I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 899: The white moon shook the sky, the lone wolf mourned

"Yes," Xu Zimo nodded flatly.

"I am responsible for guarding Wanbao Pavilion."

"Guard Wanbao Pavilion?" The white-haired old man chuckled lightly.

Said: "My kid, this matter seems a bit big to you."

"How do you call it?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Call me the old man Baihu," the old man chuckled lightly.

He stroked his beard lightly, with a serious voice.

"This name is too old, maybe you haven't heard of it."

"I have never heard of it," Xu Zimo nodded.

Just as the two of Xu Zimo were chatting, two more figures stepped into the air from a distance.

"Brother Banyue, it seems that I am here first this time."

A burst of laughter sounded from the side.

"Mr Purdue, you can't swallow this Wanbao Pavilion alone. It's better if we join forces."

"Your waning moon empire has a big appetite, but this time we all work together to form an alliance, it's no problem to join forces.

But I must first pick the things in Wanbao Pavilion. "

The two talked and laughed all the way to here.

This real Purdue is wearing a white robe, his appearance is with a Buddha image, and he feels a little strange.

Legend has it that the Buddha has thirty-two aspects.

Sometimes fierce, sometimes soft, sometimes tyrannical.

This may be the so-called tens of thousands of people in the world.

Real Purdue had different faces, with a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck.

Purple auspicious clouds are stepping under my feet.

And the half-moon saint next to him, his appearance is quite feminine.

Just like a woman.

On the center of the eyebrows, there is a symbol of the moon, wearing a moonlight dress with the brilliance of the moon flowing on it.

Even in the daytime, the moonlight is still soft and charming.

"Oh, it seems that someone is ahead of us," they said with a chuckle when they saw Old White Tiger, Xu Zimo, and the members of the Five Elements Sect who were fighting.

"Everyone, this is now the place of my Waning Moon Empire and Cihangjiao, please leave.

Lest we do it," Half Moon Saint said with a light smile.

Several people from the Five Elements Sect who were fighting on the side stopped their hands, and their complexions changed slightly.

They haven't the courage to disobey the words of the two emperor immortal gates.

But if I want to leave like this, I feel a little unwilling.

The fat to the mouth just ran away.

"When did my Tiandao Academy become your site?" Bai Li snorted coldly.

Hearing Bai Li's words, Madam Purdue just smiled and did not speak.

He looked over, as if there was a huge Buddha character condensing from the void, heading towards Baili's suppression.

Bai Li's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to dodge, but his body simply couldn't hide.

Suddenly, the Sanskrit voice sounded, and the word of Buddha suppressed.

Suddenly, a jade hand came across the void, pressing down with a finger, directly obliterating the Buddha's word in the void.

Everyone quickly turned their heads and looked around, only to see a woman in a white dress walking over with lotus steps.

"Institute, Dean," Bai Li said in surprise, looking at the woman in the white skirt.

"Thanks for your hard work," the woman in the white skirt said with a smile looking at Bai Li.

Then he turned his head and gave Xu Zimo another white look.

"I heard that Shenlong, the dean of the Tiandao Academy, sees the beginning and the end, and is extremely mysterious.

Didn’t expect to meet us today, waiting for us specially? "The Half Moon Saint chuckles.

"It seems to be a lesson."

"This seat is not waiting for you," the woman in the white skirt said lightly.

She looked at the old white tiger next to her, and then smiled, "Master, long time no see."

"Baihu, I have never admitted to be your master," the old man Baihu shook his head and laughed.

"Don't think you say that, I won't plan Tiandao Academy."

"Anyway, you are my master. As for other things, I have no other meaning."

The woman in white skirt shook her head and replied.

"It seems that some people don't take us seriously," the man Purdue next to him squinted slightly.

I saw the golden light surging around him.

In this light of Buddha, it seems that a big Buddha is being born.

"Buddha's light has just appeared,"

This Buddha's light soars into the sky, reflecting the sky.

"The Buddha moves mountains and rivers."

There was another sound of overwhelming mountains, and a cloud of Buddha spread out from the light of the Buddha.

The cloud of Buddha is endless, one after another.

Mountains and rivers move, the world is broken.

This Buddha cloud turned into a five-fingered mountain and came to suppress the woman in the white skirt.

"Although you are a great warrior, you haven't made any progress in your cultivation for tens of thousands of years.

It's not that I look down, you are not enough. "

The woman in the white skirt snorted coldly.

She just waved her hand, and instantly suppressed the Buddha cloud, dispelling the endless Buddha light.

The entire void was suppressed by her finger.

Space and time are all frozen in place.

The figure of the real Purdue did not resist at all, and flew out directly.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zimo's eyes narrowed.

"I have entered a higher level," he muttered to himself.

You have to know that whether it is a half-moon saint or a real Purdue person, they are already veteran masters.

The Half Moon Saint has already entered the immortal immortal, and the real Purdue is even more immortal.

In theory, they are already the strongest existence in this world that the emperor can't produce.

But now it is so easily slapped flying.

In this case, Xu Zimo only met one person.

That is the Heavenly War God of Zhenwu Shengzong. He broke the rules and has entered a whole new realm.

This woman seemed to be the same, but in terms of her aura, she was a little worse than the Celestial God of War.

"It seems that I haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years, and the white girl is stronger again," the old white tiger next to him also blinked and chuckled.

The two half-moon saints came again, UU reading www.uukanshu. The comfort on com's face has disappeared.

"who are you?"

"The dean of Tiandao Academy, do you still need me to explain to you?" the white skirt woman replied.

"You have entered the realm of Nirvana?" Banyue Saint asked with a frown.

"It's only half a step," the woman in white skirt shook her head slightly.

"But if it fights you, it's enough."

"Then try, Niekong's existence will never be met, and I have never fought before in my life.

That legendary realm is so interesting," Banyue Saint said lightly.

The crescent mark on his forehead burst out with shocking moonlight.

I saw that his whole person seemed to be sublimated instantly.

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