I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1172: Old Man of Abyss, Deal

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Under the Cangwu Abyss, darkness filled everything.

Countless branches came out from the wall of the abyss, and they were full of crows.

They opened gloomy eyes and screamed strangely. They were not afraid of strangers. They stared at Xu Zimo closely.

The two leaped down, jumping towards the bottom of the abyss.

The more you go inside, the heavier the evil.

The evil spirit seemed to invade the bodies of the two of them all the time.

The aura of the two of them enveloped them, blocking the evil spirits outside.

All the way down, I don't know how deep the abyss is. In the end, they stopped when they saw each tombstone.

This is a bit like a mass grave.

Eerie and terrifying, the chill is pressing.

Pieces of tombstones are unknown monuments, with hills of mounds beside them.

A vulture flew over his head again, not knowing where it was holding his flesh and blood, and swallowed it into his sharp mouth.

"Look around," Xu Zimo said.

Xie Changliu nodded.

The two walked around along these unknown monuments.

Xu Zimo walked for a while, his figure stopped in front of a wall.

There are countless words engraved on this wall.

It was full of "Heng Heng Heng!"

The countless hate words seemed to be turned into endless resentment rushing out of the wall and swallowing Xu Zimo.

He walked along this wall all the way, all densely engraving the word.

At this moment, a "poof" sound came.

I saw a vulture flying in midair suddenly caught by a hand and squeezed directly.

Flesh and flesh fly.

The arm connected by the big hand is tens of meters long and leads to the underground.

"Another newcomer is here, hahahaha," he heard a burst of laughter suddenly.

The voice was weird, sometimes old and sometimes immature.

"Who?" Xu Zimo asked with a frown.

"You can call me the old man of the abyss," only the voice said slowly.

When the sound fell, the whole earth trembled.

A long crack opened under his feet, spreading out like a spider web.

A head made up of countless white bone heads floated up.

This head is made up of countless white bones, with countless eyes, countless mouths and noses, it is difficult to describe its appearance.

And on those unnamed tombstones, arms stretched out from above.

There are as many tombstones as his arms, and each arm is dozens of meters long.

"Living in Cangwu for millions of years, immortal and immortal, self-proclaimed the old man of the abyss," the voice said with a chuckle.

"I haven't heard of it," Xie Changliu said lightly, coming from not far away.

"Never heard it is normal, after all, few people who come to this Cangwu Abyss can get out alive," the old man of the abyss laughed.

"There are only two people in these million years."

"Which two people?" Xu Zimo asked.

"The ghost of the mountain seven hundred thousand years ago, and his evil thoughts," said the old man of the abyss.

"Why are you here?" Xie Changliu asked.

"I can't answer these words. When Cangwu Abyss existed, I was here.

This is the equivalent of my home," the old man from the abyss replied.

"Are you busy?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Come and make a deal with you," the old man of the abyss laughed.

"Just like that evil thought, I can send you out of here."

"What are the conditions?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I can swallow the divided soul," the old man of the abyss laughed.

"This is impossible," Xie Changliu refused directly before Xu Zimo could answer.

Soul is one of the most important things for a person.

Not to mention the split in half, even just a little bit is enough to hurt your vitality.

This fragmentation and swallowing are permanent damage, which is difficult to repair through recovery.

"Don't worry, you can consider it slowly," the old man of the abyss said with a smile.

"When you spend tens of thousands of years in this Cangwu Abyss, you will compromise.

I have met many people like you. "

Xu Zimo and Xie Changliu looked at each other.

I saw Xie Changliu stepping into the air, the sword intent all over his body Ling Ran, a sword pierced the Jiuzhongtian, and fell down.

Seeing the attacking sword energy, the old man of the abyss slowly stretched out an arm, and gently pinched the palm of his hand, this invisible sword energy was actually pinched in his hand.

With a swing of his palm, his sword qi was thrown away directly.

With a "bang", the sword gas sank into the wall next to it, like tofu, directly chopped up.

"Don't do useless work, you can't help me," the old man of the abyss said.

Xie Changliu didn't seem to be reconciled. With another wave of his right hand, the sword in his hand floated above his head.

Endless sword aura condensed on it.

The void is shattered, and the sword intent will last forever.

"Kill," Xie Changliu shouted, holding a long sword, and rushed towards the old man in the abyss.

This time, the old man in the abyss stretched out two arms, both hands carrying heavy strength.

The evil spirit grows and turns into dark power.

The sound of "boom boom boom" came.

The hands clasped together, sandwiching Xie Changliu's sword between his palms.

For a time, the two were deadlocked in place.

More and more evil spirits are entangled with the sharp sword intent.

When the strength reached a critical point, the old man of the abyss waved his hands and directly threw Xie Changliu out.

Another "boom" explosion came, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com Xie Changliu's figure hit the unnamed tombstone nearby.

"Don't think about the pure power, you can exchange half of your soul for life-long freedom, this kind of trade should be earned by you," the old man of the abyss laughed.

Xu Zimo chuckled lightly and asked, "With half a soul exchange, why should we trust you?

What if you turn back? "

"Whether you believe it or not depends on whether you dare to gamble," said the old man of the abyss.

"At least you have to tell us the way to start, so that there is credibility," Xu Zimo replied.

"It's okay to tell you, anyway, only I can implement this method," the old man of the abyss said.

"When Cangwu Abyss was formed, there were countless soul-type profound medicines here.

So many people come here to look for mysterious medicine, and there are more people coming, and fighting, snatching, and war are naturally inevitable.

A few million years ago, there were two powerful kingdoms around this Cangwu Abyss, and they both wanted to divide the Cangwu Abyss into their own territory.

So a great battle started for this.

After the end of that battle, the number of people who died in the Cangwu Abyss was countless, many millions.

I was born in the presence of evil spirits and entanglement of yin air and death air.

I and this Cangwu Abyss are one.

Seven hundred thousand years ago, Shan Guikui sealed his evil thoughts here with a seal.

Although this seal formation is powerful, it is a foreign object after all.

I can turn this Cangwu Abyss and open up a path forcibly, but this action consumes countless energy.

So I must devour my soul as a reward before I can do it. "

"Are you so kind?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"I don't think you are too strong, knowing that it can't help us, so I want to devour my soul with this formation.

Otherwise, if you are strong, why bother to trade with us. "

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