I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2084: Dinghaizhu, go back to Yuanyang Continent

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"Interesting, most people's eternal life is to become stronger from themselves, so as to break the shackles and step into the land of no one."

Xu Zimo said with a smile: "At this time, the ancient **** Zhu Jiuyin is doing the opposite, using external factors to change himself.

What was the result? "

The ten ancient gods are very remarkable, they are not like other cultivators, they have learned a lot.

The ten ancient gods all identified their goals in their own ways, and then worked hard.

They have practiced to the extreme in their respective directions, even Xu Zimo can't guarantee that under the control of Time Together, they can surpass the Ancient God of Time.

So he is more curious.

Zhuge Changkong shook his head, and finally sighed: "At first time reversal did help the lifespan, but as time goes by, it gets longer and longer.

The price for the ancient **** of time to reverse time is also increasing.

Until the end, the accumulation of time reached a certain level, no matter how the ancient **** of time reversed, it would not help. "

"You have to understand that reversing time has a price, and it may be easy at first, because the time is only a few minutes, a few hours.

But as time goes by in the real world, one day, one year, ten years.

If you want to freeze time in a certain place, the backlash you bear will become stronger and stronger.

Until the end, when everything is backlogged to the critical point, then it will explode and return all the time you have lost.

You will be out of your wits. "

Xu Zimo could understand what Zhuge Changkong said.

Want to reverse time, unless the real time is not moving forward.

Otherwise, time keeps passing, and the cost of your reversal will increase. This path is wrong, and no one can ignore the backlash of time.

"Go on, what does this have to do with the sea of ​​time?" Xu Zimo asked.

"After the ancient **** of time reached the critical point, his body was quickly washed away by countless years of time.

Logically speaking, most people would be wiped out by time, but because the ancient **** of time himself had too much control over time.

So after his death, with his body as the core, time was distorted, and a sea of ​​time appeared. "

Zhuge Changkong explained.

"This sea of ​​time is not in a fixed position, it floats within the time of the Nine Domains.

You can hardly find or meet him.

It is said that this sea of ​​time is magical, and those who are lucky enough to meet him can rejuvenate and live another life.

The unlucky people who met him would immediately turn gray, or even disappear in ashes. "

"You mean that the inheritance of the ancient **** of time, the turbid nine yin, is in the sea of ​​time," Xu Zimo said.

"Then how to find this sea of ​​time?"

"Dinghai Pearl, or Time Pearl," Zhuge Changkong said.

"Actually, from a certain point of view, the sea of ​​time cannot be accurately grown.

Because its trajectory is random.

It doesn't even know where it is going, so how can others know. "

"However, tens of thousands of years ago, an ancient **** ruin was unearthed, and many ancient **** inheritances emerged from it.

It is rumored that these are all objects left over from the time when the ancient God asked. "

"There is a family surnamed Wang in the Palace of Human Emperors, and the ancestors of this family surnamed Wang once obtained a bead in the ruins.

This bead was left by the ancient **** of time. "

"This bead is extremely strange, it can imprison time and stop the passage of time in the entire world.

Relying on this bead, the Wang family became a well-known big family in Jiexian Domain. "

"If you can get the Dinghai Pearl, you can find the Sea of ​​Time and stop it."

"Since Dinghai Zhu is so strong, no one has used it to find the Sea of ​​Time these years?" Lin Ruhu asked curiously.

"I've looked, and there are many people," Zhuge Changkong replied.

"Some people are for the inheritance of the ancient **** of time.

There are also people who are about to die and want to borrow the sea of ​​time to live another life.

In short, a small number of people succeeded, while most people were wiped out.

However, the inheritance of the ancient **** of time has not been found from beginning to end.

Now there are some rumors that the inheritance of the ancient gods is no longer in the sea of ​​time, but I am very sure that it must be inside. "

"After entering the Sea of ​​Time, everything about you will have to fight against time, so I suggest Fellow Daoist Xu to take a look.

And you forget it," Zhuge Changkong looked at Lin Ruhu and said.

It's not that he looks down on Lin Ruhu, but it's too reluctant to go in with Lin Ruhu's strength.

"I won't make trouble for Brother Zimo, I know my strength," Lin Ruhu nodded and replied.

"The Wang family of the Human Emperor's Palace, it seems that we have to make another trip," Xu Zimo said.

"Anyway, thank you for providing this clue."

Before leaving, Xu Zimo looked at Zhuge Changkong again.

Asked: "If it is possible, are you still going to go out?

What's the point of being a hermit? The world is so wonderful, it would be a pity not to see it. "

"If one day you can go to the holy court, I will definitely go and see," Zhuge Changkong said with a smile.

"The downfall of my Zhuge family is all thanks to the Holy Court. This is a world feud, and I have no ability to take revenge now.

But at the critical moment, I don't mind getting worse. "

This can be regarded as an invisible tacit understanding.

After leaving Zhuge's family, Xu Zimo got a lot of news. Simply put, this trip was worthwhile.

He knew the nature of the seal in the ancient magic cave, the power of the gods is the main thing, and it needs to be broken by the power of the gods.

He also learned that the inheritance of the ancient space **** Emperor Jiang is in the holy court, as well as information about the Wang family.

"Brother Zimo, do you want to recruit that Zhuge Changkong?" Lin Ruhu asked from the side.

"Let's not mention this man's strength for now, but his way of observing the Tao is very interesting," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"If it can be used for me, it can also help."

"He has enmity with the Holy Court, the main thing is that we can show our strength, and he will naturally help us," Lin Ruhu said.

"Where are we going next, the Wang Family of the Emperor's Palace?"

"No, let's go back to Yuanyang Continent next," Xu Zimo said suddenly.

With the power of faith before, he knew that there should be something wrong with the Zhenwu Shengzong in the Yuanyang Continent.

It's just that he was not in a hurry at the time~www.readwn.com~ Xu Zimo was the first to look for Zhuge Villa, but this kind of thing must not be delayed again and again.

Although he has already left Yuanyang Continent, and it is obviously not that simple to go back to Yuanyang Continent from Nine Regions.

Xu Zimo still wanted to go back.

Zhenwu Shengzong is the last holy land in his heart.

But before going back to Yuanyang Continent, Xu Zimo decided to take Lin Ruhu to meet Emperor Zhenwu once.

Emperor Zhenwu is currently in the realm of ghosts and gods, not in the realm of Jiexian.

Because today's Tribulation Immortal Realm is dominated by the Holy Court, Emperor Zhenwu is not prepared to go to war with the Holy Court.

It's obviously not wise to do it until you're fully ready.

Maybe if you want to return to Zhenwu Shengzong, you still need the help of Zhenwu Emperor.

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