I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 841: Inside the Sky Tower

"Now when you enter this Heavenly Tower, there are no rules at all.

You can kill each other or help each other, as long as you can enter the fifth floor, even if you pass the first level. "

The white-haired old man sitting in front said loudly.

"If you can climb to a higher level, the score will increase exponentially for each level."

"Students understand," hundreds of people replied in unison.

At the next moment, I saw that the white-haired old man waved his hand, and the first gate of Tiandao Tower slowly opened.

A hundred people walked toward the tower with mighty force.

As soon as I walked in, I felt a strong pressure and rebound.

Some people were hit by the force of rebound before they had time to resist.

"One hundred times the gravity," Xu Zimo said calmly, feeling his own situation.

This gravity is set according to everyone's cultivation behavior.

No matter how strong you are, you can't get rid of this gravity.

Everyone on the scene felt as if their legs were leaded, and they were extremely heavy.

"I said that everyone should stop thinking about private fights for now," a man in a green robe stood out among the remaining people.

Said: "Everyone will go to the fifth floor with one heart, and then I will say, my name is Zhang Chou, the Son of the Seven Loves."

"It turned out to be love," someone whispered in awe.

"Although I haven't met in the next session, the deeds about love and sanctity are as permeable.

It is said that the love sacred song departs, and everything between heaven and earth is miserable everywhere.

I recommend Qingsheng to be our leader for the time being, enter the fifth hurdle first. "

Someone started talking around.

"My little brother happened to know a little bit about this heavenly tower. If you are willing, I can't help it," Zhang Chou smiled.

His voice fell and was immediately recognized by some people.

Some people are also arrogant people, so naturally they do not want to bow his head.

"Every floor of the Heavenly Pagoda is a world apart. It can be said that it is generally difficult to go to the blue sky."

Just listen to this worry and continue to say.

"The first layer is a hundred times the gravity, you also feel it.

Now let's go to the second floor, where the sun is really fire. "

With a doubtful attitude, everyone finally walked to the second floor with some difficulty under the suppression of a hundred times of gravity.

Xu Zimo did not feel difficult.

He would give the young man in gray shirt a special look.

Because several people came in together, the other party seemed to walk up comfortably.

Not affected by this gravity at all.

Just walked through the space door to the second floor.

There was a blaze of heat.

And this blazing heat is not just general heat, it is the enthusiasm that can burn all the souls.

Looking up, I saw that the second floor was a real fire burning in the sky.

The scalp is numb.

If you want to go to the second floor, you must go to the real fire of the sun.

If it fails, I am afraid that the instant will turn to ashes.

"It is said that the Shenyan Patriarch of the Tiandao Academy practiced the Day Sun Golden Curse that caused the sun to catch fire.

Thus came to this tower of heaven, and this is the only one in the world," Zhang Chou said.

"Everyone should do what they can. If you are not sure, don't go in, lest you lose your life."

His words fell, and the young man in grey shirt in front of him walked alone into the real fire of the sun on the second floor.

He had no momentum around him, and walked in like an ordinary ordinary person.

The blazing flames were burning all around.

But he seemed to turn a blind eye and walked in without saying a word.

"This guy," Monk Dazhi said aside.

"What do you think?"

"It's hard to say, easy to say, not difficult," Xu Zimo smiled and walked in.

Someone around saw Xu Zimo go in safe and sound, and tentatively took a step.

In the next moment, he was too late to scream, and the whole figure disappeared.

A living person disappeared in front of him.

"This flame is not a real flame, but a fire of soul," Xu Zimo said to Monk Dazhi.

"If you are not afraid of him, your heart is full of pride, and you will never be able to burn you.

If there is a trace of concern and fear in the heart, the soul will be burned. "

"There is nothing wrong with this Xiongtai," Zhang Chou smiled next to him.

"If you can't keep going, you can only use other methods."

I saw that he took out a panacea prepared in advance from Najie.

The elixir is blue in size, only the size of a longan, and there is a ray of cold on it.

"This is the Qing Soul Pill that I bought at a great price, which can make my soul spotless and avoid the burning of the real fire of the sun."

Zhang Chou said with a smile: "Although the levels in the Tao Tower are strict, they are all traceable. You must be careful yourself."

He swallowed the Elixir directly, and covered him with a faint blue aura.

Then came in the eyes of everyone.

"Brother Zhang, do you still have this Qingshen Pill? I'm willing to pay a higher price," someone asked immediately.

"It happens that I still have ten on my body. Don't say I don't talk about affection. How about everyone who has the highest price?"

Zhang Chou said with a smile: "You can also change things."

Xu Zimo looked funny on the side. This guy seemed to know the assessment early and wanted to make a fortune.

Some people immediately robbed the panacea.

But the people present were all arrogant.

Some have sat cross-legged, calming their minds.

Then a large number of people started walking towards the real fire of the sun.

Some people pass, and naturally some people vanish.

Hundreds of people came in here, just two layers of effort, almost half of them have disappeared.

It is important to know that those who can come to participate in this competition are all real arrogants, not ordinary geniuses.


When the rest of the crowd walked to the third floor, they saw only one place here.

Grey gas permeated the air.

Three ancient statues stand at the front.

Among these three statues is a Buddha who holds a ritual of Buddha alone.

On the left and right are two Arhats.

The two Arhats were wearing gold and red cloaks behind them, standing on both sides.

The statue of the Buddha is full of gold, with a rich face, a big earlobe, and a big belly, which is a smile that is always open.

"What's the matter with this third floor?" Someone asked Zhang Chou quickly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"On both sides of the ghost and the buddha, seeing the nature clearly," only heard Zhang Chou dignified.

"This level depends on whether you can clarify your heart.

Whether it is to bear the destiny to become an emperor or to be an ordinary cultivator.

Can you understand the way you want to go. "

"It's that simple?" someone asked doubtfully.

None of the people present wanted to be an emperor, otherwise they would not come to Tiandao College.

"You understand it after trying," Zhang Chou smiled mysteriously.

It would be great if the test of Tiandao Academy was really so simple.

This time I hadn't waited for everyone to say anything. I saw that the young man in grey shirt stepped forward again for the first time.

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