I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Parents, 8 kings fight

When Guan Wumian was resolved, Xu Zimo was waiting, waiting for the 80,000 appointment, and waiting for the arrival of the living immortal.

He wanted to see Chu Yishan, how to solve the current problem of Zhenwu Shengzong, is he really going to lead the whole sect to die?

This is not what a good leader should do.

On the second day, Xu Zimo found the place where his parents were buried.

His spiritual consciousness spans hundreds of millions of miles, and it takes only half a day to cross the entire Yuanyang Continent.

Compared with the Nine Regions, the Yuanyang Continent is indeed just a small world.

In front of his existence beyond the barriers of the world, there are no secrets to hide.

"Peach Blossom Spring," this is a hermitage.

He is not on the land of Yuanyang Continent, but an isolated island in the ocean.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, as if isolated from the world, it is an isolated island in the endless sea.

This isolated island was originally small, but with the passage of time, it was destined to be submerged by the sea.

But Xu Qingshan found this place, and he settled down here with his wife.

They repaired the island, planted peach blossoms, made it like spring all year round, and fished by the sea.

Turn this deserted island into a paradise, where there is no fighting, no intrigue.

Xu Qingshan is no longer a deputy suzerain, nor is he a powerful expert.

He and his wife Wen Renyun lived here in such an ordinary way, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

The island is surrounded by peach blossoms in the south and fields in the north.

Lived by plowing the fields, and slept by the sea, and lived like this for many years.

Finally, life came to an end.

Compared with those long-lived powerhouses in the Nine Regions World, no matter how strong the Yuanyang Continent is, it has not broken through the Great Emperor.

So life is not too long.

Coupled with the fact that Xu Zimo carried the emperor, it took too long to leave Yuanyang Continent.

I don't know how many eras have passed, how many mandates have been carried, and many great emperors have been born.

It's just that Xu Zimo doesn't care about these people anymore, because the emperor has long been ignored by him.

For him, in the almost silent time, countless people died unknowingly.

It was a parting year, and I never saw my parents again.

Xu Zimo walked thousands of miles, walked on the endless sea, and soon came to the small island.

Although the parents have passed away for a long time, the throbbing from the blood can still be easily found.

Xu Zimo came to the island.

Since the death of my parents, no one has been to this island for a long time, and no one has taken care of it.

The peach blossom trees seem to be dying of old age, the peach blossoms are gone, and the peaches are gone.

All the farmland that had been reclaimed was barren.

Xu Zimo was walking in the peach forest. As the saying goes, the lights of death are extinguished, and the island is full of bleakness.

At the entrance of the peach tree, there is a wooden sign with three big characters "Peach Blossom Spring".

This is the name given by Xu Qingshan.

Inside the peach forest, there is a hut, which was built by Xu Qingshan and Wen Renyun.

Everything seems to have changed.

Xu Zimo set foot in this Taoyuan, his footsteps were very light, as if he was afraid of disturbing the peace here.

A powerful momentum echoed around him.

This aura enveloped the entire island, and wherever he passed, the old, dead and decayed peach forests seemed to be revived.

The peach trees bloomed all over the ground in an instant, and the trees were lush and lush. Xu Zimo walked to the house and gently opened the door.

It was dusty inside and hadn't been inhabited for a long time.

There are not enough dishes and chopsticks, the room is very warmly decorated, and the withered flowers by the window are also reborn.

Everyone says that home is where there are parents.

In a sense, this hut is Xu Zimo's home, which is more meaningful than Zhenwu Shengzong.

At the back of the hut, there is only one grave, which is where the parents were buried together.

Xu Zimo knelt down and kowtowed three times seriously.

"Father, I'm back."

Xu Zimo didn't go anywhere all day, he just sat in front of his parents and told them about his experiences over the years.

As if time hadn't changed, as if he was still a **** of Zhenwu Shengzong back then.

After talking for a whole day, it seems that there are endless topics to talk about.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that Xu Zimo stood up and returned to the room.

This was one of the few nights when he went to sleep with peace of mind. He slept soundly and relaxed.

Perhaps no one has ever seen such a side of the Demon Lord.

The next morning, Xu Zimo knew it was time to say goodbye.

He knelt down and kowtowed three times again, picked some peach trees from the peach forest, and sacrificed them in front of his parents' graves.


The Eight Kings Covenant should be summoned by Li Changsheng, the world immortal, before gathering in Zhenwu Shengzong.

The living immortal Li Changsheng is about to carry the destiny, the law of heaven is manifested, and the destiny comes.

But before bearing the destiny, Li Changsheng has always failed to do one thing in the past, which made him always care about it.

His way is not going well, so before becoming the Great Emperor, he must settle all the past grievances.

So the Eight Kings Covenant came at his call.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is a foregone conclusion that Li Changsheng bears the destiny, and whoever can get a ride on him at this time.

In the era when he carried the destiny, even if he couldn't eat meat, he still had a mouthful of soup to drink.

That's why the eight major forces are so obedient, and they form an alliance with the eight kings to attack Zhenwu Shengzong.

And there is another reason.

Zhenwu Shengzong has existed for too long, and they rule the great rivers and mountains.

If they are destroyed, then the cake can be divided slowly.

What a big cake Zhenwu Shengzong is, how can this old sect He De occupy such a vast land.

The glory of the ancestors has long passed away, and the emperor no longer cares about Zhenwu Shengzong.


On this day, although the sun was still shining high in the sky, the north wind was howling.

The territory under the rule of Zhenwu Shengzong began to shrink.

You must know that Zhenwu Shengzong has become more than a simple sect these years, and such a majestic territorial sect cannot manage it at all.

So there was the existence of Zhenwu Kingdom.

Zhenwu Kingdom is a subordinate force of Zhenwu Sacred Sect, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com replaced Zhenwu Shengzong to manage the huge territory.

Today, the Eight Kings Covenant is gathered.

The Blood Crow Family, one of the eight kings, released news to the outside world.

The gathering of the Eight Kings this time is only for the purpose of destroying the Zhenwu Sacred Sect, it will not target the Zhenwu Kingdom, nor will it implicate mortals.

If the disciples of Zhenwu Shengzong leave Zhenwu Shengzong and no longer recognize Zhenwu Shengzong, the eight kings will not attack these people.

The meaning is very simple, they don't care who to kill, but want to destroy the brand of Zhenwu Shengzong.

Including the top management of Zhenwu Shengzong, as long as it is resolved, no one else will be successful.

After the news came out, people in Zhenwu immediately panicked.

In fact, everyone can see that Zhenwu Shengzong can't hold on this time.

(end of this chapter)

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