I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2120: all dead

"Of course, you can also insist on resisting to the end. At that time, you, including the families and forces behind you, will be destroyed by me." Wagtail

Xu Zimo said calmly.

Killers are always killed, this is a truth that has existed since ancient times.

Naturally, Xu Zimo would not be merciful.

Heaven's protection is only basic, and he has to kill some people to have a shocking effect.

"Emperor Eternal, is this really the case," someone asked miserably.

The head of the Luo family, Wang Shusheng, was the first to stand up.

He directly shattered his soul, his blood flowed backwards, and he blew himself up directly. Wagtail

"I hope the Great Emperor will keep his word."

With a sound of "boom", an emperor like Wang Shusheng blew himself up in front of his eyes, and everyone in the field couldn't accept it.

After Wang Shusheng blew himself up, Luo Shu also became a thing without an owner, and flew directly to Luo's house.

Xu Zimo didn't stop him either. He didn't like the treasure because it had spirits.

As Wang Shusheng took the lead, some people also began to blow themselves up.

Among them are Fairy Baihua from Magpie Bridge Wonderland, and Venerable Poxu from the capital on the other side.

In order to preserve their safety, these three major forces all chose to commit suicide. Wagtail

But there are also people who don't want to commit suicide.

The Thunder King of Tianlei Tomb stood up and yelled: "Emperor Wangu doesn't want to give us a way out. Even if I die here today, I won't let Zhenwu Shengzong feel better."

After the voice fell, thousands of thunder and lightning wrapped around his body, and the roar of thunder was endless.

However, the next moment, Xu Zimo patted it directly with a big hand.

Directly wipe out Thunder, including Thunder King himself, in the void.

"You deserve it too?"

This person, the most taboo thing is that he thinks highly of himself too much. Wagtail

Seeing this scene, the people who originally wanted to resist were somewhat desperate.

Thirty-six strategies are naturally the best strategy.

It is definitely not enough to confront head-on, but the bloodthirsty crow emperor of the blood crow family yelled "Run", but he stood still.

Several people around subconsciously fled away.

The Yang God of Eclipse's family fled like a golden streamer.

And the three demons of the Abyss of Nightmare rushed directly into the abyss brought by the Ghost Weeping Monument, trying to escape into the void.

Seeing that the two escaped first, possibly attracting firepower, the Bloodthirsty Crow Emperor turned into a blood crow and flew away. Wagtail

Seeing several people using their own methods, Xu Zimo just shook his head boredly.

"Sure," he said in one word.

It was as if the rules of heaven and earth were all in his unspoken voice.

In an instant, time and space stood still, and the few people who wanted to escape were all frozen in place, unable to move.

Several people's faces were horrified, and they didn't dare to have the slightest reservation.

"Open it for me!"

In an instant, the yang **** pierced the sky and turned into the sun. Wagtail

The Ghost Cry Stele gathers the hands of the devil, trying to overthrow everything.

The blood crow is hundreds of feet long, surrounded by small blood crows that are constantly impacting the void.

"Stubborn," Xu Zimo said coldly.

He stood in the void, his voice was neither happy nor sad, like a **** who could decide all killing powers.


Another word fell, and the rules condensed on the sky, turning into an invisible blade.

Each head became a dead soul under the knife. Wagtail

No matter how many people struggled, it was of no avail.

In a blink of an eye, all eight major forces were wiped out.

The Luoshu family, the Magpie Bridge Fairyland and the capital of the other shore are self-defeating.

But Tianleizhong, Huangji family, nightmare abyss, blood crow family and eclipse family did revolt.

But at this time, it was only the leaders of the eight major factions who died. There were tens of thousands of people who came to attack Zhenwu Shengzong this time, but they were the children of the eight major forces.

Xu Zimo was not polite either.

In fact, during the war just now, these people saw that the situation was not right, and they were already in a mess. Wagtail

Tens of thousands of people are in a mess, but they are nothing more than a mob.

Xu Zimo wasn't merciful either, he waved his hand, and the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Jar flew over, circling around Xu Zimo affectionately.

Xu Zimo waved his hand, and endless magic flames spewed out from it.

Only in his hands can the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar display its absolute strength.

In an instant, with Zhenwu Shengzong as the center, a sea of ​​flames burned and spread in all directions.

The sea of ​​flames spread very quickly, and within a few breaths, everyone was enveloped in it.

Today's Zhenwu Shengzong is like hell. Wagtail

The eight major forces almost exist in name only.

Of course, this is not the end, there are still the foundations of the eight major forces.

Xu Zimo stared at the sky, the sky and the earth were vast at a glance, his eyes were deep, as if he had passed through the endless void, and finally landed on the foundation of the eight major forces.

He stretched his hand upwards, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was summoned, and began to gather and merge as if crazy.

In a blink of an eye, under Xu Zimo's control, several giant hands were condensed.

On this day, the mighty hand traveled through the void and appeared above several major forces.

The East Continent eclipsed the sun, and at this moment a big hand fell from the sky. Wagtail

The few surviving ancestors of Eclipse's family stood up and shouted: "He Fang Xiaoxiao dares to act presumptuously in my Eclipse's house."

Because the matter of Zhenwu Shengzong happened too fast, it has not been passed on yet.

But the big hand didn't show any mercy, it directly covered the entire Eclipse House, and wiped out everyone in it after it fell.

In addition, the big hand also appeared in the Abyss of Nightmare.

The depth of the abyss was unknown, and the nightmare hovered above the wall of the abyss, and the big hand went from bottom to top, and immediately uprooted the entire nightmare abyss.

In addition, including the Blood Crow Family, Huangji Family, and Tianlei Tomb, they are all within the scope of Dashou's destruction.

At this moment, the entire Yuanyang Continent was shaken. Wagtail

For the strong, it is so simple.

The eight peak powers can be wiped out at will, and the deterrence is strong. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In addition to the forces of the Eastern Continent, even the Central Continent was involved at this time.

Beidou Shenzong, one of the hegemonic powers in the Central Continent for many years.

Although they didn't personally bring anyone to the Zhenwu Sacred Sect, their imperial weapon, the Twenty-Four Pearls, was given to Li Changsheng to compete with the Tongtian Gourd.

However, the Beidou Shenzong is not guilty of destroying the sect. They are also considered to be acquainted, when Xu Zimo's mighty hand comes.

The current suzerain of Beidou Shenzong directly cut himself in front of him, wanting to get Xu Zimo's forgiveness. Wagtail

After all, it is a power at the overlord level, so it can be given up.

After solving a series of external problems, the next step is the internal problems.

But Xu Zimo obviously didn't want to take care of the interior.

When he arrived, he just clicked Guan Wumian, and said: "From now on, you will be the suzerain of Zhenwu Shengzong. As for how to reform the sect, that is your business."

"I don't care about it from now on, the future of Zhenwu Shengzong is still in your hands."

"Follow your ancestors' orders."

"Meet the Sovereign." Wagtail

The people of Zhenwu Shengzong did not have any opinions.

Next, Guan Wumian must solve internal problems, cultivate his cronies, and eliminate some of the influence of the previous suzerain Chu Yishan.

These have nothing to do with Xu Zimo.

"Boss, go to my training place," Xiao Guizi said with a smile as he stepped forward.

"Long time no see, Xiao Guizi," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

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