I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 861: 0 items

The latest website: The form of illness and demon means death.

Forcibly seize the biological vitality.

At this moment, Xu Zimo's body was filled with rich death air, and the endless death air merged with the outside world.

"Then look, it's who of us can last for a long time," Xu Zimo grinned lightly.

Dead air wandered in his body and the three-headed six-armed monster.

Xu Zimo is not afraid, even if his body is rotten by death, he has a tree of life.

But this monster is different. Although he is very immune to death, when everything reaches a critical point.

I saw that the monster's original body gradually became gray.

Its six arms began to fall off a little bit, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

The rich death was full between the two.

The monster raised his hand and seemed to want to say something, but said nothing, only the huge body collapsed a little bit.

The sound of "click, click" sounded in the ear.

Xu Zimo took a deep breath, and after watching the monster completely disappear, his original stiff body just moved a little bit.

The dead air in the body is completely expelled.

"It's really troublesome," he murmured.

Stepping in the trenches, the ground is hard and the death energy is not as strong as before.

Going forward, Xu Zimo walked through this trench of dead air and came to a plain.

The life and death pen that was hidden in the void before also appeared in front of me again.

The life and death pen carried ink-like notes from one end of the sky to the other.

Seeing the pen point across the sky, it seems that it is very important to write something.

Xu Zimo didn't want to be so troublesome, he just stepped into the air and killed him.

The Ba Ying in his hand carried lightning, thunder and lightning, and the "Booming" sky was stirred up.

The words the life-and-death pen prepared to write were interrupted, and it seemed a little angry and angry.

But Xu Zimo couldn't take it.

Because in this void, life comes and goes free.

Feel free to shuttle through the void.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

He took out the book of life and death in the real world.

The original book of life and death is still under the real suppression, a bit tempting.

After being released now, there was an instant riot.

The sound of "Wah La La" followed, and the first page of the book of life and death on the black and white pages was turned.

Two black and white lights twine into the sky.

The hidden life-and-death pen seemed to have sensed something, and even happily rotated around this light.


At this moment, Xu Zimo's entire body floated in the void.

He couldn't control his body because his consciousness was brought into a world.

The whole person froze in place, and a grand voice sounded.

Road to life and death, Dao Xuanwei.

The life and death of human beings are transformed into each other, which is a cycle of heaven and earth.

One minute and one second are in the transformation of life and death, life and death.


With each drop, countless words poured into Xu Zimo's mind.

After a long time, Xu Zimo opened his eyes.

In his eyes, two colors of black and white surround.

The Avenue of Life and Death is the most important kind of Yin-Yang Avenue.

Everything in the world is inseparable from yin and yang, whether it is life and death, fire and water, size, black and white.

Everything has relative terms.

Life and death are the most indispensable things in the origin of species.

In addition to the legend, the twelve doors are opened, immortal, except for the transcendental existence that can live forever.

All living things are inseparable from the factors of life and death.

In layman's terms, every minute and second of your existence is alive and dead.

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand slowly, and the Life and Death Book flew from the horizon with a life and death pen.

Suspended in front of Xu Zimo with a strong sense of life and death.

"The book of life and death and the book of life and death are matching items.

Nothing can be used, showing its original power. "

Xu Zimo murmured.

"The book of life and death, when the world first opened, records the rebirth of life and death of all things.

It can determine the life and death of people, change fate, and seize the opportunity.

It is the heaven and the heavens, the eighteenth supreme **** among the thousands. "

This book of life and death is born of heaven and earth, not made by anyone.

Naturally, it is the most complete article of Daowen.

As for what is the main pattern, Xu Zimo frowned slightly, which he had not yet touched.

These messages were passed on to him from the book of life and death.

The owner of the previous generation who had a complete book of life and death was the immortal ancestor.

Later, he was chased and killed for thousands of years, preparing to leave the heavens and earth, and paying a great price to destroy his own future. Lian Yuanyang took refuge in the mainland.

I did not expect to be bombed in the end.

In that war, the book of life and death was left on the Yuanyang continent, and finally ushered in the founding of the Emperor Zhenwu.

Just came out.

The life-and-death pen was changed several times, and was finally taken to the Heavenly Dao Academy by the Yin Yang Master.

Looking at the information, Xu Zimo took a deep breath.

He reached out his hands, held the book of life and death in his palm, and began to study it.



The broken heart is on the horizon!

The sky of Tiandao College has gradually darkened. In the recent period, the atmosphere of Tiandao College is very tense.

Because last time, after the sky was torn, some people put down their arrogant words, and they will come to the Heavenly Dao Academy seven days later.

Many students already have judgment in their hearts.

Some people have already left Tiandao City in advance, during this time people are panicked.

However, Tiandao College has not issued a statement.

As the night grew thicker, several figures gathered in a pavilion in the college.

A whisper came out.

"It seems that they can calm down."

"Wouldn't they just break the jar and break it? It's already like this, and everyone is going to be buried."

"It shouldn't be. Anyway, Tiandao College is the leader of human civilization."

"Then we have to spread the news in the college, anyway, our goal is only the college, not to involve others."

"Ao Nan's idiot, how to explain the ancient dragon dynasty?"

At this point, there was a silence.

"To tell the truth."

"The people over the ancient dragon dynasty are already overbearing. What if they blame them?"

"What can I do, because he is too stupid, and he has to decide what life and death is, so that we are not easy to intervene."

"Yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is as low-key as possible during this time."

After several figures were finished, they disappeared into the thick night.

There was peace all around.

Calm is a bit unusual, like the tranquility before the storm.


Late at night, the door to the land of life and death was slowly opened.

No one cares, and no one pays attention.

Xu Zimo, wearing a purple robe, walked out of the inside with his head upright.

He looked ordinary and could not see what had happened.

Then he recognized the direction and stepped towards Suzaku Island.

The familiar sound of iron hammer still echoed over the island, the fire flashed, and Shi Jian's figure swayed in the darkness.

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