I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Legend, the world behind the gate

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The giant claws came across the sea, setting off countless black water, and falling heavily on the deep sea black iceberg.

"Ancestor," the people beside them hurriedly shouted.

"The iceberg cannot be destroyed!"

With a "boom", I saw the top of the iceberg, the tip of the ice broke and fell from the top.

With another wave of the giant claw, the tip of the ice flew towards Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo moved forward with one hand and directly grasped the oncoming ice tip.

Suddenly, the moment he touched the ice tip, he was directly sealed by ice.

Frozen into a statue.

The sound of "click, click" came, and the ice sculpture spread out a series of cracks, and then broke apart.

"What a fierce ice," Xu Zimo muttered to himself, then quickly put the ice tip away.


"Remember what you said, you won't be able to step into this place for the rest of your life," said the behemoth in the dark.

Seeing Xu Zimo's leaving figure, the originally silent seabed suddenly became noisy.

"Ancestor, why give him the deep sea black ice? This is the foundation of our practice."

"Yes, such a big piece of black ice is enough for us to practice for tens of thousands of years."

The ancestor in their mouth is the oldest ancestor of their clan, and it is said that they have lived since ancient times.

Can be described as a real old monster.

Only this time, what the ancestors did made them very puzzled.

The behemoth in the dark was silent a little.

Slowly said: "It was when I was very young, I once heard a story told by my ancestor."

"That was long before ancient times.

This world has experienced darkness once. All sentient beings have been enslaved, and those who have survived that dark age are silent, unwilling to mention that gloomy past. "

"When darkness falls, although it will eventually be wiped out.

But there are rumors that the darkness has not completely receded and will come again one day. "

"But what does this have to do with him?" asked a deep-sea monster inexplicably.

"You didn't feel it, but when you were preparing for the battle just now, except for the young man, I felt two extremely powerful sacred powers around me," the behemoth replied.

"That level of devilish energy seems to remind me of the scene that my ancestor once described."

"Old Ancestor, you said he used to be..."

The voice was just halfway through when it was interrupted by the ancestor.

"I hope it's not, but I'd rather believe it, not offend the demon.

A piece of black ice is nothing. "

"It's still the wise ancestor," many deep sea monsters replied gratefully.


"That giant beast is interesting," said Bymen with a smile in the mainland of China.

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

He originally thought it was another big battle, but now it seems that the other party does not want to be an enemy at all.

"This is best, it saves a lot of time."

He threw the deep sea black ice to the dragon girl and asked, "Is this enough?"

"Those big guys don't look good," Dragon Girl snorted coldly.

"I have high hopes in vain."

"I haven't asked you one more thing?" Xu Zimo said.

"What?" Dragon Girl replied.

"What is behind that door?" Xu Zimo said.

When he attacked the door before, the dragon girl just appeared.

Otherwise, he estimated that the Dragon Girl would not appear.

The dragon girl's face changed slightly, and she directly replied, "I advise you not to open it, there is a big murderer behind it.

The consequences are not something you can bear. "

"Is it fierce?" Xu Zimo asked back.

"Transforming the magic pool?"

"That girl Meng Yu told you?" Dragon Girl said coldly.

"What?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I knew that girl was not at ease," the dragon girl replied faintly.

"I heard that her disciple you accepted, you seem very dissatisfied?" Xu Zimo asked.

"No need to mention this matter," the Dragon Girl said directly.

"If you find a flame that can melt, I will naturally help you refine it."

Xu Zimo nodded slightly, and the soul returned to Beihai.

Dragon Girl didn't want to say more, he didn't make any sense to ask any more, so he could only verify by himself.

He walked to the door step by step.

The gate divided by black and white looks very old, and I don't know how long it has stood in the deep sea.

Ba Ying appeared in his hand.

Xu Zimo waved his hand, and a sharp sword aura cut out again.

Hearing a muffled "bang" sound, the sword gas annihilated on the door, but the door remained motionless.

"Lord, let me try," the voice of worship rang.

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

In the Shenzhou Continent, two big hands with devilish energy stretched out.

The billowing devilish air filled out, this big hand tore the void and landed on the gate.

The devilish energy rose into the sky, and only heard a violent shout of worship.


For a time, the wind and thunder were agitated, and the devilish gas stirred the entire sea area.

The door was slowly opened amidst the dull sound.

After the two doors split into a gap where people can enter, Bymon stopped.

"Master, be careful, there is something wrong here."

Xu Zimo nodded slightly, and stepped into the door.

As soon as I entered, there was a fiery burning oncoming.

The temperature of the flame almost incinerated him.

Xu Zimo looked up at this space surrounded by red flames.

It is hard to believe that there is a world of flames hidden under the North Sea.

The temperature of the flame was so high that even Xu Zimo's realm couldn't bear it.

The bottom of these flames is fiery red, and the flames above are dark yellow.

The whole world is burning with raging flames.

Even the road below your feet is filled with flames.

Ordinary clothes may be burnt to ashes directly here.

Xu Zimo waved his hand and put on his shirt, without fear.

The crimson cloak was floating in the sea of ​​fire.

There are ancient powers lingering in the void, and those who come in cannot step into the air, but can only walk on the ground step by step.

Xu Zimo took out the broken horn in his hand.

As soon as he entered here, the horns reacted greatly, and the demonic energy on it was even a bit tyrannical.

Strands of demon energy floated in the void, as if it merged with the demon energy pervading the world.

A long black line was formed in front of Xu Zimo.

"Is this guiding me?" Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

Following the direction of the black line, his figure rushed to www.ltnovel.com~ for five or six minutes, he came to the end of this space.

This space is not big, but the flames inside have to be even hotter.

Xu Zimo looked up, and saw a very large statue of **** standing not far away.

The statue looked like a real person, wearing a pair of black trousers, with the upper body naked.

As if his upper body was about to split, strips of red molten tangled crisscrossed.

On the top of his head, the hair is in the shape of flames.

It has two crimson horns.

His face was thin, red marks spread from the center of his eyebrows.

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