I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 822: Golden Dragon

Daoman returned to the original, broken all the void, and swallowed the figure of Yuelong Patriarch.

But at the next moment, only listening to the explosion of "Boom", Xu Zimo's scimitar shifted back a few points, and Yuelong Patriarch withdrew completely.

"You shot the old man first, and everyone in the room saw it too," Yuelong ancestor said lightly.

"Even if Zhenwu Shengzong asked about it in the future, the old man would say something."

"What are you doing so much," Xu Zimo said calmly.

He stepped into the air and the eight pulse doors opened at the same time.

The majesty was like waves of mountains and seas, and the waves surged across the sky.

The ancestor of Yuelong is not simple, just listen to Long Yin ringing around him.

There was a golden spirit around him.

In this golden aura, a divine dragon hovered slowly around the Yuelong ancestor.

For a time, Longwei was shrouded and suppressed.

Everyone around saw the divine dragon, and they all talked about it.

"It is said that when Yuelong's ancestor was young, he had seen a real dragon.

He signed an agreement with Shenlong, and the two united into one, and practice complemented each other. Is this true? "

"Looking at the situation as if it were true, this dragon does not seem to be transformed into a ghost."

Xu Zimo raised his head slightly, and saw the huge dragon head facing him.

He could even feel the heat from the dragon breath.

"Xu Shengzi, you still have time to admit your mistakes now," Yue Long's ancestor said high.

Xu Zimo chuckled softly, and the Ba Ying in his hand burst into a tremendous sword, killing the dragon.

Just listening to the "bang", a wave of air spread out in the middle of the sky.

The dragon roared, his huge head biting Ba Ying, and he was desperately biting.

"God of War has changed," Xu Zimo snorted.

The strongest immortals can't be underestimated. A steady stream of aura is surging from the opponent's body.

It seems to be inexhaustible, and they have been able to use the power of heaven and earth to suppress each other after they entered the fairy.

"It's just a grain of sand in the sea," Yuelong ancestor said proudly.

"If you become an emperor, or a fairy, I'm still afraid of you.

How does a god's veins fight me? "

The huge dragon head flicked hard, and Xu Zimo even flew out with the Ba Ying.

Xu Zimo stepped hard in mid-air and stopped his body slightly.

Above the sky, the Yuelong ancestor stood in the void, and his body was majestic.

The golden dragon circling around.

His white hair was blown up in the wind, his eyes proud.

Looking at Xu Qingshan underneath, he shouted: "Vice Sovereign Xu, what do you say?"

"It's up to him to talk about the child," Xu Qingshan smiled unhurriedly.

"It's better to learn a lesson."

"That old man is welcome," Yuelong Patriarch sneered coldly.

"It's just that the sword has no eyes. If you accidentally abandon the son of Guizong, don't blame me."

Xu Zimo looked up and saw that although the ancestor of Yuelong was well hidden, the killing intention in his eyes burst out.

Blocking Baili Xiao's way, so the people of the Baili family can't wait to die.

Around him, the might of the Nine Changes of God of War is also erupting.

Seven changes of Canglong,

Ever changing,

God of War nine changes.

In an instant, the wind and the clouds throbbed, and the endless power tore the sky.

The armor of God of War condenses out with the mighty spirit, covering Xu Zimo's whole body.

This Nine Changes of God of War has improved Xu Zimo's promotion several times.

His body became more and more powerful, and thousands of miles of spirits gathered here, irrigating into Xu Zimo's body and condensing.

The Yuelong ancestor next to him saw this scene and frowned slightly.

He could feel the stronger and stronger power, and he was increasing.

"He still has the cards?"

In the battle with Gong Yun'er just now, the ancestor of Yuelong felt that Xu Zimo should have all the cards.

So he dared to be so confident.

"Kill," followed by another roar of Yuelong Patriarch.

The golden dragon wrapped around him roared, and the huge body flicked slightly on the sky.

Many miles of mountains and rivers broke apart.

The dragon came to Xu Zimo.

But at the moment, Xu Zimo is not just the **** of war nine changes, the power of shaking in the body is also spinning wildly.

Behind him, the giant giant shook his eyes at the attacking dragon.

The dragon seemed to want to knock down Xu Zimo with one blow.

However, when Longwei flew at Xu Zimo, Xu Zimo took a deep breath, and even grasped Longwei with both hands.

His body was not inclined, his eyes were deep and dark, and he grinned and grinned at the dragon's teeth.

"This is a dragon," someone underneath said.

"It's not an illusion that turns out to be such a force."

"What kind of monster is this Zhenwu Shengzong," Baili Chengfeng saw the scene below and sighed slightly.

Since ancient times, there have been many arrogances, and which of the young fairy emperors is not a genius.

He had even seen him push all the way, invincible all the way.

But like Xu Zimo, even the battle of immortal pole seems to have not shown his full strength.

It's unclear and unpredictable.

"This is nothing," Baili Xiao said aside.

"The power of shaking the sky is hailed as the ultimate of power, which is also a realm of difference.

Otherwise, if he waited for him to be immortal, this dragon would not be a toy in his hand. "

"Xiao'er, can you be confident?" Baili Chengfeng asked, turning his head.

But as soon as he spoke, he regretted it.

This is not a nonsense. Nowadays, Xu Zimo's strength is so strong. Who dares to say that he is sure.

"Dad, she is destined to perish, don't need to care so much," Baili Xiao said calmly.

In her eyes, she never regarded Xu Zimo as her opponent.

Because Xu Zimo is destined to be destroyed, no matter how rampant and jumpy he is now.

Can't jump out.


The golden dragon above the sky roared, watching the tail caught, and the dragon was struggling frantically.

He swayed the dragon's head and wanted to get rid of Xu Zimo and flew it out.

"Livestock, still restless?" Xu Zimo snorted.

Grasping the dragon tail directly, the giant behind him roared and threw it hard.

The explosion of "Boom" rang all around. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

The figure of the dragon was flung up by Xu Zimo, just like a whip, hitting in the void.

All the voids around were broken.

The dragon roared in pain.

"Stop, let go of Xiaojin," Yuelong Patriarch shouted anxiously.

He really appeared behind him, it was also a golden dragon.

The next moment, accompanied by the surge of aura around him, I saw the figure of Yuelong Patriarch disappeared.

What remained in place was also a golden dragon.

"Our ancestor is a dragon?" the people in the Baili family shouted in surprise.

"No, it should be the ancestor who took the dragon as his real life," someone explained a little after thinking.

"Using a certain ability, it turned into a dragon."

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