I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: Chaos comes from the world

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Outside Xishan, is the largest and most prosperous city where humans gather.

Named "Yuecheng."

Yuecheng spans three thousand miles, and there are no white people in the communication.

The towering city walls are like steel, and on both sides of the city gate are two huge mechanical monsters.

This is the guardian beast of Yuecheng.

On this day, the sun is shining, the wind is beautiful, and people are doing things day after day as usual.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the sound of "rumbling" rang from the horizon.

The people standing on the city wall looked up to the west, and the huge chaotic figure appeared in their sight.

The majestic spirit of entering the fairy reverberated in the sky.

"Look, what is that?" someone pointed at Chaos and exclaimed.

"The monster is attacking the city, everyone is prepared."

"Quickly, activate the city guard."


When the group of adventure teams came to the gate of the city, the place was already heavily guarded and ready to go.

"Open the gate, let us in!" several people shouted.

"You brought the monster beast?" Someone asked loudly on the wall.

"You open the door first, and we will speak slowly when we enter," the adventure team said anxiously.

When they looked back, the figure of Chaos was close at hand.

"No, you are unidentified and cannot enter the city at will," someone on the wall refused.

"Still wait until this monster beast is destroyed, and then arrest you for interrogation."

The voice fell, and the huge chaotic figure had walked over.

A group of people in the adventure team huddled in the corner of the city gate in fright.

Chaos was almost as high as the entire city wall, and his huge head was sprayed with flame-like heat, staring at the entire city wall.

At the gate of the city, two huge mechanical beasts roared and slew towards Chaos.

Chaos raised both claws, only heard two "bangs", and effortlessly pressed the two mechanical beasts to the ground.

"No, what kind of monster is this?" Someone was stunned and said in horror.

"Everyone guards the gate together," the city lord reacted first, summoning everyone to command.

This Yuecheng is the largest human gathering place in Xishan.

So there are many masters among them, and there are many strong ones hidden in the world.

Chaos stretched out his right paw and patted it fiercely towards the city wall.

There was a loud bang, and the entire city wall almost collapsed, leaving a deep sinking paw print.

Everyone's attacks all fell, hitting Chaos like raindrops, but Chaos didn't hurt or itchy, just crooked his neck and roared.

For a time it was also a masterpiece of wind and thunder.

"Let me come," just heard a loud shout.

An old man holding a wind thunder came out.

He is wearing a gray black and white robe, his hands are like dry bones, his face is like dry wood, and his bones are as thin as a knife.

But the momentum of the whole body is very strong, and his hands are like grasping thunder and lightning.

"It's Ben Lei's weekend," someone shouted.

"On the weekend, I chased and killed the four evil men, with one hand of thunder spanning three thousand miles away, killing these four evil men.

It can be said to be well-known, maybe he has a way," someone said cheerfully.

Rising into the air this weekend, he directly saw the chaotic eyes, and the purple thunder riot in his right hand.

"Kill," he shouted, only to see a torrent of thunder coming.

It exploded before the eyes of Chaos.

The eyes of any creature are its most vulnerable place. Obviously, this weekend is also holding such thoughts to attack the chaotic eyes.

But Chaos didn't bother to close his eyes, letting the thunder explode in front of him, motionless.

Immediately after him, the thin wings of a cicada shook lightly, and a gust of wind came.

Directly blown away the figure on the weekend.

"This...," everyone in the city looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Chaos continued to attack the city wall, and the people inside the wall were panicked. Even if the city wall was as hard as steel, it could not stop it for too long.

At this moment, I saw a sword light across from the skyline, and the sword intent was eternal.

Splitting half of the sky, it also cut through the sky and landed on Chaos.

The sword light burst, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, echoing for a long time throughout the earth.

As the sword intent fell, people looked up at the sky.

At the end of the skyline, dozens of people stepped on the fairy sword and flew.

All of them are fluttering in white clothes, with sword intent intertwined, and immortal style and extraordinary bearing.

"It's from Shushan," someone shouted on the wall.

"We are saved. Shushan is the strongest force in Xishan.

Their head Yin Ruoqi is the strongest person in the world.

Form Six Taoists with five other people. "

"Yes, Six Taoists are known as the strongest in the world, and all of them are at the peak of the gods."

People talked a lot, and the mood was high for a while.

Dozens of people from Shushan came with swords, and the leader was Yin Ruoqi.

He wore a sword robe, yin and yang, black hair mixed with white hair, and he draped meticulously behind him.

The sword under his feet, like Tai Chi, glowed with black and white light.

Flashing continuously in the void.

Shuttle through the layers of void, arousing countless winds and waves, fleeting, they have come to the front of Yuecheng.

"I have seen the Yin head of Shushan Mountain," everyone in Yuecheng knelt down and greeted. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Six Taoists are the strongest in the world, and they deserve the respect of countless people.

Yin Ruozhu waved his hand and motioned everyone to get up.

The disciple of Shushan nearby stood up first, pointed at the chaos, and said softly: "The people in the Shushan gate are here, what monster beast, why don't you report your name quickly, why occupy Yuecheng?"

Chaos raised his head, vomiting thunder, and said with a light smile: "I am not occupying a Yue city, but want to rule the entire continent."

"Xiao Xiao, dare to speak wild words," the disciple snorted coldly.

About to swing a sword to kill, but was stopped by Yin Ruoqi.

"Ming'er, withdraw."

Yin Ruozhu's eyes were solemn, looking at the chaos.

That continuous power sounded majestic all over.

Like waves hitting Qianzhongan, hitting the surrounding void, inadvertently suppressing the entire sky.

This feeling has become its own immortal power.

The body is full and full, forming a world of its own.

Even if he couldn't see through the heels and feet of this monster beast and its cultivation.

In short, the pressure that Monster Beast gave him was a lot of pressure, and he didn't feel the pressure even for the other five members of Liu Tao.

"I wonder who among the monsters are you?" Yin Ruozhen asked.

He has traversed half of the mainland of China, but he has never heard of such existence.

"Why nonsense, this Yuecheng city will fall today," Chaos said lightly.

"With Yuecheng as the starting point, the entire Shenzhou Continent will also fall."

Its voice fell, and it roared.

Spitting thunder, he struck at Yin Ruohou.

"Sword to," Yin Ruoxuan snorted softly, and the sword intent came over the sky and annihilated the thunder.

Holding a long sword in his hand, he said to the others: "You stand back, I can only come to this battle."

The other disciples looked at each other, but they returned to Yuecheng.

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