I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: Cyan Ray, Golden Crystal

【I'm really a villain】【】

Ba Ying kept roaring in his hand.

That astonishing sword energy seemed to be able to cut through everything.

But when Xu Zimo Ba Ying fell, something that surprised him happened.

The power on the meteorite instantly formed a barrier, and Baying's sword energy collided with the power of the meteorite.

There was no violent explosion as imagined, but it disappeared invisible.

The power of this meteorite is very strange, it is not devouring, but melting.

It was as if the flames had dried the water droplets and turned them into steam, which evaporated invisibly.

"It's interesting." Once again, the saber energy in Xu Zimo's hand became stronger.

Like a stormy sea, each wave is stronger than the last.

The Qi of the knife is like a prison, full of everything.

"Boom" this time, even though the stone resisted desperately, Ba Ying still landed on the meteorite.

Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

He could clearly feel that the stone was desperately resisting him.

Obviously the power inside the stone is not that strong, it's just something novel that he has never seen before.

But it was this novelty that forcibly blocked Xu Zimo's attack, making it difficult for him to break the meteorite in front of him.

"It's getting more and more interesting," Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, the Ba Ying in his hand suddenly exerted force, and all the rules of the body were also violent.

The power of the three corpses poured into the present from the future and the past, this is the method of borrowing power.

In fact, this method of borrowing strength can only be used most completely after enlightenment.

But Xu Zimo's enlightenment is already expected, so he has made some use of this leverage.

The so-called borrowing power is to use the power of the future to feed back the present.

"Crack," the meteorite began to crack little by little under the almost crushing attitude of the saber energy.

Suddenly, a cyan light flew out from the meteorite, trying to escape from here.

At the moment when the cyan light appeared, Xu Zimo didn't know why, but he felt a sense of longing all over his body.

It's like a person who has experienced the desert and is almost dying of thirst meets a puddle of clear water.

That kind of longing is a feeling revealed from the hair and capillary space.

His body was telling Xu Zimo that he needed this cyan light, which was something Xu Zimo had never encountered so far.

But no matter what, the cyan light must not be allowed to escape.

Although the cyan light is extremely fast, it flies away like extreme speed.

But Xu Zimo's speed was faster, he blocked the world with his palm, time and space prohibited, and his big hand turned into a big palm covering the sky.

The powerful force kept rushing towards the blue light like a net from heaven and earth.

The cyan light resisted desperately and ran away desperately, but it was still not as good as Xu Zimo's suppression.

Seeing that the palm was about to catch the cyan light, when it touched the skin, the cyan light penetrated into Xu Zimo's body unimpeded.

Xu Zimo's expression changed drastically.

Rules shrouded his body, and the defense that even a strong enlightened man might not be able to break through was broken through by the blue light as if he had no defense.

The cyan light entering the body does not mean there is any danger.

It's that the blue light entered the body so easily, which made Xu Zimo very uneasy. He didn't like this feeling of being out of control.

At this moment, Xu Zimo began to feel the blue light in detail. It seemed that the blue light did not harm him, but his body was full of joy when the blue light entered.

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【I'm really a villain】【】

Xu Zimo was surprised at this time, these were all instinctive reactions of the body.

His body longed for this blue light, until the blue light completely merged into his body, that longing gradually disappeared.

However, after Qingmang entered, there was no other abnormal movement, but stayed in the corner of the abdomen very calmly.

Xu Zimo used the power of rules to run it, but the green light didn't respond at all.

If he could not see the existence of Qingmang, Xu Zimo would not even be able to perceive it.

"Things in the universe are really mysterious," Xu Zimo muttered to himself.

He tried to analyze this group of green lights, but he had never seen this force before, and the speed of analysis was very slow.

It takes time.

Only after analyzing everything can Xu Zimo know what it is.

There was nothing to do about Qingmang's matter for the time being, and Xu Zimo turned his attention to the meteorite itself.

Just after Qingmang escaped, the internal structure of the meteorite was completely shattered.

"Crack, click"

There seems to be something else in this meteorite.

As Xu Zimo's knife fell again, the meteorite was completely cracked, and a small piece of golden crystal appeared inside.

In fact, it doesn't quite fit the crystal, it's more like a piece of transparent and shiny cloth.

Xu Zimo held it in his hand, the cloth was not complete, it was just a small piece of it.

There are a few words written on it, but Xu Zimo doesn't know it, so it should not be written in the Nine Regions World.

Moreover, these words are imprinted with a very peculiar script, the kind that will not be erased no matter how much time passes.


One meteorite, two items.

But Xu Zimo didn't know the origin and purpose, so he could only put it away first.

He thinks it will be of great use in the future, but the universe is mysterious and unpredictable, and it may be difficult to know the origin.

"Let's go, let's go to Zhenwu Shengzong," Xu Zimo said, looking at Danhu.

"Will those people take revenge on us?" Dan Hu reminded from the side.

"Although Flood Dragon Valley is not as strong as Nightmare Abyss, their Flood Dragon Patriarch is also one of the strongest in the Eastern Continent."

"I don't pay attention to living immortals, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, let alone the ancestor of the dragon," Xu Zimo shook his head.

He didn't bother to explain, his vision was here, it didn't make sense.

He opened the space-time shuttle, and then took Danhu all the way to Zhenwu Shengzong.

The speed of the space-time shuttle is very fast. Although the Yuanyang Continent is extremely vast, it is still not worth mentioning compared with the Nine Regions.

Going forward at full speed at the speed of the space-time shuttle, I'm afraid I can reach it tonight.


Zhenwu Shengzong,

Since the founding of the first ancestor, Emperor Zhenwu, this sect has occupied the best treasure mountain in the Eastern Continent.

The land with a radius of thousands of miles is full of precious mountains and precious soils, spiritual trees and spiritual grasses. The Holy Sect has developed for thousands of years, and now it is brewing the best essence of this world.

Inside the sect, there are cranes and unicorns, Qiongshan Yuyu, some people cover the sky, and some people swallow the essence of the sun and the moon.

There are countless strong men in the sect, even though they have declined now, they are still a colossus that cannot be underestimated.

However, recently, the atmosphere in Zhenwu Shengzong was tense, and everyone was panicked. Even Shouzong's disciples became elders.

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【I'm really a villain】【】

Lin Ruhu was leaning on a huge tree at the back hill of Zhenwu Shengzong.

This tree is extremely prosperous, and I don't know how many years it has lived.

Night is approaching as the last rays of the setting sun are swallowed by the dark sky.

"Big brother, are you still there?"

In the back mountain, the immature voice of a child resounded.

"I brought food, do you want to eat?"

(end of this chapter)

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