I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: See 0 disaster doomsday, not 1 level

Chapter 2088 See the end of a thousand disasters, not at the same level

As long as the flame man can't escape the area locked by his consciousness, then he can easily find him.

Since the other party claimed to be a god, he must know the location of Nine Ghosts Academy.

After all, whether it is a **** or a ghost, their source of power comes from the Nine Ghosts Academy.

Xu Zimo looked at the crowd and asked again: "This so-called **** is of average strength, why are you so afraid?"

"The gods hanging high in the sky are extremely honorable, and this one is not the only one," the city lord sighed.

"Although you defeated him, there are gods who are stronger than him. Besides, our power comes from gods. How can we turn against gods?"

Xu Zimo didn't say much.

These people have obviously resigned to their fate.

In other words, they are quite satisfied with their current life. Although they cannot appear during the day, they are free at night.

It's just that the night is upside down, there is no other problem.

There is no need to fight against the gods because of this, this is the rule of the ghost and **** domain, unless someone is strong enough to fight against the end of the thousand disasters, but obviously the people here are impossible.

"Let's go," Xu Zimo said to Lin Ruhu.

The two sat on the space-time shuttle and flew away towards the distance. At this time, the people in the city breathed a sigh of relief.

The time-space shuttle shattered into the void and disappeared into the void in an instant.

The flame man was going to the Nine Ghosts Academy, because this time he encountered a strong man, he tried to inform the superiors of the Nine Ghosts Academy.

However, his superior replied to him that this matter is not something he can handle, just let him come back as soon as possible.

The flame man knew that he had met a real strong man, so he didn't dare to stay any longer.

Don't look at how he can show off his power in this demigod area and act as a **** or something.

But the flame man knew best in his heart that what he relied on was the Nine Ghost Academy behind him.

Those people are not necessarily afraid of him, but the forces behind him.

At this time, a meteor-like thing pierced through the silent void, falling in front and blocking his way.

Seeing Xu Zimo and Xu Zimo appearing from the space-time shuttle, the flame man's face immediately changed drastically.

"What do you want to do?"

"Would the gods be afraid too?" Xu Zimo asked with a smile.

"Since you know my background, you still want to kill me?" asked the flame man.

"It may not be possible to kill you, but I want you to take me to Nine Ghost Academy," Xu Zimo replied.

"I still have some old friends there, maybe I can meet up."

Hearing this, the flame man was a little concerned for a moment. He didn't dare to refuse Xu Zimo's request, for he was afraid that the other party would violently kill him in the next moment.

But he didn't dare to bring anyone into Nine Ghost Academy casually.

He quickly reported to his superiors.

In short, he is not sure about this kind of thing as a young man.

Soon, a text appeared in the void, which was the superior's reply "Quite!"

Seeing this word, the flame breathed a sigh of relief, and replied: "I can take you in, come with me!"

Seeing that the speed of the flame man walking through the air was too slow, Xu Zigui simply took him on the space-time shuttle.

In fact, he was also very curious about the identities of these gods, so he briefly inquired about them on the way to Nine Ghosts Academy.

The flame man didn't hide anything, in fact, these are not secrets.

Turns out Blaze isn't really a creature.

The mountain ghost is a specially formed physique, which can possess very powerful power.

But the constitution is dead, so some living people, or the souls of dead people are integrated into the body.

As a result, gods like Flame Man were produced in batches.

It's not easy.

Xu Zimo didn't understand the significance of creating such a mountain ghost physique in the end of a thousand disasters.

Does he want to learn the way of heaven to create life?

But with his strength, he is still a thousand miles away. If he doesn't create a world, how can he create life?

It's like how to grow fruit without a tree.

Fruit cannot grow out of thin air, and life is not created out of thin air.

But this flame man is more like an experiment.

Although Xu Zimo is not optimistic, he can't stop others.

It is good that human beings have the perseverance to explore and create, which is also a sign of progress in the civilized world.

Soon, because of the extremely fast speed of the space-time shuttle, several people arrived in front of the Nine Ghosts Academy that night.

It's almost the same as when I left last time. This Nine Ghost Academy is extremely old. After looking at it for a long time, it's deep and dark, as if countless ghosts are about to run out.

But because of Xu Zimo's killing spree last time, the current Nine Ghosts Academy, including the dean, has also changed.

When Xu Zimo and the others came over, there were already people waiting in front of the academy for a long time.

"Cao Weishi, the dean of the Nine Ghosts Academy, welcomes you here."

As the space-time shuttle slowly descended, the dean of the Nine Ghosts Academy was the first to shout.

It can be seen that the specification for Xu Zimo is quite large.

"That's not necessary," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

Asked: "Where are your nine mountain ghosts?"

In fact, he wanted to see the end of the thousand disasters, but with the position of the dean, he might not be able to inform the end of the thousand disasters.

So Xu Zimo took the second place and let the Nine Mountain Ghosts be his guides.

"Your Majesty, please follow me," the headmaster replied hastily, obviously having received instructions.

After entering the Nine Ghosts Academy, Xu Zimo felt that the place was more prosperous.

With the prosperity of Ghost God Realm, the status of Nine Ghost Academy is getting higher and higher. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But he wasn't interested here either.

Following the dean, several people came to a courtyard.

Xu Zimo met an acquaintance here, of course, a relative acquaintance.

Jiao Jiao, one of the Nine Great Mountain Ghosts.

At that time, the two had fought against each other.

But compared to that time, compared with Xu Zimo's strength now, it is like a world of difference.

To Xu Zimo, the so-called Nine Mountain Ghosts are just like ants that can be easily crushed to death.

This Jiao Jiao also seemed to know Xu Zimo's strength, and his attitude was much kinder.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but your honor is getting stronger and stronger," Qiao Qiao said with a smile.

"The road I walk must be the road of life and death, I can only be strong," Xu Zimo replied calmly.

"If you make a slight mistake, you will be smashed to pieces, and your soul will never remain."

Jiao Jiao also knew that he had no intention of comparing with Xu Zimo, or could not be compared at all.

He lives in the realm of ghosts and gods, and he is afraid that his life will be frozen like this.

Although the position of Nine Ghosts is noble, there is no risk, and life is nourishing, but it also has a price.

His cultivation power is like a shackle, and he has been imprisoned.

So we haven't seen each other for many years. When we met again, the two were no longer at the same level.

Now Xu Zimo may directly talk to the end of the thousand disasters, without the identity of the devil.

"Your Majesty, come with me, my lord has been waiting for a long time," Jie Jiao could only say so.

There was nothing more to talk about between the two of them.

Behind Qiao Jiao, there is a black hole vortex slowly rotating.

This vortex is extremely deep, as if a big hand stretched out from it. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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