I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Obtain 9 ghost grass, true and false dean

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"Six rounds of ghost evil formations," only listened to the leader yelled softly.

The night ghosts next to him all screamed.

For a time the scene was extremely noisy, countless black air poured into the formation, flying sand and rocks all around.

The black mist was lingering, and the entire formation began to move.

"It's a spirit-like formation, be careful," Xie Changliu reminded.

Various noises came from all around.

Voices came from all directions, pouring into Xu Zimo's ears as small and subtle.

The countless mountain ghosts surrounded the formation, waved the weapons in their hands, and kept shouting strangely.

These voices seemed to be amplified ten million times after passing through the formation.

The thick suffocation hit Xu Zimo and the two.

"Kill," Xie Changliu shouted, and the sword intent in his hand burst out again.

Fight with countless evil spirits gathered together.

Xu Zimo looked up at the formation and snorted coldly.

The Aye **** on the right hand condensed, as more and more auras gathered like a swallow.

The **** was several thousand meters in size and exploded directly at the edge of the formation.

At the next moment, he took out the Tianyan Astrolabe in his hand.

After the **** broke out, most of the formation was destroyed, but almost in the blink of an eye, the formation flickered, restoring the entire formation.

To break the formation, we must find the formation eye, this is the most critical.

In this blink of an eye, the Tianyan Star Chart caught the movement and burst into endless starlight.

"Found it," Xu Zimo yelled softly.

The right hand condensed endless sword energy, and then the profound meaning of the thunder attribute of the right hand was wrapped around the sword intent.

Even without a knife in his hand, his knife path can be easily used.

A long knife violent wind and thunder, cut through the silent void, and finally exploded at the eye.

The entire formation exploded, and the night ghosts on the periphery were also annihilated in the aftermath of the explosion.

Only the leader, seeing that the situation was not good, jumped directly from the Abyss of Cangwu.

The figure quickly disappeared.

"Help me," another faint voice sounded from a bottomless depth.

"Chasing," Xu Zimo said coldly.

The silhouettes of the two retreated quickly, the black fog in their ears and the cold wind.

After chasing for about ten minutes, Xu Zimo saw a valley.

Unlike the high platform that was straddled before, this time it was a valley deep into it.

The area is not too big, but various herbs grow.

Looking up again, the entrance of Cangwu Abyss was covered by black mist when the two came.

It seemed that something was looking down on everything in the dark.

The sense of danger is stronger than when it came.

"Go to the valley first to see if there is any Nine Nether God Grass," Xu Zimo said.

At this time he didn't care about other things either, it must be that the profound medicine was important.

The two figures fell on the valley, and as far as the eye could see, many corpses could be seen.

It should be the people who came here to pick mysterious medicine before.

"Dimming Flower, Black Snake Fruit, Ice Lotus...," Xie Changliu glanced over each mysterious medicine.

Finally, his gaze stopped on a small black grass above the valley.

This little grass is only the size of a palm, with nine leaves in total, with a strong nether air entwined on it.

Around it's growth, all the mysterious medicines seemed to be obedient, a head lower than it.

"Found it," Xie Changliu smiled joyfully.

"Mysterious medicine has spirit, be careful, don't let it run away."

Xu Zimo nodded slightly, this level of mysterious medicine has actually been related to self-consciousness.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to grasp.

The two of them hid on the side of the valley and slowly walked towards the Nine Nether God Grass.

When they were about to approach, the two of them surrounded the Jiuyou Divine Grass on the left and the right, and Xie Changliu's own sword intent was entwined with Xu Zimo's sword intent.

It formed the shape of a cage and fell from the sky.

The Nine Nether God Grass seemed to be frightened and wanted to escape into the void, but the sword was fierce, and it couldn't escape at all.

Seeing that there is no hope of escape, Jiuyou Shencao also sent a fierce.

Shaking his own leaves, I saw that the entire valley had changed.

For a while, the ghostly aura dispersed, and countless bones of the people who had died here all stood up.

Opening the mouth of the blood basin, like a zombie, he slaughtered the two of Xu Zimo.

"You stop them, I will take the profound medicine," Xu Zimo said.

Xie Changliu was holding a long sword, and the surrounding sea of ​​swords burst out like hell, undulating around.

And Xu Zimo stepped into the air, and the large palm of aura condensed down on the sky.

Covering half of the sky.

Obviously, the Nine Nether God Grass was not simple, it turned out to be faint and directly broke through the blockade of the big palm.

The so-called vegetation is afraid of fire.

Xu Zimo snorted coldly, and the profound meaning of the fire attribute all over his body burst out.

The flames burned, covering the entire valley.

"Stay," he stepped into the air, carrying the power of thunder and fire towards the Nine Nether God Grass.

The Jiuyou Divine Grass had nowhere to escape and was directly caught by Xu Zimo.

"Help me, help me," the previous cry for help sounded again.

But at this moment, the cry for help was very clear, as if it was under the valley.

Xu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a flick of his right hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ the valley under his feet burst open.

I saw a secret room unexpectedly appeared inside.

This secret room does not know where it leads, and a figure covered in blood is imprisoned in it.

"Help me, I am the dean of Tiansheng College," the scarlet figure shouted.

It seemed that he was particularly excited when he saw someone.

"The dean of Tiansheng College?" Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

Wasn't the old man that Lu Changyou brought the two to see when he came before?

It's just that this figure was dyed red with blood, and he couldn't see his appearance.

"Who are you?" Xu Zimo frowned and asked.

"Help me, contact the Nine Ghosts Academy, the evil spirit mountain ghost has run out a long time ago," the scarlet figure in the cage below shouted anxiously.

"Are you the dean?" Xie Changliu got rid of the zombies and stood above the cage.

"Then do you recognize me?"

"You are?" The scarlet figure stared at Xie Changliu, thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

"You are Changliu, Xie Changliu, right?"

"It's the dean, it's really you," Xie Changliu's face changed slightly, his sword intent surrounded.

Cut directly towards the cage in the secret room.

Hearing "Bang Dang" sound, the sword intent was bounced off by the iron fence of the secret room.

"I'll come," Xu Zimo said.

He grabbed the iron railings of the secret room with both hands, and simultaneously used the power of shaking the sky in his body and the phenomena of the sky.

A huge force burst out from the body, directly breaking the iron railing forcibly.

"Since you are the dean, who was the old man of the Holy Academy that day?" Xu Zimo and the two walked into the secret room and asked.

"Hey, he pretended to be me, it was the evil spirit mountain ghost," the scarlet figure explained.

His whole body was locked by chains, and the veins in his body had been destroyed.

It's just a waste now.

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