I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: Emperor's Tomb, the end of the Holy Zong

Guan Wumian felt that the current Zhenwu Sacred Sect knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and they preferred to go to the tiger mountains. Under the leadership of the suzerain Chu Yishan, it was almost deformed.

A living immortal alone is enough to destroy Zhenwu Shengzong, not to mention those sects that are united with him.

Which one is not better than the current Zhenwu Shengzong.

Thinking back to what kind of demeanor the Zhenwu Shengzong was back then, it's a pity that the descendants are useless, and they have fallen to the current situation.

Seemingly annoyed by Guan Wumian's rebuttal, Chu Yishan snorted coldly.

He said directly: "Now we have a deadly enmity with that living immortal.

We have hunted him down for so many years, now that he has grown up, how can he be willing to let us go.

Are you sure he's willing to let it go if we ask for peace? "

"Both of you, don't get excited. The living immortal hasn't come yet, but our own people are fighting each other," Bai Heqing, the deputy suzerain next to him, hurriedly came out to make trouble.

"Old Bai, tell me, who of us is right?" Chu Yishan asked directly.

Bai Heqing smiled, and replied: "Actually, both of you are right.

I don't think it's better than this, let's recognize the softness first, and ask for peace to see the other party's attitude.

It would be best if they are willing to make peace.

But if you are unwilling to make peace, it is not too late for us to fight again.

It should be best to be prepared with both hands. "

"Seeking peace requires an attitude of asking for peace," Guan Wumian said from the side.

"This matter happened because of your son, then arrest your son first, and wait for the living immortal to come and let him deal with it."

With a sound of "pa", the table in front of Chu Yishan was smashed into pieces by his palm.

He said sharply: "You want me to watch my son die in front of me, Guan Wumian, what is your intention?"

Guan Wumian was also not used to him, so he slapped the table in front of him, stood up and said aggressively: "I still have to ask you, because what your son committed, now I have to drag the entire Zhenwu Sacred Sect to be buried with him .

You, the suzerain, still need the qualifications and face to continue being the suzerain. "

"Calm down, both of you," said the second elder next to him with a smile.

"It's all my own family, don't hurt your peace.

Can the suzerain's son be let go first? If he can't even keep his own disciples, what will the other disciples of the sect think?

Why don't we wait for the Living Immortal to come and see what his request is, then let's talk about it. "

Guan Wumian took a deep look at the second elder.

The second elder has always been with the suzerain, and has always wanted to replace himself as the first elder.

The suzerain is definitely unwilling to hand over his son. This is a deadlock.

Guan Wumian suddenly felt a little tired. Even if Chu Yishan's son was handed over, the current situation could not be calmed down.

Let alone any sincerity.

But if it is strong, this is not Guan Wumian's original intention. The enemy cannot be messed up.

"Since you all feel that it doesn't matter, then I won't say more.

The left and right are only one dead, fighting for the sect, it is a worthy death. "

Guan Wumian stood up and walked out a little disheartened.


"Brother Zimo, let's go in," Lin Ruhu said angrily when he heard the conversation of these people.

"With these people around, how could the Zhenwu Shengzong develop.

I really don't know how the suzerain of this generation is elected. "

"Originally, I wanted to reveal my identity directly, but now it seems that there is no need to worry," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"Some people still have to die, otherwise, even if the living immortals are dealt with, the True Martial Sacred Sect will still not be able to develop."

"I think the Wumian level is quite good," Lin Ruhu said.

"My daddy is definitely the best," Guan Xingshu, a kid next to him, said hastily.

After Guan Wumian left from Everlasting Peak, he didn't seem to go back, but walked in another direction.

"My father must have gone to the Emperor's Tomb," Guan Xingshu said.

"Emperor's Tomb?" Lin Ruhu asked.

"What is that place?"

"The True Martial Sect has five emperors, and the ancestors led this sect to its peak.

The emperor's tomb was specially built by the sect to commemorate the ancestors. "

Although Guan Xingliang is young, he knows everything.

"I've only been to the Emperor's Tomb once. There are five ancestors' real bodies inside. Every year on the day when the five ancestors become emperors, the Zongmen will go to worship."

"Follow up and have a look," Xu Zimo said.

After crossing the Everlasting Peak, in fact, the current Zhenwu Shengzong has changed a lot compared to before.

The territory governed by the sect is much smaller, although there are still **** statues evolving in the sect, there are cranes singing, and dragons swimming into the sea.

But under this peak prosperity, it is inevitable that people will see decline, and it will continue to decline.


The emperor's tomb, a long time ago, was valued by the sect, but even today, a layer of dust has settled around the emperor's tomb.

It was a very grand hall, carved by Feihong, the gods and beasts were tiles, the spiritual grass was like a wall, the golden pillars looked like dragons, and the door turned into a phoenix.

Guan Wumian came here alone, and walked slowly into the hall.

The layout here is very simple.

In the middle are the statues of the five great emperors, which are the real bodies of the great emperors that Zongmen spent a lot of effort in shaping.

Guan Wumian grew up listening to the legend of the five great emperors.

In front of the real bodies of the five great emperors is a very spacious altar for worship.

Guan Wumian lit incense and respectfully offered incense to the five great emperors. This is called incense, just like a mortal imagining gods and worshiping gods.

For cultivators, their own emperor is like a god, and the incense must be given to the emperor.

After burning the incense, Guan Wumian knelt down and began to talk.

"The ancestors are invincible, but the descendants are incompetent. The turmoil of this time makes people feel desperate. I also hope that the ancestors have spirits in the upper realm, and can protect the Holy Sect through this disaster safely."

After praying, Guan Wumian was about to leave, but he looked at the dust in the hall.

He calmed down again and began to sweep the dust inside.

He didn't use any methods of cultivating immortality, for fear of disturbing the peace of the hall, he just took a broom and cleaned it calmly.

The emperor's tomb is dusty, this is not the beginning of the decline of Zhenwu Shengzong.

The glory of the ancestors is no longer taken seriously.

Suddenly, Guan Wumian heard footsteps.

He frowned slightly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com There are still people coming to the Emperor's Tomb at this time.

You must know that except for worship days, ordinary people are not eligible to enter.

Moreover, his spiritual sense couldn't perceive the existence of the other party. If it wasn't for the sound of footsteps, he wouldn't even be able to find it.

During this time, Zhenwu Shengzong was in the center of the storm, and he himself was also a bird of fright.

"Who?" Guan Wumian snorted softly.

"Daddy," Guan Xingshu's voice sounded at this moment, and he ran over quickly.

Guan Wumian was taken aback, "Xing'er?"

Looking towards the door of the main hall, I saw Xu Zimo and the others walking in slowly.

Except for his own son, the other three were all unfamiliar faces, but when their eyes fell on Xu Zimo, there was a very strange sense of familiarity.

(end of this chapter)

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