I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 857: Who do you think you are talking to

Looking at the monster in front of him, Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

This beast-like two-headed python also slightly shocked the people around.

Although it is a python, it is far more powerful than a real dragon.

The story of the Canaan emperor continued.

At the beginning, he destroyed his self-cultivation and started to practice again from the python.

But this time he did not practice the dragon technique that has been handed down from the ancient dragon emperor.

Instead, he created the ultimate technique.

The extreme of any species is its most powerful form.

Starting from a little python, Canaan the Great finally became a double-headed python.

This two-headed python, one represents the colorful swallow sky python, and the other represents the Nine Nether Earth Nymph Python.

Swallow heaven and earth, colorful to nine peaceful.

Emperor Canaan was recognized as a natural arrogance in later generations, and he made an indispensable contribution to the transformation of species.

It is said that although his ultimate technique is powerful, the conditions for training are too hard and the success is very low.

Therefore, most of the sons who came out of the ancient Gulong dynasty were practicing the dragon technique left by the ancient dragon emperor.

And this Ao Nan actually chose to practice the ultimate technique, and even more terrifying is that he succeeded in practicing.

"Boy, no matter how much money you have, I will fall under my hands today," the two-headed python said sullenly, his eyes gloomy.

"I haven't heard the word defeat in a long time. If you are capable, I want to try it," Xu Zimo chuckled lightly.

The Ba Ying in his hand slowly lifted up, his eyes flashing slightly.

The two-headed python roared in the sky.

Its huge body came with a storm of blood and blood, and then its thick tail shattered all the void, and killed Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo didn't give in, and he chopped directly towards his tail.

Every one of his every move comes with questioning moves.

Shi Wang's blood, the void vanishes, and reincarnation.

Suddenly, the sky and earth lost their colors, and the void collapsed.

The sky between the two was dim, and the students watching were shocked.

Obviously they are all the same age, but they can be so strong.


"Ao Nan's guy looks really angry."

"Well, it seems that the other party is not afraid of him at all. It seems that the next thing is to pay attention to this Xu Zimo."

"In any case, only one of them can survive.

The loser will sink into **** forever. "

The defense of this two-headed python is amazing, much stronger than the so-called dragon.

This made Xu Zimo somewhat moved.

The extremes of a species are truly extraordinary.

At the next moment, I saw these two-headed pythons slightly raise two heads.

Two torrents of black spirit and white spirit with two attributes came out from the end and went directly to Xu Zimo.

The double-headed python represents the two extremes of the Yin and Yang attributes of heaven and earth.

Not to be underestimated.

The black and white auras are intertwined at the same time, constantly interlaced.

Everything that went through was vanity and everything collapsed.

"Eternal life door," Xu Zimo shouted.

The white light above the head rose into the sky and enveloped itself in a special state.

In immortality, he is immortal.

At least in this Yuanyang continent, nobody killed himself.

As the two torrents of Yin and Yang passed through, the void around Xu Zimo was annihilated.

The two-headed python raised his head and roared.

Xu Zimo walked out of the void unscathed.

He looked at each other calmly, and the power of shaking in his body kept rising.

Innumerable forces spin from the body, from the soul of the gods, spinning wildly.

The giant who shook the sky a hundred meters behind stepped out one step at a time, suddenly shaking and shaking.

"What's that?" Someone asked in doubt when he saw this scene.

"Soul or mystery?" At this moment, even people who know well know no more.

Because the method of shaking the sky is the product of the heaven and the sky.

With a "snap", the giant giant lowered his head, squeezed his hands, and directly grabbed the two heads of the two-headed python.

Although the opponent is desperately resisting, in terms of strength, there is a big gap.

As if it were an ant, it was directly grabbed by the Giant Giant.

Then he was beaten heavily on the underground competition platform.

With a "boom", the whole world seemed to tremble.

The two-headed python was struck **** the competition platform by the giants.

The Biwutai, which could have withstood the attack of the powerful immortals, now appeared a series of cracks.

The sound of "Boom" is still ringing.

People with tremors have eardrum pain.

Everyone only feels like two different beings.

The adults beat children, and the giants of the sky pressed their two-headed pythons under their palms to play and rub.

There is no room for resistance.

Xu Zimo's madness condenses the power of shaking the sky, and the giant of the sky will become more powerful.

"Stop it," at this moment, someone could not see anymore and shouted directly.

Xu Zimo looked up slightly, and saw a young man in a green robe walked up slowly.

"Yin Luohang," someone said next to him.

"Is he going to start for Ao Nan?"

"No, there seems to be no friendship between Ao Nan and him."

Everyone around was puzzled.

As the son of Cihang, Yin Luohang stepped forward.

Said: "Mr. Xu, I know I shouldn't intervene in this matter.

But please keep him alive. "

"Why?" Xu Zimo asked calmly.

"Your face seems meaningless to me."

"I know," Yin Luohang said quickly. "I let him admit defeat, and apologize to you and your friends in front of everyone present.

As long as you can put him a horse, the conditions let you mention. "

"Sorry, I have no conditions, and you can't give me what I want," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"Xu Gongzi, he is the son of the ancient dragon dynasty," Yin Luohang said.

"Although the ancient dragon dynasty is not as good as your true martial sect, the group of people are crazy lunatics.

Can you mess with it or not. "

"Are you threatening me?" Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No, I just state a fact," Yin Luohang shook his head.

His voice just fell, and at the next moment, he only heard the sound of "boom".

Xu Zimo raised his sword and cut off the head of the colorful swallowing Tian Python.

A head was cut off, and the two-headed python roared violently.

At the moment he was covered with blood, and even his consciousness was not clear.

The whole person is in a muddled state. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Seeing this scene, Yin Luohang's eyebrows flashed a bit of anger.

Immediately, he concealed it again.

"Mr. Xu really wants to be so stubborn," Yin Luohang continued.

As soon as the voice fell, another miserable cry rang out.

The other head of the Nine Nether Earth Nymph was also cut off.

For a while, blood flowed into the river, and the two-headed python fell to the ground dying, and it seemed that it could not survive.

"It's really good," Yin Luohang said biting his teeth.

"Go up if you want to fight, and get off without fighting," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"Who do you think you are talking to?"

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