I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 867: The true fire of the sun, the separation of fire from the Nanming, fusion

"My formation is almost complete," Venerable Anger found Xu Zimo and said.

"You may depend on you next."

"Tonight's full moon night, I will come by then," Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

"Trouble you," Venerable Vener said solemnly.

After separating from Venerable Anger, Xu Zimo found Shi Jian.

He told Shi Jian about the resurrection of Suzaku tonight.

Shi Jian is naturally full of joy and has been thanking Xu Zimo.

He came to Suzaku Island to practice a long time ago, and he already regarded His Holiness as his loved one.

Now with the help of Xu Zimo, my natural feelings are multiplied.

"Can you tell me something about your Shi clan?" Xu Zimo asked.

"How could Brother Xu suddenly be curious about our Shi people?" Shi Jian asked doubtfully.

"Actually, I'm always looking for the Shi people," Xu Zimo said truthfully.

"It's just that I happened to meet you here now, and it's the first stone person I met."

"I don't quite understand," Shi Jian shook his head and said.

"What did Brother Xu do with the Shi people? Did the Shi people ever offend you?"

"No, no," Xu Zimo shook his head quickly.

Said: "Brother Shi is a member of the stone clan, can you ever hear the Supreme Hammer?"

"Supreme Hammer?" Shi Jian frowned slightly, thinking a little.

Eventually his face changed and he looked at Xu Zimo with some surprise.

"Where did Brother Xu hear this?"

"I have my own source," Xu Zimo replied.

He also did not intend to tell the other about the true Excalibur.

"This is my Shi family's secret. It must be known to senior officials. Where did Brother Xu come from?" Shi Jian asked with some doubt.

"Confidential?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"It seems that Brother Shi is in the Shi family, and his identity is not simple."

"Brother Misunderstanding, I just accidentally knew it for some special reasons.

I'm not a high-level man," Shi Jian waved his hand and replied.

"What did Brother Shi mention the Supreme Hammer? You are not a refiner."

"I want to borrow it and build a weapon," Xu Zimo replied.

"Using the Supreme Hammer to build weapons, it seems that the younger brothers are not building ordinary weapons," Shi Jian laughed.

"This is what I have always dreamed of."

"Can Senior Brother discuss with the Shi people?" Xu Zimo asked.

"This," Shi Jian hesitated a little.

Finally, he sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want it, but something is too complicated."

"Uncomplicated, Brother said slowly, I listened to it," Xu Zimo smiled.

"If it were in the past, the younger brother wanted to borrow the Supreme Hammer and use it to help the teacher revive the Suzaku.

I will do my best to help you," Shi Jian replied.

"However, in recent years, my Shizu people have encountered great difficulties, and now they are unable to protect themselves. How dare to take the treasure of the town clan at random.

"What's the trouble?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"You should know that I was born naturally as a race of refiners.

Everyone in the clan has unique talents, and they have unique experiences for refiners," Shi Jian said.

"But since a few years ago, the Yu people have been attacking the Shi people and want to rule us.

Let's make the Shizu a subordinate race under their feathers, and make artifacts specifically for them. "

"It turns out that way," Xu Zimo chuckled.

"Yeah, I came here to practice at Tiandao College, which is also the meaning of the patriarch.

He allocated all of our talented tribes.

In case one day the race is really wiped out, we still hope that there is a possibility of resurrection. "

Shi Jian sighed.

"At this time, don't say to borrow the Supreme Hammer, whether we can survive is an extravagant hope."

"Then if I solve the crisis of your race, can I give the Supreme Hammer to me," Xu Zimo smiled.

"You?" Shi Jian froze for a moment, then said.

"I'm not kidding you."

"I'm not kidding you," Xu Zimo smiled.

"Do you know the feathers?" Shi Jian continued to ask.

"Is it possible for you to solve a race at will, I have no intention to laugh with you."

"You took me to the Yu Clan. It's my business if you can solve it," Xu Zimo replied.

"Anyway, you don't have a chance to choose now. The dead horse is a living horse doctor. Why not try it?"

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Shi Jian thought slightly.

It also makes sense that a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

"Okay, I promise you," Shi Jian nodded.

"When are we going?"

"Go tomorrow," Xu Zimo said.

"When I resurrect Suzaku tonight, it's not too late to go."

"Please," Shi Jian took a deep breath and nodded vigorously.


Evening glow was like red frost, and it was half full of sky.

Ji Ruobing came out of the air and sat cross-legged outside Suzaku Island again, waiting for Xu Zimo to appear.

Xu Zimo was not in a hurry.

He sat on the valley of Suzaku Island, waiting for the night to come.

The deep night ate the falling sunset.

As soon as the sky was poor, a disk-like moon began to appear on the sky.

The stars tonight are dazzling and the whole starry sky is very beautiful.

Venerable Anger in a red robe, standing in the middle of the formation.

His whole body was astonishing, and the aura storm like a sea wave was condensing.

The explosion of "Rumble" sounded in the body.

"Come," asked Venerable Anger, looking at the figure of Xu Zimo's arrival.

"Do I need to do anything?"

"When I am resurrected, don't let anyone disturb me, or you will be at your own risk," Xu Zimo said.

"No problem," Venerable Nod nodded.


When Venerable Venerable walked out of the formation and stayed behind.

Xu Zimo only entered the formation. Although he hadn't seen this formation before, he acted like he said before.

Absorb the true fire of the sun and condense in the array.

Xu Zimo took command of the formation and saw his hands wave.

The entire huge formation began to turn. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Endless heaven and earth aura condensed towards this side, only to see the entire formation rapidly spinning.

At the edge of the formation, a golden-red flame spread and burned.

The true fire of the sun is definitely one of the most powerful flames in the world.

The oncoming heat shone Xu Zimo's face flushed.

Xu Zimo raised his head slightly, and his body was full of aura. With his movements, he stirred the real fire of the flying sun.

At the same time, Nanming Lihuo around Suzaku Island also seemed to be summoned.

It started to burn.

Originally under the control of Venerable Anger, these Nanming fires were harmless.

But at this moment, as they burned, the void was melted directly.

The high temperature burned everything, and nothing in the world burned, very powerful.

With the movement of Xu Zimo and the movement of the formation, the two flames began to merge slowly.


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