I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Qinglong Town, 1 of the top 10 divine bodies

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Tiansheng College is located on Tiansheng Mountain.

It is independent of the two domains and has a long history and a strong background.

The college is also well-known in the entire mortal domain.

However, few people take the initiative to go to this academy, because everyone knows that Cangwu Abyss is sealed here.

The degree of danger in the academy is not inferior to Longtan Tiger Lair.

When Chaos has been flying non-stop for half a month.

The two finally left Beihai and saw the silhouette of Tiansheng Mountain standing on the skyline.

It is looming, everywhere.

In this vast land, within a radius of hundreds of miles, there are no other creatures except Tiansheng Mountain.

"Here," Xie Changliu said.

"This academy is also desolate enough," Xu Zimo smiled.

"As expected, but you don't think Tiansheng Academy is not very good, but its backstage is hard enough, almost no one dares to mess with it," Xie Changliu explained.

"What background?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"You should have heard of Ghost God Realm, one of the nine realms," Xie Changliu asked.

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

"There are nine great mountain ghosts in the Ghost God Realm, and among them, the mountain ghost chiefs were once the biggest evil people in the Ghost God Realm.

The child cried when he heard it, and even the fierce villain heard his name, but he shivered and dared not offend.

And this Kui, three million years ago, suddenly changed his evil and returned to the right. In order to make up for his previous mistakes, he founded the Nine Ghosts Academy.

And this day Sheng Academy is the only branch of Nine Ghosts Academy. "

"Is the mountain ghost very strong?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It is said that the ghosts of the Nine Great Mountains are second only to the Doomsday of the Thousand Plagues, but I have never been to the Ghost God Realm and I am not very clear.

The two were talking, Chaos had already flown to the front of Tiansheng Mountain.

Slowly landed, and then returned to the mainland of China.

Xu Zimo looked up and saw that the huge Tiansheng Mountain was shrouded in a faint gray mist.

The sacred mountain is so high that there is no end in sight.

The mountain is steep, and the endless mountains spread upward, and the whole mountain is quite a bit of a feeling of being surrounded by clouds and mist.

I saw a stone monument standing beside it.

"The Heavenly Sacred Mountain is about 888,800 meters high and has a total of 1.86 million steps. It is a swan song in the mortal domain."

Seeing this stone tablet, Xu Zimo looked up again, the dense stone steps might not dare to look directly at the dense phobia.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look," Xu Zimo said.

The two of them rushed along the stone steps, sometimes spreading their wings like a big Peng, and sometimes flying in the air, very fast.

Soon he came to the mountainside.

There is a town here, and the lively noise attracted Xu Zimo's attention.

"This is Qinglong Town," Xie Changliu was naturally familiar with it because he had studied at Tiansheng College.

Explained: "We want to go to Tiansheng College, so we have to sign up here.

You don't think it is just a small town, but Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the emperor has no shortage of them. "

"The students you used to be here should be able to go directly in," Xu Zimo asked.

"For those of us who leave the college, we only need to register with the identity token." Xie Changliu nodded.

"But you, you have to sign up to join Tiansheng Academy, otherwise they won't allow strangers in."

The two walked into Qinglong Town, which was actually larger than an ordinary city, but it was still called a town.

Stepping into the plaque in the shape of a green dragon, the place is full of flowers and lively.

"Tianhu flowers, good Tianhu flowers, don't miss them when you pass by."

"The ghost wood, ten percent of the ghost wood, you can check it out if you are interested."

There are many vendors who set up stalls around.

Regardless of whether they are hawkers, Xu Zimo probably took a look. These people are full of aura, obviously they are not simple people.

"Tiansheng Academy is open to Cangwu Abyss, so soul type herbs are abundant here.

Outsiders will take risks to come here to collect, and the market is very good.

The only drawback is that it is dangerous.

Especially when there are frequent riots in the Cangwu Abyss, those who leave are even dead. "

Xu Zimo nodded slightly and asked, "How can I join Tiansheng Academy?"

Before Xie Changliu could answer, a figure suddenly rushed over from the front and hit Xu Zimo's body heavily.

"Ouch," an exclamation followed.

Xu Zimo didn't move, but the figure fell to the ground.

The figure was a woman. Although she was wearing men's clothing, Xu Zimo recognized it at a glance.

His face was dark with lots of charcoal.

The hair is neatly tied in a pigtail.

"I'm sorry," the woman said to Xu Zimo, and then ran away in a panic.

"Hurry up," a shout came from behind.

Then I saw a group of people dressed as slaves running from a distance, holding various weapons.

"That little girl is over there," someone shouted.

This is just an episode, but Xie Changliu's face is solemn.

Asked: "Do you feel it?"

"What?" Xu Zimo asked suspiciously.

I saw Xie Changliu slowly pulling out his saber, and the saber was trembling non-stop, UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

The point of the sword pointed to the direction that the woman fled from.

"My sword has this reaction only under two circumstances," Xie Changliu said.

"The first is to meet someone who is stronger than my kendo."

"What about the second one?" Xu Zimo asked.

"One of the ten great divine bodies, the immortal sword body." Xie Changliu said solemnly.

"Ten divine bodies," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

He had heard of the so-called Ten Divine Bodies a long time ago, but they were all heard, but he hadn't really seen them.

"You mean that woman?" Xu Zimo replied.

"Let's follow up and have a look, can you?" Xie Changliu asked.

"What? Are you interested in this sword body?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"Anyone who repairs swords, who can't be interested," Xie Changliu replied.

"For a swordsman, although hard work is very important.

But it is undeniable that some people are indeed the darlings of heaven.

With an immortal sword body, one can comprehend the immortal sword intent at birth, even without training, the sword heart and sword soul can comprehend it by themselves.

He is an absolutely unique genius. "

"Then go and take a look, it just so happens that I also want to see the ten legendary divine bodies," Xu Zimo said.

The two followed behind the group.

I saw this woman passing through Qinglong Town and running towards the sky below the Holy Mountain.

Perhaps it was because of the rush to run, he staggered and finally fell on the steps.

After rolling for a certain distance, his body slammed heavily against the rock on the side.

The woman tried to stand up and continue to escape, but her right leg seemed to be broken, and she struggled to get up.

"Run, why didn't you run?" The group of people dressed as servants stopped and sneered.

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