Hikigu in a white cassock, standing on the shore, said calmly.

Tonggu Kazuo showed a warlike smile: "Shi Zhixuan and Song Que are both short of a hearty battle before they can enter the circle level. At that time, they will be my goal."

"And now, it's rare for us to be enemies, so we can't let this opportunity go."

The long sword pointed at Hikigu, and the sword intent floated.

Bikigu said together: "Li Shimin's success in the world is due to the destiny, why should Master Tonggu go against the sky?"

Tonggu Kazuo chuckled, and when the long sword twisted, thousands of sharp sword intents stabbed out, smashing everything in the range.

Bikigu recited the Buddha's name at a low level, and the Buddha's light floated in front of him, turning it into a large bronze bell.

When the sword intent collided with the bronze bell, there were thousands of crisp sounds.

"My apprentice wants to dominate the world, do you think I can't help him?" Tonggu Kazuren smiled: "Master Huicong, we haven't had a fight yet!"

The two men's momentum rose steadily, and they collided with each other.

The sword intent transforms into shape, and the Buddha's light shines.

Even Hikigu didn't dare to be careless, both of them were masters close to the third rank, and their spiritual sense was enough to affect reality.

He also needs a battle to promote the sublimation of the martial arts realm.

Sword Intent and Fo Guang suddenly collided.

Chapter 241 Chapter 86

In the majestic imperial city.

Yang Guang stood above the palace city, looking up at the full moon in the sky.

Outside the Miyagi, the fire was shining in the sky, and there was chaos, but it did not affect the tranquility in the Miyagi.

"Your Majesty is in a good mood."

With a sigh of admiration, Ning Daoqi fell beside Yang Guang and said with emotion: "The full moon is full, it's really not the day to fight, Your Majesty, I beg you to abdicate and let the wise men, so that there will be less wars and disasters in the world."

Yang Guang looked away from the moon.

Bi Xuan, dressed as a Turk, was extremely heroic, his muscles were tight, and the Moon Wolf Spear was ready to go. The ugly-looking Fu Cailin stood in the moonlight with his sword, as if a fairy had come to the world.

As for Ning Daoqi, he really looked like an ordinary old Taoist priest.

This is actually his strongest point.

Yang Guang's eyes are so vicious, and his martial arts cultivation far exceeds that of the great masters in this world. In a blink of an eye, he has finished analyzing the three famous masters in the world.

They are worthy of being the strongest people in the world.

Whether it is talent or will, they are far beyond ordinary people. Others practice martial arts to reach the great master because they can only reach the realm of the great master, while Ning Daoqi practiced martial arts to reach the great master because the upper limit of this world is only the great master.

If it wasn't for the lack of road ahead, why would they pursue the Broken Void?

Yang Guang admired in his heart that if the Tang Dynasty world had the superior conditions of the True Spirit World, the three of them would definitely have a good chance of being golden.


Yang Guang sighed softly.

Ning Daoqi said, "What is your majesty regretting?"

Yang Guangdao: "It's a pity that your spirits and energy have reached the peak, and the broken void is only in front of you, but you have met me!"

Everyone's breathing stagnates.

Bi Xuan twisted his arm, his whole body was full of aura, and twisted into a divine arrow with the spear in his hand, and shouted: "Emperor of the Central Plains, can you have a great eloquence?!"

The toes were a little on the ground, the waist was twisted, and the spear was clenched in his hand.

However, it seemed that an arrow blade made of flame suddenly shot out and stabbed Yang Guang.

The chill in the middle of the night was ignited by Bi Xuan's infuriating energy, and it was scorching hot.

"Yanyang Qigong, not bad."

Yang Guang stretched out his hand indifferently, grabbed the arrow that was stabbed by the spiritual transformation, and pressed it lightly, smothering the attack with a high temperature of thousands of degrees in his hand.

Bi Xuan started from the Turks, and was tempering his spirit and forging his will. For several days, he turned himself into a knife, and his spirit was condensed to the extreme, just for one blow.

This is the strongest attack in his life.

But he was stopped by Yang Guang lightly.

Ning Daoqi's complexion changed greatly, and he exclaimed: "Fellow Daoist, let's go together!"

Ning Daoqi entered the state of the unity of man and nature. His moves were mysterious, and he could do whatever he wanted. There was no fixed method.

Fu Cailin also put away his contempt, holding a long sword in his hand, and came first.

The three great masters, whose spirit and energy reached their peak, joined forces to strike, causing thunder to roll in the night sky, and visions to change.

And they took advantage of the power of heaven and earth, and between each move, it was like the sky and the earth were overwhelmed, and the galaxy was pouring backwards.

Yang Guang stepped on a marvelous footwork, and was at ease in the three-person siege, and then he was shocked, breaking the pressure of the world caused by the three-person joint attack.

"I miss your cultivation is not easy."

Yang Guang's momentum suddenly unfolded, and he saw Qingxia floating, obscuring the moonlight.

The aura of the martial arts, like a sea, made the three people stiffen in shock.

"Since you want to see my strength, then do as you wish!"

He clenched his fists vacantly, and there was a dull sound in the void, and there was a shattering fist, walking through a hundred paces in a radius.

Ning Daoqi's face was as pale as paper.

Bi Xuan trembled all over, and Fu Cailin smiled wryly with his sword in hand.

At this time, they finally understood how strong Yang Guang is, which is far beyond this world, like the power of another dimension.

Just the appearance of fist intent made them, the great masters, have the illusion of the destruction of the world. Within a hundred steps, fist intent could turn into thunder or fire, like a substance, flexible and free.

"Your Majesty." Ning Daoqi leaned down tremblingly and knelt down: "The grass people don't know the destiny and try to assassinate Your Majesty. Please, Your Majesty, punish me alone. Don't be angry."

