

After walking for five or six minutes, I finally saw the old man Zhuoqiu.

He was sitting under a big tree.

This big tree is quite huge, and its branches are like a giant umbrella, covering dozens of meters around.

The branches and leaves are so dense that they can't shine through the sun.

It’s just strange that the tree has been dead for a long time.

When a tree is dead, it should wither. This is a common understanding of everything.

But this tree is obviously lifeless, but its leaves are greener than any other tree.

Elder Zhuoqiu held three incense sticks in his hand, and there was a square censer in front of the tree.

He inserted it in the incense burner and placed many sacrifices in front of it.

It seems to be worshipping this tree, kneeling and kowtow towards this tree.

"Old Zhuo, we meet again," Xu Zimo stepped forward and smiled.

Elder Zhuoqiu glanced at him, but said nothing.

Just stood up and silently looked at the tree in front of him.

Xu Zimo can't figure out what the other person thinks, but it is obvious that it is not suitable to disturb others at this time.

The three of them stood here peacefully for ten minutes.

Gradually, Xu Zimo discovered that the tree in front of him had undergone some changes.

The original green leaves actually bloomed.

The black petals bloomed quickly from the tree, and then they fell down.

With the breeze blowing from time to time, countless black petals swirled in the void.

These petals are densely packed, covering up the void above the head.

Elder Zhuoqiu slowly turned around, looked at Xu Zimo, smiled and said, "Look, it is welcoming you."

"It?" Xu Zimo asked: "Is this tree?

Why did I not feel its breath of life. "

"When you left before, I asked you when you would come back.

Tell me, when these nine dead trees bloom, it is when you return.

But I waited century after century.

I'm tired of waiting, and I'm not hopeful, and I accept my own destiny," the old man Zhuoqiu said to Xu Zimo as if talking to himself.

"Then you came back suddenly without warning.

I don't know how to face you again. "

"You are talking about the demon lord of the previous generation, I am not sure about him," Xu Zimo replied.

"You are Xu Zimo, but you are also the demon master," said the old man Zhuoqiu.

"Perhaps Xu Zimo will die, but the devil will never die."

"I don't like this. First of all, you have to understand that the three words Xu Zimo must be above any.

Including the demon master," Xu Zimo replied.

"I know that you have a sense of independence, but what I said is also true.

You will understand slowly," the old man Zhuoqiu replied.

"What's the matter with Gongyang Ce?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It's nothing more than someone whose fate has been arranged since birth, or someone who was born specifically for you," the old man Zhuoqiu replied.

"I can't say too much."

"I'm here to ask you a few things.

I hope you can help me out," Xu Zimo said.

"Do my best, within the rules," the old man Zhuoqiu nodded.

"The first thing, I want to integrate Xuanyuan Sword, I need someone who is very strong in refining," Xu Zimo said.

"In the North Sea that expands the blue realm, where the dragon girl lives, in terms of the mortal realm, there are no exceptions to the world's craftsmanship," said Zhuoqiu.

"Thanks," Xu Zimo nodded and said again: "The second thing, I want to go to the exile of the ancient magic cave, is there any way?"

Hearing this, old man Zhuoqiu's eyes flashed quietly, and then quickly returned to normal.

He was silent for a long time, and said again: "I don't know about this, and it's impossible to know.

But there is one person, he must know. "

"Who?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I dare not say his name. No one dares to call him except a few people in the world," said the old man Zhuoqiu.

"But you have seen him."

"I saw him?" Xu Zimo asked suspiciously.

"Remember the Weiyang Palace in Beiluo City?" the old man Zhuoqiu asked.

After being reminded, Xu Zimo suddenly remembered.

There was a strange old man there who seemed to have said some ballads, but the two didn't talk a lot.

"He said his name was three," Xu Zimo recalled.

Old man Zhuoqiu nodded slightly, "He must know how to get through the exile."

"What can't be called this name," Xu Zimo said, shaking his head.

"You can call, but other people can't," Old Zhuoqiu shook his head slightly.

"I saw him in Weiyang Palace before, do you know where he is?" Xu Zimo asked.

"He has been in Weiyang Palace, you can go there, but I'm not sure if he will tell you the way," the old man Zhuoqiu replied. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Do you know who he is?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Guessed some, but not sure, I can't tell you, this is the rule," said the old man Zhuoqiu.

"There are rules between heaven and earth and everything, which is set by the way of heaven. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished by the way of heaven."

Xu Zimo thought a little.

He looked around and asked, "Where is this?"

"The previous battle platform of the heavens has long been unremembered by the world," the old man Zhuoqiu slowly stroked the bark of the big tree in front of him.

He whispered: "This nine dead wood is resurrecting, and I seem to feel its vitality."

Xu Zimo also felt it carefully.

The big tree that originally had no life fluctuations actually had a weak breath of life at this moment.

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