I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 1375: Destroy the Burning Demon King and open the source of the ancestral fire

When the sword intent of Bafang Splitting the Sky continued to boil and fall.

   The cobweb was tightly blocking the front.

   just heard the sound of "boom".

   The entire spider web was shattered under the intent of the knife.

   But the spider web blocked it for a while after all.

   The Burning Demon King pulled away and retreated wildly, and distanced himself from Xu Zimo.

   He looked at Xu Zimo solemnly.

   said: "Weird, you are a great emperor, how can there be laws, and there is the power of life and death in it."

   "Are you ready to die?" Xu Zimo pointed at the Burning Devil with a knife and said lightly.

   "It's not certain who will die," the Burning Devil snorted coldly.

   The fiery flames condensed all over the body.

   The black burning sky flame is constantly burning.

   The entire void began to melt.

   "Blast flame destruction," I saw the Burning Demon King stretch out his hands.

   The black magic energy covered the sky.

   Under the sky, countless fireballs began to condense.

   As if the end of the world is coming.

   One after another is like a meteorite, there are probably tens of thousands of explosive meteorites falling from the sky.

   smashed towards Xu Zimo.

   Xu Zimo condensed his eyes slightly, his figure grew countless times bigger after he turned on the law of heaven and earth.

   Faced with so many meteorites at once, there was no chance to dodge.

   "Since you can't hide, then I will break you all to pieces," Xu Zimo snorted coldly.

   He holds a knife in his right hand and a fist in his left hand.

   Before these meteorites arrived, he directly rushed into the void and killed the meteorite group.

   The sound of "rumbling" kept ringing on the sky.

   Numerous meteorites shattered, turning into black rubble and splitting apart.

   The sword slashed the sky, and the fist broke the meteorite.

   From a distance, the entire sky seems to be broken.

   When this meteorite fragment falls, logically speaking, it should destroy the world and destroy everything.

   But the people on the path of the lotus pond are not affected.

   After the meteorite was broken into pieces by Xu Zimo and fell, they were all blocked by the five elements lotus.

   In a short while, these meteorites have all been smashed by Xu Zimo.

   He stepped into the air, looking at the Burning Devil King with scorching eyes.

   The Ba Ying in his hand kept crying.

   In his right hand, the sword spirit is like a sea, and the sword prison turns into the supreme hell, all pointing towards the Burning Devil King.

   "Don't worry," the Burning Devil sneered.

  His right hand began to seal, and among the meteorites that were shattered around Xu Zimo, the flames began to condense.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "The black lotus explodes, and the **** flame dragon rushes."

   The roar of the Burning Demon King came.

   I saw the countless burning sky flames condensed into the shape of a black lotus.

   Black Lotus faces Xu Zimo, and from the stamen part, a shock wave of **** flame dragon is like a torrent.

   annihilated the entire void.

   It seems that the world has been beaten back to the original point.

   Xu Zimo blocked Ba Ying in front of him and hit the torrent head-on.

   There was hardly any resistance from his figure, and he was directly swept away by the torrent.

   The impact cut through the silent void, like a shooting star in the dark night.

   I don't know where he rushed with Xu Zimo.

   "Follow me and seek your own death," the Burning Devil snorted coldly.

   He looked at several other battlefields.

   was about to help, the steps he had just taken suddenly stopped.

   There is a faint cold sweat oozing out of his forehead.

   Because in front of him, Xu Zimo stood there intact.

   "How can you?"

   "How can it be all right, right," Xu Zimo smiled.

   "The one just now was just my body.

   It's ridiculous that you thought you killed me. "

   "So what, if I can kill your external body, I can also kill your real body," Burning Heaven Demon King sneered.

   "Do you really think so?" Xu Zimo smiled.

   The sky-shaking power in him is surging.

   The top of the head opens up to the three life gates.

   Among the ten great divine methods, many can be merged together.

   At this moment, Aye Swastika is condensed in the palm of his hand.

When the mark of   卍 appeared, the entire sky was distorted.

The mark of   卍 came out, ruining the world, and branded to the chest of the Burning Devil.

   The Burning Demon King wanted to evade, but the Aye Swasty Seal seemed to be traceable, and could not evade at all.

   "Damn it," he could only turn his head and shook the blow.

   The Aye卍 seal exploded in front of him, and the figure of the Burning Sky Demon was blown out.

   But before the Burning Demon King could slow down, Xu Zimo made another move to swallow the sky.

   One finger dropped, and it directly touched the Burning Devil’s forehead.


   His painful roar came, and a finger pierced through his forehead.

   The figure also flew completely backwards.

   Xu Zimo turned his head, he saw that the blazing fire was always cross-legged in front of the passage.

   From her body, runes floated into the passage.

   Xu Zimo was relieved.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  ………

   Although the Burning Devil King was so severely injured.

   But he still isn't dead.

   stood up in a daze, the blood on his forehead also solidified.

   He looked at Xu Zimo, his eyes full of jealousy.

   "Why, do you want to fight?" Xu Zimo asked.

   The Burning Demon King looked at the other people and shouted: "Everyone, when you hit like this, when will you be the head?

   Let's make a killer. "

   Hearing the words of the Burning Devil King, the other great sages of the Heavenly Fire family were also separated from the Baimeng.

   I saw the Great Sage of the Golden Crow say: "The Origin of Qi Ancestor Fire."

   "This ancestor fire source is the foundation of our Heavenly Fire family," said Dan Sheng hurriedly next to him.

   "If you don't have to be a last resort, in my opinion, don't move."

   "What are you afraid of? If you don't use the ancestral fire source today, I'm afraid you can't destroy them," said the next Pluto. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Dan Sheng obviously thinks more about it.

   looked at Mo Lao and asked, "Mo Lao, since our two forces have united.

   Saint Court can't just send you alone. "

   "Don't worry, the reinforcements of the holy court will arrive.

   But that is a critical moment, don't worry about the fire source.

   Today is a net of heaven and earth, even if Da Luo Jinxian descended to the earth, it would not be able to save them. "

  Mo Lao said confidently.

   Hearing this, everyone in the Heavenly Fire family had a bottom in their hearts.

   "Start the fire source of the ancestor," Great Sage Golden Crow commanded.

   I saw that the clansmen of the Tianhuo family had rushed to the fire source.

   They opened the seal of the fire source.

   Suddenly a fiery flame burst into the sky.

   The flame goes straight to the roots of the five-element lotus.

   is the treasure of the town family of the Skyfire family.

   Thousands of years, the reason why the Tianhuo family is located here, can have such a development.

   It can be said that this flame is indispensable.

   When the fire source appeared at this moment, all the children of the Skyfire family felt the power in their bodies boiling.

   It seems that blood is burning, and the strength is greatly increased.

   "The origin of the ancestor fire, the heaven and the earth do not leave roots, all the children of the Skyfire family, welcome the fire source," the voice of the Great Sage Golden Crow spread throughout the skyfire family.

   I saw all the children kneeling to the ground.

   The source of fire condensed in the void, and finally formed a human face.

   There was an old laughter coming from the human face.

   "Golden Crow boy, why should I call the old man out?"

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