I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Blood butcher

A crimson flashed in the sky.

With the aura of the riot, only a red figure slowly approached.

This woman was wearing a red gown with a very long whip around her waist.

It looks quite sturdy.

This woman Xu Zimo also happened to know her, whose name was Bai Li, who was a direct disciple of the dean.

The woman descended outside the pavilion, looking at Xu Zimo magnificently.

"Is there anything?" Xu Zimo said.

"From now on, no one is allowed to come or go here, I will guard it."

"Fight me," the woman said lightly.

"I'm not interested, if you don't agree, just talk to the dean," Xu Zimo waved his hand and replied.

"Are you scared?" Bai Li smiled lightly.

"This kind of aggressive approach is naive," Xu Zimo glanced at the other party, and ignored it.

"I know your deeds in the academy, before crossing the tenth floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Killed the Qinglong prince and defeated Ji Ruobing, but I am still not convinced," Bai Li said to himself.

"If you fight with me, I won't be bothering you."

Xu Zimo closed his eyes slightly, and ignored the other party.

"If you don't fight, then I will stay here and not leave," Bai Li snorted coldly.

She did not enter the pavilion, but sat down on the stone steps outside.

Xu Zimo ignored it, his consciousness had entered the Divine Land of the real world.

With the revival of spiritual energy, all beings have embarked on the path of cultivation.

Nowadays, the mainland of China is full of flowers blooming, striving for freshness and beauty.

The establishment of the empire, the rise of sects.

More and more forces have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

When Xu Zimo was bored, he looked like a **** of creation, watching the many changes in the mainland and the lives of sentient beings.

At the same time, he himself had a sense of urgency.

After the destiny is formed, you must be promoted to the emperor as soon as possible, and then walk the next journey.

Otherwise, one day, if someone in the real world of oneself is stronger than oneself, the balance will be broken.

There is no real fate in his world, and the rules are all set by him.

But when the rules are formed, he can't change it at will.

After staying in the Chinese mainland for a long time, Xu Zimo's consciousness returned to its original body.

Bai Li still sat on the steps, without any intention of leaving.

Before long, another person came here.

"Mo Tianming."

"Brother Xu, it's good these days," Mo Tianming greeted with a smile.

"It's ok, I don't know where Brother Mo was assigned?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"I followed the vice president to guard the Liuli Temple," Mo Tianming looked around.

Smiled, "It seems that the dean still has high hopes for Brother Xu."

"Brother Mo came here this time, what's the matter?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It's okay, just come and have a look," Mo Tianming smiled and shook his head.

"I heard that Wanbao Pavilion is very unusual for Tiandao Academy. Brother Xu should pay more attention."

Xu Zimo nodded with a smile.

Talked briefly with Mo Tianming for a while, and left for convenience.

But Bai Li still guarded the stone steps.

The setting sun on the horizon faded away, and the sky darkened, and the dark curtain was opened.

Although all the students of the Tiandao Academy have left, they still can't feel the tranquility, but instead give people a feeling of undercurrents.

In the middle of the night, a beast roar came from a distance.

The sound was strange, like the scream of an eagle and the roar of a tiger.

Long and sonorous and powerful.

This sound had a shocking effect, making many people awake at night. It kept ringing for a whole night and didn't stop until dawn the next day.

"It looks like that guy is coming out soon," Bai Li said softly.

At this moment, I saw two streamers flying over from a distance.

This streamer was black and purple, with a soaring aura, permeating the void.

The streamer has not yet arrived, and there is already a voice coming out of it.

"Student Jian Wuhen, Dao Madness came to help."

When the voice fell, the streamer appeared, and two figures fell in the void.

Because the phantom did not fall on the pavilion side, Xu Zimo was not able to watch the follow-up either.

"I didn't expect them to come," Bai Li said with some emotion.

"Do you know?" Xu Zimo asked.

Bai Li glanced at Xu Zimo and snorted without answering.

"If you answer my question, I don't mind letting you come in and sit down," Xu Zimo said.

"Otherwise I will drive people away."

"You let me guard Wanbao Pavilion?" Bai Li asked.

"Can you do it alone?" Xu Zimo smiled.


Bai Li was silent for a while, before coldly humming, "You want to ask the two people in the past."

Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

"The two of them are a couple, the male is called Dao Kuang and the female is Jian Wuhen," Bai Li replied.

"The two have a great reputation in the supreme domain name, you don't even know."

"I don't pay much attention to others," Xu Zimo smiled.

"The two of them are casual cultivators, and they practiced in Tiandao Academy for a while when they were young.

Later, the two experienced together.

With one sword and one sword, its fierce reputation is so great, and the sword mad is given the name of blood massacre. "

Bai Li said, "There used to be some teachers in the academy who felt that the two men were too serious to kill and wanted to expel them from the academy.

But he was stopped by the dean.

Unexpectedly, this time the college had an accident, it turned out that these two people came to help first. "

"So, this life is full of drama," Xu Zimo smiled.

"I can go in now," Bai Li said.

Seeing Xu Zimo nodding, she walked into the pavilion, found a stone bench and sat down.

Looking at the distant skyline with some worry.

It is clear that all beings are under a blue sky, but the sky above Heavenly Daocheng seems to be much gloomier.

Upon closer inspection, there are many small cracks in the sky, and the clouds seem to be contaminated by black air.

Bai Li sighed and turned to look at Xu Zimo.

I found that the other party was leaning on the stone bench in the pavilion, sleeping with his eyes closed, as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

"At this time, you still have the mind to sleep," Bai said breathlessly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"What can I do without thinking? No matter how anxious you are, can you still change the destiny of the academy?" Xu Zimo didn't open his eyes, but said calmly.

Bai Li was silent for a while, and finally replied, "Do you think the academy can survive this disaster?"

"This is not something I should be worried about. The task given to me by the dean is to guard the Wanbao Pavilion," Xu Zimo replied.

"If the academy is gone, what's the use of guarding this Wanbao Pavilion," Bai Li snorted coldly.


In the next day or two, the atmosphere in Tiandao Academy became more and more stressful.

The weird roar before became more and more irritable.

The sound is getting faster and faster.

Before, it would only sound at night, but now there are beast roars even during the day.

Two days later, accompanied by another beast roar...

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