Ning Daoqi was no longer in the mood for assassination.

Under the mighty power of the gods and demons, he just wanted to beg Yang Guang to leave fire for the Taoist sect.

Yang Guang withdrew his fist and stood with his hands behind his back.

"I won't kill you. As warriors of the Shattered Void, you shouldn't put your energy on this."


Yang Guang's tone suddenly stopped, and the condensed spirit reached the eyebrows of the three, causing the three great masters to almost collapse and sweat profusely.

"You must set an example, masters and above must not interfere with the affairs of the world, and complete your broken void with peace of mind!"

The three looked at each other, even the arrogant Bi Xuan leaned over and knelt down.


This battle for Yang Gong's treasure house promoted by players outside the sky.

In the end, the forces of all parties did not gain any benefits!

After the three great masters were defeated by Yang Guang, they returned to Chang'an City, suppressed the melee, and announced that if there were any masters who interfered with the affairs of the world, they would definitely stop them.

This time, Momen and Cihang Jingzhai were angered.

There is no shortage of master-level masters in their sect.

If there is no master in charge, then the Demon Sect will have no hope of competing for the world. This is especially true of Cihang Jingzhai. They have always called themselves a hermit sect. If the world is in chaos, they will definitely help Mingjun.

But Ning Dodge and the others expressed their attitudes expressionlessly.

The three great masters should use their own power to change the martial arts ecology in the world of Tang Dynasty, and limit the master-level force to the rivers and lakes, instead of getting involved in the general trend of the world and the court.

In this chaos, the Great Sui Guoshi surrounded the crowd with his soldiers.

Their melee battle ended in failure. Except for Song Que and Shi Zhixuan, whose spirits were perfect and their martial arts flawless, everyone was a loser.

The treasure house of Duke Yang finally fell into the hands of the Sui family.

But the Evil Emperor's relic was secretly stolen by a player.

This player is very smart. After stealing it, he goes offline and doesn't even plan to come back to this world.

Presumably, using the essence of the Evil Emperor's relics, he could forcibly create a Demon Sect master.

The forces of all parties didn't get anything, they just fought in vain.

Yang Guang said that they had destroyed the urban environment and disturbed the sleep of the people. Unless they compensated for the loss, they would not let them leave... This made Song Clan Li Clan and others startled, thinking that they could not escape their fate.

I didn't expect to pay some money and leave immediately!

When they left Chang'an, they didn't know exactly what Yang Guang wanted to do. After returning to their own territory with a stomach full of resentment, the players also looked at each other in dismay, and all plans were cancelled.

Even the behind-the-scenes manipulators lost their trust.

After Demon Sect sent several grandmasters to try to end the game, but after being chased by Ning Daoqi and others all over the world, it became an iron rule that the grandmaster must not end.

This means that the various forces in Datang can only follow the conventional route of hegemony.

The Great Sui Guoshi started to implement the Dragon Vein Shinto plan around Chang'an. Yang Guang slowed down the world's hegemony, so he gave enough time for Kato Megumi to complete the Dragon Vein Shinto.


It has been half a year since the real spirit world opened for the second time.

The world has changed a lot in the past few months.

The fusion of the two cultures has resulted in more and more entry-level warriors.

On the surface, it looks calm, but there are frequent waves in the dark. With power, you will naturally desire other things, such as wealth, such as power.

In some areas, there are already entry-level warriors who have changed the world.

However, the vast majority of countries still maintain a strange calm. The five major countries have already started to build their own martial artist extraordinary powers, recruiting high-level martial artists from their territories to maintain the balance.

However, certain class-solidified countries have never been able to do this.

Japan has more and more extraordinary power, but still maintains the pattern before the extraordinary era.

This is very strange. When the extraordinary power did not appear, the government was thirsty for the extraordinary, and could not wait to hold it as a grandfather, but when the extraordinary era fully emerged, they returned to their old views.

This kind of thinking stems from the class solidification of this country.

In this land, the Chinese are the power that controls the country. They would rather control their own power, like an ostrich shoving its head into the sand, than let go of class mobility and allow a group of pariahs to be equal to them.

The whole society is like a pressed dynamite keg that will explode at some point.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that this social system is abnormal, but the vested interests, even if they see the frequent appearance of warriors, are not willing to let go of their rights.

They can only try to cultivate their own strength to suppress these untouchables!

The banker's son is naturally a banker, and the congressman's son is a congressman. This is not because you have practiced martial arts and mastered the strength, and you can turn around!

It is often the straw that breaks the camel's back that ignites the dynamite barrel.

Aiko Jinggong sat cowardly in the classroom, burying her head in the textbook.

Now is the break time, and the students in the class are discussing the real spiritual world and the second world.

Now that the real spirit world has been open for half a year, martial arts learning has become a trend around the world. Even schools have opened martial arts classes, and specialized entry-level teachers will guide students to practice martial arts.

But she is different.

She can't take such a course.

"Have you read the latest Tang report?"

"Look at it, there are players texting live broadcasts, and some people draw comics!"

"Yeah, the three great masters sneaked into Chang'an Palace City, and were beaten up by Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty alone. It's really handsome!"

"There is also the Great Sui State Division who led a heavy army to surround Yang Gong's treasure house. Those people were beaten to death outside. Finally, when they decided to divide Yang Gong's treasure house by Li Clan, Song Clan and Kou Zhong, they were surrounded by heavy soldiers. I laughed to death!"

"They fought back and forth, but Yang Gong's treasure house still fell into the hands of Emperor Sui. Yang Guang is so handsome, I'm going to fall in love with him!"

"Hehe, Yang Guang already has a group of fans in this world, and I'm still a member of the fan club!"

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