I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 850: The Story of Venerable Anger

"The teacher said something weird. We only met for the first time. How can we believe it?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"I want to save this Suzaku," Venerable Sigh sighed.

Then he said: "If Tiandao Academy is destroyed, it will be too late for the leaves of life.

You give it to me first, what I have said will definitely count. "

"This Suzaku is very important to you," Xu Zimo asked.

"Important, very important," Venerable Anger said without hesitation.

Xu Zimo walked into Nanming's sea of ​​fire, and the magical energy around him was surging, forming a layer of barrier to block outside.

When he came slowly to the tombstone,

I saw a few large characters engraved on it, "Tomb of the beloved wife Nan Yue."

"Your wife?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"Ask so much," the Venerable Angry said in a low mood.

"If you don't want to give it, then nothing."

"Then I believe in you once," Xu Zimo said.

"Anyway, I have to go to the Baibao Pavilion."

Watching Xu Zimo take out the leaf of life again, Venerable Vener took a deep breath.

"You can rest assured that what I have said will definitely count, even if my life is forgotten, I will help you in."

"I don't know if this Suzaku is in this situation, can a leaf of life be saved," Xu Zimo said contemplatively.

If Suzaku was just traumatized, this leaf of life might be enough.

But this Suzaku has been here for nearly a century, and his body has been decayed.

This is also thanks to Suzaku as a mythical beast, Nanming is alive from the fire, nothing burns.

Coupled with the care of Venerable Angers over the years, it was only able to support it.

"Then do you have any way?" Venerable Anger quickly asked.

"Let me see it first," Xu Zimo said.

Venerable Nod nodded.

Under the leadership of Venerable Anger, the two walked deep into the flames.

The sea of ​​fire rolled like clouds, separating from the middle, leaving a spacious avenue.

When the two walked to the innermost, they saw a crystal tower in front of them.

This crystal is natural, crystal clear, exudes a strong aura.

A blood red heart enveloped by a white flame is being stored in the crystal.

"Boom", a faint heartbeat sounded in it.

There are many flowers and plants planted around them, all of which enhance qi and blood and vitality.

Xu Zimo walked slowly to the heart, his hands full of magical energy, covering the heart.

Looking at the uneasy eyes of Venerable Anger, he smiled and said: "I just check it, it will be fine."

Xu Zimo inspected it and found that the heartbeat of this Suzaku was weak.

More fragile than I thought.

And many blood vessels in the heart have been necrotic, and connection with the outside world is impossible.

Nowadays, it is an independent individual, and it is difficult to use it to revive Suzaku.

difficult! ! !

"How is it?" Venerable Angry asked with a sigh.

"Save, but it will be more difficult," Xu Zimo said.

"Can you save?" The Venerable Vengeance's eyes glowed with light, and asked with some excitement.

In fact, he couldn't do it himself, and asking for this leaf of life was just a matter of trying.

"Suzaku is a fire, guarding the mythical beast in the extreme south of the earth," Xu Zimo said.

"Although its real fire is not like the fire of Nirvana of the Phoenix, it has a rebirth effect.

But supplemented by this leaf of life, it is not impossible to live by fire. "

"What should I do?" Venerable Anger quickly asked.

"Prepare a large array to absorb the power of the sun. Three days later, it will merge with Nanming from the fire on the most cloudy night," Xu Zimo said.

"The success rate is at least 50%. As for the formation method to absorb the power of the sun, it is your business."

"I see," Venerable Nod nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'll go if there's nothing wrong," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

"I will come again in three days."

Looking at Xu Zimo's back view, Venerable Anger didn't stop, but silently said "Thank you".


After leaving the sea of ​​fire in Nanming, Xu Zimo returned to the iron shop.

Shi Jian seemed to be tireless, and the sound of "banging" was still ringing.

"Where did you go?" Shi Jian asked quickly after seeing Xu Zimo appear.

"I forgot to tell you that we can't go to some places on Suzaku Island."

"I saw the teacher," Xu Zimo smiled.

"Ah," Shi Jian froze for a moment.

Then he quickly asked: "Are you going there?"

"Why? It seems that you know a lot," Xu Zimo smiled.

"I don't know, I don't know anything," Shi Jian quickly waved his hand.

"I saw the heart of the Suzaku, and I promised to help save the Suzaku," Xu Zimo said directly without concealing it.

"No, the teacher didn't drive you out?" Shi Jian asked Xu Zimo and asked incredulously.

"I have a leaf of life," Xu Zimo smiled.

"No wonder," Shi Jian put down his sword embryo, sighed slightly, and stepped forward to sit next to Xu Zimo.

"Seriously, if you are capable, help the teacher.

We will remember your kindness for life. "

"What's the matter with that Suzaku?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Accurately, it should be our teacher," Shi Jian said.

Looking at Xu Zimo's puzzled expression, Shi Jian thought.

"We at Tiandao Academy have no class, and the students in it include demon, god, Tao, giant, and even the people of the Guming tribe, in addition to the human race.

It is said that when our teacher Angri was young, he once saved a Suzaku during practice.

Later, time went by, and even the teacher himself forgot about it.

But no one expected that this Suzaku, after thousands of years of training, turned into a humanoid and came to the Heavenly Academy.

Suzaku successfully passed the assessment and became a disciple under the teacher's name. "

"And then?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"Suzaku didn't identify himself, so the two lived together as students and teachers."

Shi Jian recounted: "No one expected that the two would fall in love with each other.

Although the teacher loves Suzaku, he has been silent on this matter, and UU is very embarrassed to read www.uukanshu.com. "

"Because Suzaku is a demon race?" Xu Zimo asked.

"No, because the two are teachers and students," Shi Jian explained.

"The teacher pays great attention to his reputation. He is always on the verge of struggling, fearing that others will talk behind the scenes.

The maid didn't mind, just accompanied the teacher silently.

One day a hundred years ago, the teacher suddenly fled from the outside covered in blood.

At that time the teacher was dying.

Later, the dean personally tried to heal, and only gave one conclusion.

It can be saved, but the teacher's injury is too serious.

The broken internal organs are okay to say, the most important thing is that the soul is broken and crippled. "

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