I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2081: Tianguan, you still have a lot to learn

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The world in front of them was constantly changing, and Xu Zimo and Xu Zimo did not deliberately resist.

Because that's the test.

It belongs to the test of the earth, and it is meaningless to resist.

After a period of time, the world finally returned to normal, but Xu Zimo's eyes changed drastically.

The originally bare courtyard has now become overgrown with weeds.

And these weeds are very trimmed, as if they are trimmed every day.

The most important thing is that each of these weeds is several meters high, taller than a person.

The weeds were luxuriant, like bushes, covering the entire courtyard.

Only in the middle, there is a road.

No matter how weeds grow, they have absolutely no effect on the avenue.

There is a sign hanging next to it, which says "Those who pass this pass cannot be attacked by vegetation."

This requirement is somewhat difficult.

If you defeat these grasses and trees, you can actually be stronger.

But it can't be attacked once, which is purely embarrassing.

Even Lin Ruhu frowned and said, "How can it be possible to completely dodge such dense weeds and bushes?"

"Who said we must dodge?" Xu Zimo laughed.

"Destroy everything, if not.

As long as there are no enemies, it will not be attacked. "

"The rules don't say that we can't shoot grass."

When Xu Zimo said that, Lin Ruhu's eyes lit up.

"Brother Zimo, I'll take the lead for you."

Lin Ruhu directly took out the long stick.

The long stick was waving vigorously in his hand, "Boom, boom, boom."

It seems that there are endless sonic booms, constantly exploding.

Lin Ruhu took the lead and galloped towards the road ahead.

This middle courtyard looks small in size, but after entering the watch world and transforming into vegetation, it seems to be boundless.

The avenue has no end in sight, only the weeds and bushes covering the mountains and plains cover everything.

But Lin Ruhu didn't care about these things, his eyes were firm, and he tried his best to open the way in front of me.

When the two entered the avenue, the weeds and bushes on both sides seemed to be stimulated.

The weeds became unrecognizable one by one, and began to attack Xu Zimo and the two of them.

The attack of weeds is impenetrable, and each weed is like a strong rope, soft and bendable, as hard as a sword.

Although the weed is two meters high, its rhizome is very slender.

These weeds are like torrents, covering all the roads along the way.

Every time Lin Ruhu took a step, the long stick in his hand had to block the attacks of countless weeds.

The energy and mental energy involved in this is immeasurable.

Because among so many dense and slender weeds, it cannot be attacked by any weed, otherwise it will be considered a failure.

"Kill," Lin Ruhu's eyes almost turned red.

He also can't use Fatianxiangdi, because his body is huge, and he is easy to be attacked.

After walking for a long distance, Lin Ruhu finally exhausted himself.

He guarded this road very well, and Xu Zimo didn't need to do anything at all.

But the strong sense of oppression and the attacks of countless weeds still consumed too much.

Seeing the last stick seems to be some mistakes.

Lin Ruhu's stick was a bit off, the huge force in his hand came back, and he almost couldn't hold the stick.

Throwing the stick directly flew out.

"Brother Zimo," Lin Ruhu shouted hastily.

"I see," Xu Zimo smiled.

The big palm opened, and there seemed to be an inexplicable attraction in the middle of the palm, devouring all the weeds toward the palm.

Lin Ruhu's pressure suddenly dropped.

"Let's go," Xu Zimo said.

"This ground gives life to the most basic weeds. Do you know which plant has the strongest vitality among thousands of flowers and plants?"

"Weeds?" Lin Ruhu immediately realized.

"Yes, some people say that weeds are not plants at all, and no one has ever looked at weeds.

Some people like the beautiful peonies, or plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemums, and many literati are singing their praises.

But if you don't believe it you can give it a try.

Burn it with a fire, or throw it on the ground and step on it hard.

All plants will die, but only weeds, the wild fire will not be exhausted, and the spring breeze will regenerate. "

Xu Zimo explained.

"Mr. Zhuge comprehends the mysteries of creatures in the power realm. This level is not only a test, but also a demonstration of his strength."

"Show strength?" Lin Ruhu was still a little confused.

"The three barriers of heaven, earth and man are not only a test for visitors, but also a way to demonstrate one's own strength to visitors."

Xu Zimo explained a little more clearly.

"Renguan takes his disciples as the core, which is his charm and leadership, and Sweet Potato takes the creatures of the world as the core, which is his observation and subtleties."

"I'm a little curious about what it was that day."

"Brother Zimo, we haven't left the Diguan yet," Lin Ruhu reminded quickly from the side.

"This place has no end in sight at a glance, and I don't know how long it is."

"You still have a lot to learn," Xu Zimo shook his head and laughed.

"Sometimes you can't pay too much attention to the scene in front of you when you look at things, the eyes can be deceiving."

Xu Zimo took a step forward, and the void began to fluctuate at this moment.

It seems that in the infinite void, someone burst out with absolute power.

Xu Zimo's kick did not use brute force, but skillfully used the principle of space.

There is a gap between the surface world and the inner world.

If you can't break the space, then you will never be able to get out.

"These things are what you will learn in the future, but you can take your time, we still have time," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"I will definitely work hard," Lin Ruhu replied urgently.

At this time, following Xu Zimo stepped through the space.

The whole world seemed to be collapsing.

Those so-called weeds and bushes seemed to be unable to get close to Xu Zimo's body.

When it was about to collapse, the space seemed to have a premonition that it wanted to resist.

At this moment, the changes in the territory are even more varied.

In addition to weeds, many piranhas appeared including other plants.

It seems that Xu Zimo and Xu Zimo are going to be stopped here.

"Go away," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

The powerful force bounced back, followed by a sky-burning flame that surrounded Xu Zimo and the two of them.

Plants that are close to the two of them will be instantly ignited. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Finally, as the void rippled like water, the two of them sank directly into the void like water droplets.

The body experienced a momentary sense of weightlessness.

Finally, with the return to normal, the two returned to the middle courtyard again.

Today's middle courtyard is not the boundary of the watch world, but the real place of Zhuge Villa.

The courtyard is very quiet with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

There was an oriole squatting on a branch, shouting: "passed, passed."

"Little Bird, where is Mr. Zhuge?" Lin Ruhu asked.

"Inside, inside," the oriole began to shout.

"Tianguan, Tianguan."

(end of this chapter)

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