I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Sky Demon Peng

"Sky Cang Demon Peng?" Shi Jian said suspiciously.

"What is that? Monster beast?"

"There was Tianpeng in ancient times. According to legend, it feeds on dragons, has great power, and its body is 10,000 meters long, volleying between Kyushu.

Swallowing clouds and vomiting fog, calling the wind and calling for rain, with vast magical powers. "

Venerable Anger said: "In the era of recklessness, the dragon clan was a big clan among the monster clan.

Among the dragons, there are countless ancestors flying to the outer sky, and it can be said that no one dares to provoke.

But this day, the strength of the Cang Yaopeng actually reached an agreement with the dragon clan to send some of the dragon clan every year, and the evil dragon would give it food.

To ensure the safety of other dragons. "

"So amazing," Shi Jian said in surprise.

"What's more, the Dragon Clan exchanged peace, but the Sky Demon Peng was not satisfied. It could no longer eat the Dragon Clan, so it set its sights on the Human Clan.

After all, the human race of the Reckless Desolation Era was extremely weak, and it was not the opponent of Cang Yaopeng on this day. "

Venerable Anger said: "Thousands of human races failed to die in the race, but lost to Yaopeng's mouth.

After the establishment of the Houtian Dao Academy, this demon peng's actions aroused the anger of the human saint.

Ten Patriarchs of Tiandao Academy jointly sealed this demon peng.

And use the sealed land as the site of the academy to suppress Yaopeng for thousands of generations and punish the evil he committed against the human race. "

"It turns out that this is the case. Ten Patriarchs are really fortunate for my human race," Shi Jian said with emotion.

"Then what is wrong with this Demon Peng now?"

"Originally under the suppression of the seal, Cang Yaopeng has become weaker and weaker this day.

It is estimated that in thousands of years, he will die. "Venerable Anger sighed.

"Unfortunately, a few years ago, the Tianpeng clan actually came to attack my Tiandao Academy for this Heavenly Demon Peng.

That battle was also one of the few battles that our Tiandao Academy has gone through in recent years.

Although the strong of the Tianpeng clan were killed by us, there was no one in ten.

But they still struggled with the risk of annihilation, destroying the sealed land of the Sky Demon Peng. "

"You mean, Cang Cang Yaopeng is coming out?" Shi Jian asked in horror.

According to Venerable Fury's description, the Dragon Clan was so powerful back then, and he had to compromise with this Heavenly Demon Peng.

It can be imagined how powerful it is.

If it breaks the seal and is born, the consequences will be disastrous.

It was sealed by the Ten Patriarchs back then. It is estimated that the most resentful target of the Heavenly Cang Yao Peng was probably their Heavenly Dao Academy.

To say that compared with the former dragon clan, the human clan nowadays is also considered a big boom.

If it is a concerted effort, Cang Yaopeng is naturally not worth mentioning.

Although the human race is huge, it is not united.

If Cang Yaopeng was born today, not only did other people ignore it, but instead took advantage of the fire to rob many people.

Otherwise, there won't be so many emperor immortal gates gathered to destroy the Heavenly Dao Academy.

"It's not far from being born, I'm afraid it will be a **** storm and unavoidable then," Venerable Wrath said.

"Whether our Tiandao Academy can survive this stormy battle will also be unknown."

Shi Jian nodded slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you two planning?" Venerable Anger asked.

"Master, we naturally want to stay and live and die with the college," Shi Jian quickly replied.

Xu Zimo also nodded slightly.

"I'll take you to see the dean. The academy is now setting up a large formation. Maybe you can help me," said Venerable Anur.

"President," Shi Jian asked excitedly.

"Our dean has not always seen the dragon without seeing the head. I have been here for so long, and I have never seen it before."

"Has the dean never appeared?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"The dean is not happy to come forward, and it is usually managed by the deputy dean Li Changhe," said Venerable Nu.

"You will know when you go."


The two of them followed the Venerable Wrath, left Vermilion Island in the air, and walked all the way west.

Finally stopped in front of a vast golden hall.

Above the main hall, the three characters "Daoge" came into view.

These three characters are full of rhyme and rhyme. Just three characters suppressed the emptiness.

Solemn and solemn.

Entering the hall, there are already hundreds of people sitting cross-legged.

Everyone is powerful and powerful, like a violent storm. There are men and women, old and young.

Xu Zimo looked up, sitting in the top seat, a woman.

He was stunned for a moment. He happened to know this woman.

It was the woman in the white dress whom she had met before, who also lent herself a token to enter the college.

He doesn't believe in coincidences, which means that the other party has been paying attention to himself.

"She is the dean?" Even Shi Jian was slightly surprised.

"The dean of our Tiandao Academy is a woman?"

"Quiet," Venerable Nu took a look at Shi Jian, then raised his head to look at the upward woman.

Said: "Dean, these are my two disciples. Now the college has undergone drastic changes, and many places are short of manpower.

I brought them to help. "

"Do you still worry about the college," the woman chuckles.

Since the death of Vermilion Bird, Venerable Wrath shut himself in Vermilion Bird Island, not accepting disciples, and rarely appeared again.

"We met again," the woman looked at Xu Zimo and smiled with interest.

"Hello Dean," Xu Zimo nodded calmly.

"You don't have to be surprised, I contacted you before to get the help of Zhenwu Sage.

No other thoughts," the woman said.

Xu Zimo nodded.

"Well, since it's here, you should find a seat on both sides," the woman said, waving her hand.

Venerable Nu sat on the left, sitting with the teachers of some other colleges.

Xu Zimo and Shi Jian leaned back slightly and sat on the far right.

"What's our dean's name?" Xu Zimo looked at Shi Jian and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, our dean is very mysterious," Shi Jian said, shaking his head.

Above the main hall, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com woman is talking about the situation in the Dao Academy today.

Xu Zimo probably knows the situation.

In addition to the local forces of Supreme Territory, Gulong Dynasty, Chunyang Immortal Sect, Tianming Sect, and Cihang Sect, there are some imperial Sects from the Western Continent.

In this hall, almost all the current teachers of the college are gathered together.

It also includes many younger generations.

Xu Zimo even saw Ji Ruobing in it.

"Isn't she the saint of Slaughter Immortal Cult? How can she also participate in it?" Xu Zimo asked suspiciously.

"This is her own experience and choice, and the Slaughter Immortal Sect will not participate," Shi Jian explained.

"This is the case with the Slaughter of Immortals in the past. They will not interfere in any way with the saints and saints of their own ancestors."

Shi Jian pointed to several young people and women sitting in the front row, and introduced them to Xu Zimo one by one.

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