I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 805: Purpose and Decisive Battle

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The latest website: "The other Emperor Xianmen only sent a few elders to participate, their main force is not in this Emperor Xianmen." Gong Yun'er replied.

"You should understand what I mean, only the Baili family can fight us."

"They won't ask for help," Dazhi monk sneered.

"I don't believe that you can easily win an imperial celestial gate."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the void of this world has been imprisoned by us, and no way of asking for help can be transmitted."

Hearing this, Dazhi's face changed slightly.

Even if the other party dared to come, it must have been prepared.

If the situation is true, then they become turtles in the urn, and there is no possibility of escape.

"What do you want us to do?" Monk Dazhi glanced at Xu Zimo.

When Xu Zimo didn't speak, he turned around and asked.

"It's very simple," Gong Yun'er took out six crystals from the portable ring.

Said: "You can bury these six crystals in the places where Tianyuan Small World is located according to the place I appointed, and you can exchange your life."

Hearing Gong Yun'er's words, and then looking at the spar in her hand, the monk Dazhi handed over the decision to Xu Zimo.

"Yes, I agree," Xu Zimo said.

He took the spar and found that it was a few stones that were arranged in arrays, which contained countless arrays of seals.

It's hard to imagine how huge this formation is, so many stones should be used.

And how much is arranged outside the city is still unknown.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie," Gong Yun'er said.

"Actually, even without your help, we can do it, but it takes some trouble.

I hope you have not played tricks, otherwise you will be at your own risk. "

Xu Zimo smiled and said indifferently: "As long as it is aimed at the Baili family, I'm too lazy to care."

"After the event, you can leave, this is my promise to you," Gong Yuner replied.

Xu Zimo nodded, preparing to leave with Dazhi monk, and was suddenly stopped by the other party.

"Oh, yes," Gong Yun'er said.

"I heard that you are the son of Zhenwu Shengzong, the first person of the younger generation in the East Continent."

"Everyone gives a face, they call it," Xu Zimo smiled.

"I have the opportunity to discuss with you," Gong Yuner said.

"Are you strong?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Since the outermost polar palace to the present, there are few opponents encountered," Gong Yun'er replied confidently.

"There should be a chance," Xu Zimo waved carelessly.

They took the Dazhi monk and swaggered out.

Seeing this scene, in the living room, next to Gong Yun'er, I don't know when a black shadow appeared.

After the black shadow flashed, it became indistinct, and no one was visible, only a shadow floating on the ground.

"Just let them go, can you trust it?" Black Shadow asked in a heavy voice.

"They are smart people," Gong Yun'er smiled.

"And now it is not easy to want to enter the Baili family, especially Tianyuan Small World.

Don't look at the bustling and prosperous city nowadays. In fact, the Baili family is very vigilant. They have been managing the whole city in the dark.

In order to avoid confusion. "

"I know this," Dark Shadow replied.

"However, none of them can think of it. We will have such courage in the Tian Wai Polar Palace.

At this time came to attack them Baili City. "

"Okay, wait for the news," Gong Yun'er said.

"If they lie to me, they can only fight in. They must prepare for everything."


Walking out of the alley, Dazhi's monk looked sad.

"What's wrong?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Do you really want to bury these spars in Tianyuan Small World?" Dazhi monk asked.

"If they have the ability to destroy the Baili family, why should I not do it," Xu Zimo laughed.

"But this incident is not just about the Baili family, but it covers the entire eastern continent."

Buddhist monk Dazhi said: "Your move is to betray the entire eastern continent, if someone is found."

Monk Dazhi said that he didn't go on with it, the meaning was already obvious.

"Those who have no evidence, who knows?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"Also, whether the mantis is catching the cicada or the cardinals are not necessarily behind, you don’t have to worry about it."

Monk Dazhi sighed and asked, "Do you know the Tianji Polar Palace?"

"Know some, but I didn't say much," Xu Zimo said.

"It's very strong," Dazhi monk asked.

"It depends on how it compares," Xu Zimo pointed to the sky and said, "If you compare the world with the sky, it's still a bit powerful.

But in Yuanyang mainland, it is so-so. "

"Tianwaitian, do you mean their origin is Tiantiantian?" Dazhi monk said with surprise.

Anything, once in contact with Tianwaitian, is not easy.

"This is not something you can touch, let's go," Xu Zimo waved his hand as the two said into the Tianyuan small world.

At this time, the finals of the quarter-finals have already been played.

Both Jiang Xi'er and Xiang Qianheng were successfully promoted, and this last scene was the battle between Taiyuan Tianzong's Holy Son and Mo Chen.

At the beginning, this man was very mysterious, and I will not mention everything about him.

Mo Chen had a deal with Xu Zimo before.

No matter in the previous life or now, Xu Zimo knew Mo Chen.

Mo Chen's six-element imperishable array was still given to Xu Zimo by Mo Chen.

Speaking of Mo Chen, because his life is not so good, and even some miserable reasons, in order to be strong, his training path can be different from others.

The six-element indelible array left by the Daozhen Emperor that year moved the entire Yuanyang continent.

Known as the pinnacle of formation together.

And Mo Chen is to use himself as the carrier of the formation, with the six-element indestructible formation as the main body, and countless other formations as the auxiliary body.

His whole body can be said to be full of formation.

At a glance, the Ten Thousand Formation Method is turned on when you raise your hand. It is almost a humanoid formation method.


Watching the two standing on the contest stage, the people around them looked more expectant. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Xu Zimo handed over the task of burying the crystal to the monk Dazhi, and he saw the comparison between the two.

"In the beginning, please enlighten me," said the beginning of the stage and chuckled lightly.

His whole body is majestic and refined, just like a layman, all kinds of cause and effect are not entangled, everything is up to me.

Free and easy.

And Mo Chen, dozens of formations were opened in the room.

The sound of "bang bang" exploded in the body, defensive formation, attack formation and even treatment formation were all available.

I saw him killing Taichu very quickly, and his figure turned into a streamer in space.

In the beginning, he slightly raised his eyelids and slowly raised his right hand.

With a "boom", the arms of the two slammed together.

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