I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2148: Arrogant Zhou Yu, where is the Vatican?

"I'm really a villain"

"What happened to Qingqiu?" Zhou Yu asked suspiciously.

"Xiaoyu, do you think you should reconsider this marriage?"

Yan Shanhai said suddenly.

"I'm angry with a small household in Yanguo, I'm not good enough for you!"

"Father-in-law, are you kidding me, I really like Qingqiu, it has nothing to do with the sect.

It's not that our Zhou family doesn't care about this either. "

"If we really want to say that we are well-matched, how many families in this Mortal Domain are worthy of us?"

Zhou Yu replied.

"Or is it that my father-in-law looks down on me and thinks I'm not good enough for Qingqiu?"

"No, no," Yan Shanhai waved his hands quickly.

Said, "I didn't mean that, it was just...uh"

"Then I'll just say it straight, Qingqiu doesn't like you," Yan Shanhai sighed.

"If I force her, I'm afraid it will backfire and force her to commit suicide."

"It's all my fault. I spoiled her since she was a child. She is lawless."

"Yan Guozhu, you are joking," Zhou Yu suddenly stood up and said with a frown.

"Our Zhou family came all the way, but the momentum was huge, with lights and festoons"

"Everyone knows that I'm here to propose marriage. You suddenly made such a move, are you slapping my Zhou family in the face?"

At this time, Zhou Yu didn't even call out to his father-in-law, but changed his face and squinted his eyes slightly.

He stared at Yan Shanhai with great power.

Zhou Changgeng beside him also snorted coldly.

He is an elder, so the weight of his words is different.

Even to a certain extent, he represents the opinions and attitudes of the entire Zhou family.

"Guozhu Zhou, you are embarrassing us!"

"I said everything before, but suddenly changed my mind. I really don't take my Zhou family seriously."

Yan Shanhai was shocked by what the two said.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "You two, I'll take you to meet someone."

"If you can convince that person, I won't care about it."

"Who?" Zhou Changgeng asked with a frown.

He felt that Yan Shanhai's behavior today was very strange. Logically speaking, under normal circumstances, the other party would not dare to fight him so hard.

The Angry Flame Kingdom is just a small country.

If the Zhou family is willing, there is no need to do anything at all, as long as the word is released, it is enough to extinguish the wrath of the Yan Kingdom.

The Zhou family is just that powerful.

Because behind them stood the Brahma Demon Emperor, the strongest in the Mortal Realm.

I don't know how many people want to please Emperor Fanmo and see Emperor Fanmo, but they have no way to do it.

If it can be close to Zhou's house, then naturally it is the best.

So the two are not at the same level at all.

It was Yan Shanhai's attitude that made Zhou Changgeng so strange.

"I want to see who it is that can make Lord Yan have such confidence and confidence."

Zhou Yu said with a cold snort.

Yan Shanhai smiled wryly.

He knew that this time he could only count on Xu Zimo.

Otherwise, if I offend the Zhou family, there must be no good fruit to eat.

It's a small thing for him to die, but if the wrath of Yan Kingdom is also destroyed, he will feel uneasy!


"Come on, go and invite that senior over here," Yan Shanhai waved his hand and ordered the guards.

The guards didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and hurried to the Holy Fire Hall.

When the guard came to the Holy Fire Hall, he found Xu Zimo and Yan Qingqiu at the entrance of the hall.

It seems that it is specially waiting for him.

In fact, it was indeed waiting for him.

First of all, when the Zhou family came to the Kingdom of Wrath and Flame, they had to beat gongs and drums all the way, and it was difficult for him and others not to know.

Second, Xu Zimo's consciousness covers the entire city of Zhou Zhuo, and he can immediately perceive any disturbance.

So after the Zhou family arrived at the palace, Xu Zimo also knew about it immediately.

"Senior, the lord welcomes you," the guard said hastily.

"Understood, let's lead the way," Xu Zimo replied.

Yan Qingqiu followed beside him, and when things came to an end, he was somewhat speculative and worried.

Asked: "Are you really okay?"

"If there is a problem, at worst, you can remarry," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"I don't want it, if we can't, let's run," Yan Qingqiu said.

"I don't believe that they can still find me after fleeing to the ends of the earth."

"Have you met the son of the Zhou family?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I've seen it before, just an ignorant bastard," Yan Qingqiu replied.

"Otherwise I wouldn't hate him so much."

"Relying on the lingering shadow of my ancestors, I just acted mischievously. If there were no ancestors, I would have been beaten to death long ago."

Xu Zimo smiled.

At this time, several people had already arrived in the palace.

"I want to see who dares to be so arrogant," Zhou Yu's voice came from a distance away.

"My Zhou family doesn't even give face, dare to **** my fiancée from Zhou Yu."

At this time, Xu Zimo and the others had just walked into the hall.

In an instant, several eyes fell on Xu Zimo's body.

One of them was Zhou Changgeng, with some scrutiny and surprise.

He couldn't see through Xu Zimo.

To be precise, Xu Zimo's whole body is rich in Dao, even if he doesn't deliberately do anything, he still uses the rich Dao.

So when someone like Zhou Changgeng sees it, he will have a different feeling.

Moreover, Zhou Changgeng's whole body erupted with a powerful force.

But this kind of aura can scare others, but when facing Xu Zimo, it was melted instantly.

It's like the spring snow melts everything.

It doesn't work at all.

But Zhou Changgeng didn't speak, he just waited and watched.

But Zhou Yu couldn't help but speak first~www.readwn.com~Who are you? "

Although Zhou Yu was stupid, he still asked about Xu Zimo's background.

Xu Zimo chuckled and said, "I'm a casual cultivator with no background."

"No background, dare to **** my woman?" Zhou Yu snorted coldly.

"When did I become your woman," Yan Qingqiu retorted from the side.

"I do not like you."

"It doesn't matter if you like it or not," Zhou Yu said with a smile.

"Emotions are things that can be cultivated slowly."

Regarding Zhou Yu's thick skin, Yan Qingqiu didn't bother to say anything.

I didn't bother to argue, but just replied: "I won't marry you, you should die as soon as possible."

"Qingqiu, don't talk nonsense," Yan Shanhai next to him still reminded.

In any case, there is no need to really offend the Zhou family.

He still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.


"Come on, get him for me."

Zhou Yu was also polite, and directly ordered his servants to arrest Xu Zimo.

Whether it is a bluff or not can be detected very well.

"Don't bother, you ants are not worth my hands," Xu Zimo said calmly.

"I'm here for Emperor Fanmo."

"I don't know where the Vatican is now?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu seemed to have heard a great joke, and said with a sneer, "There are many people who want to see our ancestors, what are you?"

Zhou Changgeng next to him seemed to have noticed something.

Standing up, he said, "What's your name, Fellow Daoist?"

"Even if we want to see our ancestors, we have to inform them."

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