I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: The Fall of Zhenwu Shengzong

"The Holy Martial Sect seems to have been born," Xu Zimo said.

Hearing this, Lin Ruhu was a little nervous.

Quickly asked: "What happened?"

For the two of them, Zhenwu Shengzong has always played the role of family to a certain extent.

From there, he grew up until he became the great emperor, and never went back.

But there is always a piece of pure land in my heart, and I have always maintained and cared about it.

Xu Zimo felt it carefully, and replied: "I don't know the specific situation.

But this force of faith should be calling on us for help.

Generally speaking, Zhenwu Shengzong has produced several great emperors, and the power of the sect is also a well-known top power in the Eastern Continent.

Unless you are in danger of extinction, you won't ask for help. "

"The emperor has entered the Nine Realms, and it is as difficult as going back to the sky."

"Then what should we do? Can we go back?" Lin Ruhu asked worriedly.

Xu Zimo smiled and said, "It's someone else. If I want to go back, it's very easy."

"Break the space wall, as long as I think, it's fine."

Lin Ruhu nodded.

He replied: "Everything has changed, I still remember when we left, Zhenwu Shengzong was still a super existence in Yuanyang Continent.

Didn't expect it to be gone now. "

"There seems to be an invincible force in this world," Xu Zimo replied.

"We have to look down on all this. Slowly, people say that children and grandchildren have their own blessings."

"I know, I just can't let it go," Lin Ruhu sighed.

Asked: "Then when shall we go back?"

"Don't worry, the space wall is not so easy to break, go to Zhuge Villa first," Xu Zimo said.

"I really want to see how godlike Mr. Zhuge is, how divine is he!"

Lin Ruhu nodded without objecting.

He has always followed Xu Zimo's lead.

The two drove the space-time shuttle and passed through the location of Immortal Island.

Because the speed of the space-time shuttle was also faster, it didn't take long for the two of them to come to Bloodfish Bay.

This Bloodfish Bay is the sphere of influence of the Mermaid Clan.

Of course, it's not that there are no other races here, but the mermaid race has the highest proportion.

At least eighty to ninety percent.

Xu Zimo came to Bloodfish Bay once, but he didn't take a closer look.

When I come back now, I feel a different scenery.

Immortal Isle is built on an island.

Bloodfish Bay, on the other hand, is built on a bay.

The core of Bloodfish Bay is an extremely vast bay with magnificent waves on both sides.

The bay is winding and unimpeded, just like two parallel Great Walls.

Spread directly to the edge of the sky.

The mermaid family lives by the bay, and has established a family paradise here.

In the middle of the bay is a crystal clear river.

This river is named Weihe.

Back then, Yu Zu of the first generation of mermaid clan came here, and saw that the water and land here are smooth and the land is rampant.

They decided that this was the best place for the mermaid clan to inhabit.

If there must be any drawbacks to the bay, it is that it is too small.

Among the forces in the Immortal Tribulation Realm, whether it is Immortal Island, Baidao City, or Human Emperor's Palace, the area is very vast.

And Bloodfish Bay is only half of the previous three.

Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu descended from the space-time shuttle, and they arrived at the first island in Bloodfish Bay.

"War Fish Cove."

This Bloodfish Bay is divided into islands, and there are four islands in total.

The first island is the war fish.

As a family of mermaids, there are many divisions of mermaids, such as mermaids, three-headed fish, and five-element fish.

Among them, the number of war fish is the largest.

They all have warlike genes in their bones, but they are also the eagle faction of the human race, and they are very keen on expanding their area of ​​influence.

It was their handwriting that continuously eroded the territory ruled by Emperor Yushanhe.

Seen from the sky, this war fish bay looks like a broken bowl with an upside down.

War Bay is not divided into cities, because anyone who comes here can flow freely.

From the front, I can see that there are many strange-shaped buildings in the bays on both sides, including the water surface and the bottom of the water.

It can be described as a whimsical idea, full of strange things.

The mermaid family likes to live on land, and some like to live in the water.

It was the first time Xu Zimo saw so many mermaids.

Their bodies are smaller than normal humans, and they wear all kinds of colorful clothes, even clothes made of gold and silver treasures.

Anyway, Xu Zimo couldn't appreciate this aesthetic.

The appearance of the mermaid is very strange, some are handsome, some are domineering.

Their feet are connected together, just like fish tails, they don't need to fork to walk, but glide directly on the ground.

The way he walks is very funny.

Lin Ruhu was also curious, and after arriving at Zhan Zhan Bay, he looked around.

"Brother Zimo, where can we find Mr. Zhuge?"

"The Human Emperor said that Mr. Zhuge is very low-key, and ordinary people are afraid that they don't know it.

Go directly to the Yuhuang," Xu Zimo explained.

"I also had a relationship with the Yuhuang once. Although the process was not very pleasant, there is no enmity."

Walking on the street along the bay, Xu Zimo saw many war fish hurrying by.

It seems that something big is going on.

After asking someone casually on the road, Xu Zimo finally understood that it turned out that the mermaid clan was planning to expand.

There is no need to ask where to expand, it must be the direction of Immortal Island.

Now that the Immortal Island is weak, it is also a good opportunity for the Mermaid Clan to expand.

Although the Fish Emperor had promised that the Immortal Island would not be eroded during the war.

But now that the battle with the tree old man is over, he is not breaking the contract.

The patriarch of the war fish clan is named Chao Ya.

She is the third daughter of Yuwan, Princess Chaoya.

Now it is also in control of the war fish family.

Who said that women are inferior to men, this princess Chaoya was very warlike from birth, maybe she has the blood of her mother's war fish family.

Her strength is astonishing, until now, there are almost no rivals among her peers.

This Chaoya princess usually lives in the mermaid palace.

Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu were not polite either, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly walked towards the Mermaid Palace.

The surrounding area was heavily guarded, and the two came to the mermaid palace.

I saw that the top of the mermaid palace is oval, and the two sides are made of smooth pearl stones.

When the guards patrolling around saw the two of them, they scolded directly: "Human Race, this is the Mermaid Palace, not the place you should come to."

"I'm looking for the Yuhuang," Xu Zimo said directly.

"Who are you, the Fish Emperor can see anyone?" The guard snorted coldly.

"Go away, or don't blame us for being rude."

As the first island chain of Bloodfish Bay, War Fish Bay is not only responsible for attacking, but also responsible for protecting Bloodfish Bay.

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