I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 585: 2nd Demon

Standing on a high slope, followed by a dozen black demons behind him.

These black demons are all around, and they are all quietly guarding him.

"Hide the head and hide the tail," Xuan Yu tweeted, and said, "How long are you going to hide the truth of the Dark City?"

"How did you know?" Qian Kun asked with a frown.

It stands to reason that as long as no one says, they will not remember the next day after the magic of the night.

"If you don't know, unless you have nothing to do," Xuan Yu said lightly.

"I am calling your master for decades, are you worthy?"

"There is something we can say well. We made the mistake that year. I will bear it alone. There is no need to release these dark monsters."

Qian Kun said: "The others are innocent."

"All my innocent matters to me, I will publish the Dark Devil's story to the world, and truly destroy the Dark Devil's view.

Those of you should also be spurned by future generations for thousands of years. Xuan Yu said angrily.

"Ah, that's the case, then you can only do it yourself," Qian Kun said, shaking his head.

The power of his whole body and the pulse of the gods surged directly towards Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu snorted coldly, and at this moment, there was a black aura around him.

This aura turned into a big, greasy face, wrapped around him.

"Magic qi," Qian Kun exclaimed, and reacted instantly.

Say: "You have successfully practiced magic, and where do you come from?"

"I didn't expect it," Xuan Yu waved his right hand, only to see the magical energy spread around him.

Wrapped around the dozens of black demons beside them.

These black monsters have experienced thousands of years of repression, and they can still survive today. The magical energy on their bodies has been incredible to an incredible degree.

When Xuan Yu's demonic energy dispersed, he seemed to be able to control these black demons.

The dark demons were so full of devilish energy that they killed him in real life.


Seeing the real people of Qiankun besieged in the middle, Xuan Yu sneered: "My good master, you have to enjoy the gift I prepared for you."

"Are you revenge the world?" A voice sounded after itself.

Xuan Yu took a step back in surprise, turned around and looked back.

I saw Xu Zimo step by step, quietly came over.

"It's you," Xuan Yu chuckled.

Said: "Speaking of which, I should also thank you. There are so many black monsters that I can't control them all.

If you didn't bring the magic powder here, I wouldn't be able to start this battle. "

"Then go to **** and thank you," Xu Zimo stepped forward step by step.

Xuan Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a stroke in his right hand, and a black demon roared and killed him from the side.

When Xu Zimo waved his right hand, he didn't even pull out the sheath. He saw a brilliant knife light burst out of the void.

The sword shines in the sky and cuts the black devil in half.

Xuan Yu's pupil shrank, and at the next moment, he hadn't waited for him to react. I saw that Xu Zimo's figure was so fast that he could not even see the residual image.

Appeared directly in front of him, grabbed his neck and held it high.

"Take me as a tool person?" Xu Zimo said lightly.

"Who the **** are you?" Xuan Yu asked hardly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I am angry now," Xu Zimo said calmly.

"Respect driving, please also be merciful," Qian Kun lived sideways to get rid of the tangle of the dark demon and hurriedly shouted to Xu Zimo.

"How?" Xu Zimo asked.

"I ask you not to kill him, I am willing to exchange my life for his life," Qian Kun said.

"I don't need you to pretend to be acting in front of me," Xuan Yu sneered.

"Boy, I admit that we have made mistakes, and they are very wrong.

I never wanted to escape these evils, "Qian Kun said with emotion.

"But in these years, I have tried very hard to make up for it, and I don't seek to make up for the crimes I did. I hope that the rest of my life can do my best to compensate."

"What is said is better than anyone else, but do you think I don't know?" Xuan Yu said lightly.

"You have been experimenting with the Dark Lord in the background all these years, and you have never stopped."

"No, I didn't do the experiment to condense the devil qi for my own strength. I was looking for a way to eliminate the devil qi in their body, so that they could return to the normal life."

Then he looked at Xu Zimo and prayed: "Zun Jia, if you disagree, then I only ask for one thing.

Before you kill Xuan Yu, can you let him kill me first, and also count your revenge, and you will feel relieved to die. "

Seeing that Xu Zimo had no objection, Qiankun talents handed the sword in his hand to Xuan Yu.

He closed his eyes slightly and said, "Come on, kill me, I have long wanted to be relieved."

Xuan Yu slowly took the long sword and looked at the real person who was desperate for death, silent for a long time.

In the end, he saw him throwing the sword aside, and said lightly: "If death can make up for the wrongdoing, then there will be no bad people in this world."

"I said, are you sensational enough here?" Xu Zimo said lightly.

"You don't have to kill me, in fact, I'm dying too," Xuan Yu calmly replied.

"You know, how do I learn magic?"

"I don't know," Qiankun shook his head and said, "Since the master brought back this practice, no one can practice.

Even after years of hard work, it won't help. "

"That's because I met the real demon," Xuan Yu said.

"I sacrificed the soul to him, and he taught me to use magic to control the dark demons."

"Magic," Qian Kun's face changed slightly at this moment.

"Why do we have real demons in Darkness?"

After all, he has lived in Black Devils for so long, everything here is well known.

"Master, do you remember the time when Master Zu just returned from the Void Valley?" Xuan Yu asked.

"Although there was no me back then, you said that during that time, Master Zu lived alone in the back hill of Taoist temple."

"Houshan," Qian Kun lived frowning slightly.

The back mountain of the Black Devils has been abandoned, and since Shizu left ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ no one has ever been there.

After all, Taoism is declining, and now there are more than a dozen people left.

"The devil you mentioned is in Houshan?" Qian Kun asked.

"One morning half a year ago, when I woke up and found myself lying in the back mountain, I accidentally went to the cave where Shizu lived." Xuan Yu said.

"That's right there. The devil told me the truth, the truth about the dark magic concept."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xu Zimo didn't say anything, and walked directly into the dark demons again.

He has always been concerned about the demons.

It is a pity that after coming here, apart from Baimon, he hardly saw the second demons.

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