I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 809: Defeat 3

"Elder Chi makes sense," the owner of the Mo family nodded and said.

"We tried to stabilize them while trying to spread the news.

Move the rescuers at their respective gates. "

"But space is now imprisoned, and it's hard to get the news out," Baili Chengfeng sighed.

"I've got a way," the Dan parent next to him was silent for a while, and finally said.

"Our Dan family has a sub-divine pill, as the name suggests, it is to separate the flesh and the soul, which can make the soul separate.

Souls can travel through the void directly, not affected by their imprisonment. "

"There is this immortality medicine," Baili Chengfeng said with surprise.

"I can use my back to move rescuers, but the only problem is that you must protect my body during this time."

Dan's parents nodded and said, "Once my body is damaged, my soul will disappear."

"Elder Dan, don't worry, we will protect you even if we try our best," said the Chi Family Master, who nodded.

"But although there is Elder Dan's method, we must also stabilize these people.

Who should ten players play? "

"The first eight players to enter the quarterfinals should be eligible to play," Baili Chengfeng said.

"The remaining two people, Deputy Sect Master Xu, your son of the Sect should be able to participate.

Xu Shengzi is the first person of the younger generation in the East China Continent.

Just let their ten representatives play. "

"I have no opinion," Xu Qingshan shook his head.

After everyone had discussed it almost, they nodded their heads in the wind and went straight ahead to tell the roster of ten people.

Hearing himself, Xu Zimo was a little surprised, but he was also guessing.

"Who comes first?" Gong Yun'er asked calmly while standing on the ring.

Several people glanced at each other, not anxious.

After all, their understanding of Gong Yun'er is now zero, and their chances of winning are not high. They still have to wait for a few games.

"I'll come first," Kuang Qianshan seemed to be unable to wait, and flew directly to the ring.

"I'll fight you," his muscles bulged high, like a giant humanoid.

When he came up, the entire ring shook.

Kuang Qianshan yelled and raised his fist towards Gong Yun'er directly.

His voice was a bit like a roar of a fierce beast, and the ghost of the tiger on his fist appeared.

"There is more power than speed," Gong Yun'er shook his head slightly.

The next moment, I saw her figure floating past, and suddenly came to the back of Kuang Qianshan.

Slightly grasping Kuang Qianshan's clothes with one hand, and flicking it gently, it seems that the effort is very light, but he directly flew Kuang Qianshan out.

Kuang Qianshan stood up and roared again.

Behind him, there were countless monsters and beasts roaring.

The so-called ten thousand beasts are a collection of many essential forces.

The moment the ten thousand beast phantoms appeared, the entire void shook, and roaring sounds followed one after another.

"It's a good life, but it's a pity," Gong Yun'er shook his head slightly.

"Miscellaneous but not refined, you value the power of the surface too much."

When Thousand Beasts rushed towards themselves, Gong Yun'er didn't panic, and Jade's hand slowly lifted up.

A ghostly air filled her palm.

"Netherworld Soul Palm," Gong Yun'er sighed softly.

In that nether world, as if there were thousands of ghosts crawling out, they collided directly with Kuang Qianshan.

With the sound of "boom", there was a muffled noise around the void, and Kuang Qianshan flew out directly.

Under the collision of pure power, he lost.

Kuang Qianshan looked at everything dullly.

"Next," Gong Yun'er patted the robe, and his clothes were never messy.

Win easily.

"I'll come," Xiang Tianheng took the lead in the ring and said.

His whole body was majestic, and a stream of black gas enveloped him.

That was the overlord Yanyu he practiced. This exercise is very overbearing. He was born to be overbearing.

Xiang Tianheng snorted coldly, surrounded by a black aura, and flew directly to punch Yun Gonger.

Gong Yun'er smiled, not to be outdone, caught the circle head-on.

The two collided with their fists and feet, with almost no skill, they were competing with pure power.

The sound of "bang bang" sounded on the ring.

Gradually, Xiang Tianheng seemed to be struggling, and he took the lead to use his life.

His real life is a phantom.

According to legend, the overlord Yanyu was passed down by the once overlord Xiang Wang, and the true life condensed by this exercise is the overlord's phantom.

With the real life, Xiang Tianheng's pressure is much less.

However, everyone watching the battle underneath did not have any joy, because so far, Gong Yun'er's real life has not yet appeared.

"Compared with me?" Gong Yun'er chuckled lightly.

I saw that she suddenly remembered Long Yin.

The phantoms of dragons are wrapped around the body.

"Seven steps against the dragon," Gong Yun'er sneered.

One step out, it is a phantom of the dragon, and the dragon will not stop, and the storm will start.

Another two steps out, the long dragon hovered over her head, facing away from the overlord.

"This woman actually practiced such a domineering pulse technique," someone whispered.

Seven steps against the dragon, each step taken, the power contained in it is unimaginable.

When Gong Yuner reached the fifth step, Xiang Tianheng was already unbearable.

That pressure made it difficult for him to even breathe, his forehead was covered with sweat, and the blood vessels on the skin were to explode.

The green muscles burst, and the eyes of the whole person are blood red.

Seeing Gong Yun'er take the sixth step, Xu Qingshan underneath quickly stood up and shouted, "Enough, we admit defeat."

It is not terrible to lose the game, but Xiang Tianheng was cultivated by Zongmen finally.

It is not even necessary to become a successor in the future. Xu Qingshan is absolutely not allowed to die here.

"Next," Gong Yun'er smiled, his momentum suddenly disappeared.

Only Xiang Tianheng left the whole person gasping down on the ring and was helped by several disciples.


Seeing that the two of them were defeated in succession, there were more people discussing under UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

Many people believe that they are not stronger than Xiang Tianheng, which also increases their pressure.

"Demon, go on," the elder of the purgatory sect said to the demon.

"Are you sure?"

"No," Tian Mo Zi smiled and went straight to the ring.

I haven’t seen it for a long time, and now the devil has grown a lot.

A black hair was randomly scattered on the back, and the pupil looked extraordinarily strange.

His lips are even black.

There was a long knife hanging around his waist, and he walked up slowly.

"Here's an interesting one," Gong Yun'er looked at Tian Tianzi on stage and smiled.

"Please enlighten me," Tian Dezi said calmly.

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