I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 2151: The Vatican Emperor, the Power of the Buddha and Demon

"I'm really a villain"

These two forces rose up at the same time, black and gold entangled with each other.

When these two powerful forces stirred the sky, a figure emerged from the two forces.

It is also coming out from the bottom of the imperial city.

This is a woman, wearing a black robe that almost covers her entire body.

His long hair was parted on both sides of his head.

Usually black, the other half is golden.

This woman is very strange, she clearly has one face, but it gives people two different feelings.

Half of it is the Buddha nature of compassion,

Half of it is evil and awe-inspiring magic.

The two forces confronted each other separately, but merged with each other.

As a woman, suppress the entire Mortal Realm.

You have thought about it yourself, and even feel that it is not dreamy.

"How can he help you?" Little Emperor Fanmo asked curiously.

"He's very weak," Little Emperor Fanmo looked at Xu Zimo and said.

Ji Qinyue said: "If you fight against him in that state, even if you win, it will be a victory."

With a wave of my hand, an endless amount of devilish energy poured into the body of Brahmamo Little Emperor.

It merged with this woman's body with a weird and perfect feeling.

Although your strength is amazing, the weakness is to fuse those two forces together.

After all, you have been cultivating magic energy for so long, and that kind of power has always been resisting.

"We wanted to kill you, but you killed us," Xu Zimo replied.

"Yes," Xu Zimo nodded.

Xu Zimo reckoned that during the time when the Vatican Demon Emperor disappeared, he was not dedicated to fighting against the backlash of the two forces.

The word Vatican and Demon,

It is said that when the Vatican Demon Emperor was young, he had an adventure and got a magic scripture.

Before the majestic and rich devilish energy appeared, it was purer and weaker than the devilish energy under the Brahma Demon Emperor.

So many people care about it.

"Your 10,000 paths still want to sharpen and retreat into the 100,000 paths."

"Then the demonic energy can suppress the Buddha's power," Xu Zimo replied.

"Your demon energy cannot be suppressed for a short time, but if his Buddha power was weaker before, that balance would be broken again," Xu Zimo said directly.

Little Emperor Fanmo looked at it for seven weeks.

Before the demonic energy poured in, the situation in the little emperor Fanmo's body turned bad instantly.

Only then did he speak hastily.

In the entire city of Zhou, it caused quite a small commotion.

She went up to study according to the scriptures.

But there is no way to balance the two forces.

Little Emperor Fanmo nodded and spoke for a while.

"How about that, you help him once, and you play a game slowly," Ji Qinyue said.

Someone shouted from below.

I saw that your face became rosy, your original hair became softer, and your white hair became deeper.

"Why did he want to kill us?" asked the little emperor Fanmo.

"He did it?"

Perhaps in the early days, those two forces were still strong, and the conflict was not so obvious.

"So those two powers must be able to integrate, so he must give up the same thing."

His eyes lingered on Xu Zimo's body for a long time.

"And it's also the idea of ​​​​sharpening your path."

"You know," Little Emperor Fanmo nodded.

Since then, the strength of the Vatican Demon Emperor has become stronger and stronger.

Brahman is taken from Buddhism, while Demon is the Demon Cult.

The two traveled through time and space.

Women's momentum is even stronger.

So those two conflicting forces are constantly confronting each other, which also makes the body of Brahman Mo little emperor more and more exciting.

"You came to look for him," Xu Zimo continued.

But when the strength of the little emperor Fanmo became weaker and weaker, that kind of conflict could not be avoided, and even could not be coordinated.

The forces closest to Zhoucheng are the first to know. "Those are all in the past, and the next one will be your little battle," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

Before again, little emperor Fanmo disappeared.

Until one day, the Vatican and Demon Emperor suddenly used the Demon Clan's skills, but worshiped Buddhism.

Little Emperor Fanmo opened his eyes and looked at the palace that was directly destroyed by Xu Zimo.

There were no two forces in the body of the Brahma Demon Emperor clashing.

In short, there are different opinions, and the Brahma Demon Emperor was once the weakest person in the Mortal Realm.

But the current state is still stable.

You practice the power of Buddha and demon together.

Said: "The outer space is too big, it's like you change places."

Before I left, there was no one in Jiqin who didn't have such weak dominance.

Your strength seems to have retreated a little.

No one said that the little emperor Fanmo went to other places in the four regions and would come back again.

I sat cross-legged and quickly adjusted the situation in my body.

But in essence, that method treats the symptoms and cures the root cause.

There are people in the desert, and some people dare to disturb.

"I wanted to fight with him to sharpen your own path, but looking at his current state, it seems to be too bad," Ji Qinyue said.

"The strength in his body is stable because of the confrontation of the power of the Buddha and the demon. Have you helped him weaken the demon energy?"

There are not many rumors about your disappearance. No one said that your own strength is balanced, and you were backlashed by the demonic energy.

It was a small battle between the two, and it spread through Zhoucheng very quickly.

"What are you looking for?" Little Emperor Fanmo asked suspiciously.

The Vatican Demon Emperor didn't even have the slightest resistance, allowing the demonic energy to enter his body.

A long time ago, little emperor Fanmo opened his eyes.

"You want to fight him too."

Special people may see it, but Xu Zimo can understand it at a glance.

"Can he help you raise your devilish energy?" Little Emperor Fanmo dared to doubt it.

"Thank you less," the little Emperor Fanmo replied.


Until one day, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, the weakest man after the Vatican Demon Emperor singled out Mortal Realm, defeated me.

Gradually began to gain fame in Mortal Domain.

Now within the two platinum beams of light, the Vatican Demon Emperor reappeared.

"Of course, you are the source of the devilish energy."

"I hope he's trying to disappoint you."

Even with the body of a human race, he has cultivated a demon body.

Xu Zimo nodded

It should be less effective now.

That annoys you a lot.

It seems that you haven't spoken for a long time, and your voice is not hoarse.

Very slowly, they came to a desert.

The problems that have troubled you for such a young age are so easy to solve.

Do I consider myself a disciple of Buddhism?

What made Xu Zimo quite different was that the Brahma Demon Emperor was actually a woman.

Little Emperor Fanmo took one step to the end of the world, leading the way behind, and Ji Qinyue followed in front.

Before the transformation from Buddha to Demon, the little Vatican Demon Emperor's understanding was astonishing, even in Buddhism, he showed weak strength.

"Absorbing your demon energy, you cannot directly suppress the Buddha's power," Xu Zimo said.

Almost the entire sky was enveloped by her golden and black aura.

Before that, it never appeared again.

As soon as Xu Zimo stretched out his hand, the majestic demon energy surged continuously.

"The Brahma Demon Emperor, the Brahma Demon Emperor."

It is precisely because of this that before the return of the little emperor Fanmo, his influence was so small.

[Xiaoxiang app search "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] It was before the return of Brahma Demon Emperor, he only showed his face once and wiped out a very weak force.

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