I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 894: All come, the seventh madman

"If one doesn't handle it well, I'm afraid the academy has not been destroyed in the hands of the Sky Demon Peng.

It was destroyed in the hands of these people," Xu Zimo said.

"Our Tiandao Academy has also helped many people. I don't believe that no one will come to rescue at this crisis," Bai Li said with a heavy gaze.

"Now in this world, everyone is sweeping the snow.

Tiandao Academy is in trouble, they didn't take advantage of the fire, so it's not a kind of disguised help to the Academy" Xu Zimo smiled.

"You count on them to come to rescue, I think it is unlikely.

It is still possible to have some casual repairs like Dao Kuang, but Emperor Tongxianmen should not. "

"Why not?" Bai Li still asked unwillingly.

"Every decision made by Emperor Tongxianmen will affect the future direction of the Zongmen.

Unless they are desperate, they would not choose to oppose so many Emperor Tongxianmen. "Xu Zimo said.

"Of course, this is just my judgment. Maybe there are people who are righteous, and they will really come."

The two were chatting, and at this moment, the wind and clouds in the sky had changed color.

The sound of "Rumble" sounded from the sky.

The outside world could obviously hear someone attacking the purple barrier of the college.

Although this purple barrier was strong, it was still under constant attack and could not last long.

Then the sound of breaking sounded, and a majestic and powerful force was suppressed from above.

Countless figures stood in the sky with huge waves rolling in the sky.

Each of these figures is as dazzling, dazzling and extremely hot as the bright sun.

This time the Tiandao Academy had a lot of trouble, and it affected a wide range.

It is no exaggeration to say that the eyes of the entire continent are gathered here.

Whether it is the forces participating in the war or those who are still waiting and watching, they are watching this vast land.

"I'll wait for you to come, isn't there no one from Tiandao Academy to greet you," he heard a loud laugh from the crowd above.

"It's the Purdue real person of Cihang Sect," Bai Li introduced to Xu Zimo from the side.

"The first warrior of Master Cihang at the time."

Master Cihang was also a great emperor, but she didn't like to call herself an emperor, so she was called a master by the world.

"It's really lively," Xu Zimo looked at the sky, the domineering, majestic figures like the sea.

Smiled and said: "Cihang Sect, Gulong Dynasty, Pure Sun Immortal Sect, Tianming Sect, Tiandimen, Yaohuo City, and Waning Moon Empire."

Among these seven forces, the first five forces are all imperial immortal gates in the central continent.

And behind the Yaohuo City and Waning Moon Empire are interesting.

Although Yaohuo City is only a city, there has been a real emperor in the city.

Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan is in control of the world, and he left a story from the ages when he was young.

Located in the middle of the wild clan and the ten thousand beast clan, a small city standing in the wind and rain.

Because of the raging war between the two races, Yaohuo City is naturally unavoidable.

Legend has it that when Emperor Yan was young, he guarded one city by himself, and the two clan of Mad and Ten Thousand Beasts dared not attack again.

In that land where war is burning, Yaohuo City may be the most peaceful place.

Both the Yaohuo City and the Waning Moon Empire are located in the Western Continent.

They were all powers of the great emperor, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the emperor ruled immortal gate.

This time the Seven Great Emperors, Tongxianmen, came to attack the Tiandao Academy, and did not try their best, and the entire force was exhausted.

Instead, some representatives were sent.

Just like the ancestor Lei Yao of the Tiandimen and the Purdue real person of Cihang Sect, some other forces also sent some powerful men.

"Nine Suns Sanren, Aolong Ancestor, Burning General, Ming Lao, Half Moon Saint," Bai Li read the names of these people one by one.

Sneered and said: "There are also these first-class forces around, Hongyegu, Tianhe Shangzong, and Luoyun faction.

They really think our college is so deceiving. "

"You know a lot of people," Xu Zimo smiled.

"In fact, we have already received news from the forces that attacked the Academy this time.

I have checked the information before, so I naturally know some," Bai Li replied.

"What do we do now"

"Wait," Xu Zimo said calmly, leaning on the stone bench.

"Are you going to catch it when you are done?" Bai Li replied.

"Our task is to guard Wanbao Pavilion and wait for those who want to **** Wanbao Pavilion to come," Xu Zimo said.

Bai Li nodded slightly, she slowly took off the whip from her waist.

A fiery red flame burned from the whip.

At the moment, Tiandao Academy seemed to have heard the question from the real Purdue.

This time Li Changhe didn't show up, but Rage Venerable came in the air.

Eyes surround the many existences in front of him.

Although one of the people inside, who came out randomly, was a strong person in a million.

Each one is the existence of immortality.

But Venerable Wrath did not show the slightest tension or panic.

Instead, he said faintly: "Now my Tiandao Academy has undergone an alteration and does not accept any outsiders.

Whenever someone breaks into the college and kills. "

"Skinny dead wind camel, your ancestors are now entangled in the sky blue demon peng, what ability do you have to deal with us"

Jiuyang Sanren smiled disdainfully.

The power of pure sun surged around him, as if it turned into nine suns dazzling the world.

All the surrounding void was incinerated.

Beside him, Burning Heaven Battle will also blaze with flames all over his body.

It's just that the flames around him are not nine suns, but flames of various colors burning.

Pure Sun Fire, Ziwei Sky Fire, Holy Flame, Nether Ghost Fire, Red Lotus Karma Fire.

It is said that this Burning Heaven warlord obtained the flames left by Emperor Yan, looking for various powerful flames in this world.

The two of them were like two rounds of bright sun, suppressed in the air.

The flames and dazzling light contained in it, and even the sun over the head.

Of course, this is not because the two are stronger than the sun.

It's that his power is heavier, plus the reason that the sun is too far away.

"Who said there is no one?" Just as everyone was confronting, they heard a loud shout.

Everyone quickly turned their heads and looked around, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw a burly man walking barefoot from the horizon.

The man is several feet tall and looks like a giant.

Not to mention the muscles on his body, his upper body was naked, with a meteor hammer on his back.

She wore brown shorts on her lower body.

Just like this, he walked slowly over a large part of the void with his bare feet.

"The seventh madman," someone murmured when he saw the big man coming.

"The college is in trouble, Kuang Qianting came to help."

Hearing only a soft drink from the big man, the sound shook the sky, and the eardrums of the crowd echoed.

"The seventh madman, the mad thousand court," the people around heard the name, and they all talked.

"Why is he here"

"I heard that he had also practiced in Tiandao Academy before, so I guess he was here to help."

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