I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Or i try

I saw Elder Shipo's body froze in place. www.chinabook.me

A long sword pierced through his back.

This long sword is facing the position of the heart, and Yu Shaoqing is standing behind him, holding the sword in both hands, tilting his body slightly, and taking a half step forward with his right leg.

Black hair without wind automatically.

Time seems to be still at that moment.

This sword pierced not only the heart of the elder Stonebreaker, but also the heart of the flame giant behind him.

"You," Elder Shipo turned his head hard.

As soon as he said a word, his body fell heavily to the ground.

"Elder Shipo," someone from the Shi Clan shouted in grief.

"We fought them."

"Yes, fight it. If this goes on, our stone clan will finish sooner or later.

What is the difference between us and the livestock they raise? Kill one a day. "

Some people even couldn't stand this collapse and started crying.

Every battle, every hope, shattered again and again.

"All go back," Shi Shaosuo looked at his tribe, slightly closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

He took a deep breath and said.

"Patriarch, we can't bear to retreat, kill it," someone started yelling.

"I'll let everyone go back, haven't you heard?" Shi Shaosuo's voice was a little hysterical.

His eyes became fierce.

These stone clan members were silent for an instant, and walked up to the stone holy mountain one by one.

"Brother Shao Shuo, you can reconsider my previous conditions," Yu Feihuang laughed from behind.

"When there is something wrong with my Yu clan's subsidiary race, then everyone will be a family.

To deceive you is to deceive us, so why bother to make an extermination end. "

Shi Shaosuo's expression was gloomy and terrible when he heard what the other party said.

Just like his own people said, according to his temper, he had long wanted to fight a decisive battle.

Even if he died in battle, he would not live so humiliatingly.

But he can't, because he manages a race.

If the race perishes in his hands, then Shi Shaosuo is a sinner.


Even if I die and go to hell, I can't see the ancestors.


The lost stone people walked towards the holy mountain of stone.

Xu Zimo and the others originally wanted to return to Shixin Pavilion, but in the middle of the journey, they were stopped by Shi Yuyan and Shi Jian.

"Everyone, our patriarch wants to see you," Shi Jian said.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ze asked.

"Not sure, but you will know when you go," Shi Yuyan replied with a smile.

Following Shi Yuyan and the two, everyone came to the conference hall halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, all the stone clan elders gathered here.

Shi Shaosuo sat at the front, the atmosphere looked a little oppressive.

When Xu Zimo and the others arrived, Shi Shaosuo's frowning brows were only slightly smiling.

Said: "Everyone is here."

"Patriarch Shi, just talk about it, we will do our best," Li Ze nodded and replied.

"Don't get me wrong, you Tianjiao, I asked you to come this time, it's not because something happened," Shi Shaosuo sighed.

"I want to tell you about the current situation.

We can't keep this stone holy mountain for long.

Several people can come to help us Shizu at this juncture.

But after all manpower is limited, I think I'd better **** you down the mountain and leave. "

"What are the words of Patriarch Shi? Are we such people who are so greedy and fearful of death," Lu Ze coldly snorted.

"Don't get me wrong, Lord Lu, I just don't want to sacrifice for nothing," Shi Shaosuo asked.

"I don't know if Young Master Lu can introduce us to the elders of Xian Fanzong, there may be a chance to save them."

Hearing what Shi Shaosuo said, Lu Ze sighed slightly.

"It's not that the kid is unwilling to recommend.

In fact, I asked my grandfather before coming to the Stone Clan again. According to him, Zongmen seemed unwilling to intervene in this matter. "

"That's it," Shi Shaosuo sighed slightly.

"I have also thought about it clearly. Tomorrow's duel, I will personally play.

If I die in battle, you should leave this stone holy mountain as soon as possible. "

"Patriarch, this can't be done," an elder heard this.

He quickly stopped and said: "You are our backbone. If you die in battle, where will our stone clan go from now on?"

"If I don't go, who will go?" Shi Shaosuo asked.

"The core elder is almost dead. As the patriarch, I should stand up.

If I die, decide where you go.

If you want to die, you will die. If you want to escape, you must flee as soon as possible. If you want to return to the Yu Clan, I don’t blame you. "

Seeing Shi Shaosuo's attitude, everyone was a little silent.

They know that it is a dead end for things to develop like this now.

A dead end.

"What is the chance of winning the patriarch against that Yu Shaoqing?" At this moment, an old man below stood up and asked.

"Shi Yanchang is old," Shi Shaosuo replied, taking a look at each other.


"So low?" Someone frowned slightly below.

"The patriarch has already entered the immortal, and that Yu Shaoqing is not a godly vein, so how can he do it."

"Even though I am a celestial being, but my qualifications are mediocre, this may be the case in my life.

The strength is nothing. "

Shi Shaosuo laughed at himself: "Although he has a supernatural vein, his background is so strong that even I am ashamed.

Five points is already the most.

Perhaps this is the difference between evildoers and mediocrities. "

When Shi Shaosuo was selected as the patriarch, it was not because of his strength.

It is that he can recognize the race well and lead the race in the right direction.

"Or, I'll try it tomorrow?" When everyone was looking sad, a voice suddenly came from the side.

Everyone in the originally silent hall raised their heads instantly.

Xu Zimo looked at everyone with a smile.

"How about I cut that Shaoqing for you?"

"This son, don't want to laugh," Shi Shaosuo was taken aback for a moment, then replied.

"You don't believe me, I don't bother to explain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Xu Zimo waved his hand and left the hall.

"I only have one condition, Shi Jian knows.

If you think about it, let Shi Jian tell me. "

Seeing Xu Zimo leaving behind, everyone in the hall was thinking of each other.

Someone looked slightly, some were meditating.

"Let's do this for the time being," Shi Shaosuo tapped the table next to him several times.

Then he stood up and said, "The others leave first, and you stay with Shi Jian."

When everyone left in disagreement, Shi Shaosuo looked at Shi Jian and asked, "Tell me about you, the junior."

Shi Jian thought for a while, he would still meet the two from the Heavenly Dao Tower, and tell the story of the resurrection of Suzaku briefly.

"You said he came to our Stone Clan for the Supreme Hammer?" Shi Shaosuo asked.

"Well, just borrowing," Shi Jian nodded.

"I don't know how strong it is, but it's unfathomable."

Shi Shaosuo pondered for a long time, then turned around and suddenly said, "You told him that you killed that Yu Shaoqing.

I gave him this supreme hammer. "

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