I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2117: Eternal, Annihilation, Eternal Power

The Seven Emperors were struggling hard, and the blood of Asura in their body was constantly galloping.

As if to destroy everything with absolute power.

"Boom, boom, boom."

His blood was boiling and his face was livid.

But no matter how they struggled, it seemed that an invisible force in the void was controlling them like this.

This power is so majestic and vast that they have no ability to resist.

"It's just ants. I'm used to being domineering. Have you really forgotten how big this world is?"

Xu Zimo said calmly.

As his voice fell, there was only a "bang", and the Asura blood in the Seven Emperors seemed to be under the influence of an invisible force.

The blood flowed back directly, and after boiling to the limit, it exploded.

In an instant, the blood of the seven emperors spilled into the void, and the flesh and blood flew horizontally, and the flesh was broken like foam.

Just die.

For a moment, everyone present shuddered!

The emperor, those are the seven emperors, the peak power of the Yuanyang Continent died just like that.

It's so easy, I didn't even see how to do it.

"Emperor, Eternal Emperor..."

Someone was so frightened that he knelt down.

The performance and thinking of these low-level people, they just want to survive.

As for the high-level of the several major forces, it is cloudy and uncertain.

Things have come to this, after all, they are here to destroy Zhenwu Sacred Sect, so if I beg for mercy at this time, the Eternal Emperor will let them go.

They could only focus on Li Changsheng.

After all, they were able to come here because of Li Changsheng.

At this time, Li Changsheng must stand up and give everyone a reassurance.

And Li Changsheng had no choice but to stand up.

But he looked calm, without the fear and panic of others.

No matter how strong a person who can cultivate to the peak is, at least in terms of Dao Xin, he is definitely not weak.

"I have heard the legend of the Eternal Emperor in the past, and I have longed for the heaven and earth above the Great Emperor.

It's just that I didn't expect to be able to fight against you so soon," Li Changsheng said.

"I thought it would be possible after bearing the destiny."

"None of the great emperors in the past has been able to return to the Yuanyang Continent, but you are an exception."

"I prayed from the power of Zhenwu Shengzong, junior, you are indeed good.

If you bear the destiny, even among the great emperors of all dynasties, you will feel that you are the one who is very strong.

But you are unlucky, and you got into trouble with me," Xu Zimo said.

"You shouldn't touch Zhenwu Shengzong."

"There is nothing wrong with it," Li Changsheng held the long sword in his hand, as if he was brewing his own sword intent.

The majestic sword intent distorted the void.

I only heard him say: "The road of the strong should be unimpeded, pushing all the way.

If even the Immortal Gate of Emperor Lineage can't move, then what's the point of going this way.

There are so many imperial immortal sects in Yuanyang Continent, it is impossible to avoid them all. "

"Emperor Lineage Immortal Sect can be destroyed, but Zhenwu Sacred Sect can't be destroyed by you," Xu Zimo said calmly.

"If other emperor lineage immortal sects are destroyed, let's not mention whether those great emperors of all dynasties can know.

Even if you know, you can't come back.

But Zhenwu Shengzong is different. "

"Because as long as I think about it, there is no place in this world that I can't go to.

I am different from the great emperors of all dynasties, because I want to go to the pinnacle of ascension.

Junior, do you understand? "

"If you exist like you, you will care about a small force in the lower realm," Li Changsheng sneered.

"You don't understand, you will understand when you have the opportunity to come to my step, maybe you will not have the opportunity."

Xu Zimo said.

"The more you get to the top, the more lonely you will be inside.

People, when they grow up, they will miss the carefree childhood.

The same is true for me, Zhenwu Shengzong is one of the few pure lands in my heart.

This is the hometown I miss! "

It was rare for Xu Zimo to speak so much. After all, every word he said this time would spread throughout Yuanyang Continent.

Whether it is the Eastern Continent or several other continents, they will definitely receive it immediately.

And now some forces that are secretly observing will understand what he means.

If in the future, Zhenwu Shengzong is in crisis again, these forces will have concerns about whether they dare to destroy Zhenwu Shengzong.

This is also one of the few things he can do for Zhenwu Shengzong.

After all, Xu Zimo is not the nanny of Zhenwu Shengzong.

The world has undergone many vicissitudes of change, no force can exist forever, and no one can live forever.

This is something that never changes.

"Junior, let me test your strength," Xu Zimo said, looking at Li Changsheng.

He is completely crushing an ant to Li Changsheng now. To be honest, he is bullying others.

The fight was meaningless from the start.

But Li Changsheng seemed ambitious and wanted to try the great emperor.

Because he thought he was already invincible, and he hadn't met an opponent for many years, so he desperately needed an opponent.

Li Changsheng held the long sword, and the sword intent had been condensed to the limit.

Just listen to "boom".

The powerful force directly killed Xu Zimo like overwhelming the river.


There were only two words, but Li Changsheng's sword intent was revealed.

Li Changsheng's Eternal Sword is one of his strongest moves on the Road to the Immortal World.

Li Changsheng swung his sword, and the sword intent was eternal, as if it would not dissipate for many years.

Xu Zimo felt that eternity in front of others was a bit ridiculous.

He said calmly: "There is no absolute eternity in the world, not even rules.

What's more, you don't even have control over the simple mysteries. "

When Xu Zimo's voice fell, there seemed to be some kind of rules in the words.

In an instant, all the eternal sword intent dissipated.

Li Changsheng's expression changed drastically.

He couldn't see how Xu Zimo made the move.

With just one word, his sword intent disappeared.

"Use all your strongest moves, lest you have no chance," Xu Zimo said.

Li Changsheng's face was cloudy and uncertain.

He slowly inserted the long sword into the void in front of him.

"Luo Tian Faxiang!"

At this moment, the long sword seemed to be integrated with his whole body.

A silver-white light erupted from the long sword and his whole body.

This light illuminates the sky, and a **** is brewed in the light.

This **** is like Li Changsheng magnified countless times, he stands proudly between the heaven and the earth in the posture of a giant.

"There is a bit of the essence of Fa Tian Xiang Di," Xu Zimo felt.

Still shook his head.

The Fatianxiangdi is an enhancement of the whole body, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, and this Luotianfaxiang should only be the enhancement of the soul.

The two are not at the same level.

But this Luo Tian Fa Xiang was created by Li Changsheng himself, so it proves to be not bad.

After all, it is the rarest thing to create your own way.

"The sword move is annihilated, and I invite the Emperor Eternal to taste it!"

After Li Changsheng's words fell, Faxiang behind him pulled out the long sword in front of him.

This is his strongest move.

The moment when the long sword was raised by Hair Xiang.

"Boom, boom, boom."

As if the sky was about to be destroyed.

The word annihilation means destruction.

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