In other words, since there is a realm king who controls the galaxy, then there will be a **** who controls the planet. The realm king does not have so much energy to guard the planet, so the power is divided again, and there is the **** of the planet.

The Celestial God is a member of the All-King God System, although it is the lowest one.

Zhou Qi had a similar idea before, and it was finally realized in the actions of the gods. The power used by the gods to destroy the horse bandit commander is not qi, but closer to a pure authority operation.

And this kind of permission operation is close to the God of Destruction in Zhou Qi's cognition.

The destructive power of the God of Destruction is also an operation of authority, destroying things at the atomic level. Although the God of Destruction Karl has not reached this level, the nature is very close.

This confirms that the Celestial Gods belong to the lineage of the All-King Gods.

The God of Destruction is the authority to operate the rules of the universe and can destroy the universe of the planet. The God of Destruction has such operation authority over the planet under its jurisdiction.

And there is an upper limit!

This upper limit should be that his combat power cannot exceed his own. The commander of the Tsushima bandits took a trick. His combat power was not his own, but was brought over by Piccolo.

Zhou Qi's eyes flickered, his thoughts turned.

The **** Karl couldn't have imagined that his helpless operation of authority would wipe out the bottom completely!

The hurricane in the distance dissipated out of thin air.

Piccolo's soul quickly penetrated into the body, slowly opened his eyes, completely suppressed his demonic nature, and sorted out the situation in a blink of an eye, yawned, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm really tired. ."

Zhou Qi smiled at him, turned over and jumped out of the window.


Wu Jian fell in front of him, and the time for fusion had not yet passed.

The marshals were comforting the injured passengers and wanted to let Zhou Qi return to the car and wait for the company's rescue, but when they saw Wu Jian there, they didn't dare to go forward.

They have seen Wu Jian's power with their own eyes, and they are fierce men who can hold a train that is more than ten meters long and run all the way!

"Mr. Zhou, where are you going?"

Carl asked.

"I'm going to go west on foot instead of taking the train!" Zhou Qi looked at the boundless desert and replied.

Before Carl could answer, some passengers looked at Wu Jian carefully and said, "On foot, it's hundreds of kilometers, sir, you should go with us, with your friend here, even if you meet Danger can also protect us!"

The passengers wanted to hug Takemi's thigh.

As for Zhou Qi, let him live or die!

I'll never take the train again, it's so exciting!

Zhou Qi invited Carl to say, "It takes time to wait for rescue here. Why don't you walk with us, Mr. Carl."

Carl hesitated for a moment, then looked at Piccolo again, and jumped out of the window with gritted teeth.

You've already wasted so much energy, you haven't tried anything, you can't leave like this!

The gambler's mentality made him resolutely follow Zhou's footsteps.

"We're not in a hurry to go to the west. It's not bad to take a walk. With Mr. Zhou's apprentice on the side, I don't think we'll be in danger!" Carl also made a poor excuse for himself.

Zhou Qi did not dismantle it either.

The three left the train and walked towards the depths of the desert.

The passengers in the train, who wanted to keep but did not dare, and those who wanted to follow, were also persuaded to retreat by this vast desert.

You can only stay in the carriage and wait for rescue.

Thirty minutes later, Wu Jian also separated into two people. They were still very excited. The power from the fusion was too strong.

Carl wanted to ask the two of them what was going on with the fusion, but he was a university professor.

On the contrary, Piccolo has been silent since the soul returned to the body.

He clearly perceives that the irritable personality in his body has completely disappeared, but the devilishness still exists, even becoming more profound and unpredictable.

Xebec didn't disappear because of the return, it was deeply hidden in the heart, observing all this in secret.

Piccolo shivered when he thought of such an evil existence in his heart, but for some reason, he didn't tell the **** Karl, the words that Xiepic said to him had penetrated deeply into his mind.

This is not to be liberated by separating the demonic nature. Only by virtue of cognition and great wisdom can we overwhelm the demonic thoughts.

Piccolo knew this, and wanted to use his own power to eradicate the demons!

PS: Thanks to the dream-like Illusion Chaser's blade and salted fish thorn, thanks to the blade of the wind blowing Kyushu, and thanks to Tianhua for the spicy noodles

one more chapter


261 Chapter 18 The Burned Village

"At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached the preaching, the upper and lower did not take shape, why should we examine it?"

At dusk, it was time for Zhou Qi evening class again.

He sat on the ground and took out the first half of Qu Yuan's Heavenly Questions as the topic of this lecture. As for the second half, it involves history that does not belong to this world, which is inconvenient.

The group of them had been walking in the desert for four days.

Zhou Qi did not use supernatural powers and magic, and regarded the trip to the desert as a leisurely journey. As for Wu Tian and Tsurumi's two disciples, they did not encounter any danger. Most of the ferocious beasts in the desert also sacrificed their teeth.

The gods Karl and Piccolo also followed closely.

The harsh environment didn't affect them either. In order to hide their eyes and ears, they pretended to be ordinary people.

Zhou Qi preached every day and did not avoid them. Carl and Piccolo also followed along.

The **** Karl was even more shocked!

He has never been exposed to this kind of philosophical thought. Although he has lived for hundreds of years, he claims to be the most knowledgeable **** on earth, and he is indulged in the stories and classics that Zhou Qi preaches every day.

So did Piccolo.

Zhou Qi deliberately told several stories in the middle of the story, which can be seen from different angles and can get different experiences. This has a great impact on the traditional concept of righteousness and evil in his heart.

"The reason I want to be a **** is to make the world a better place."

Piccolo thought to himself, "But does the world need a **** who can fully control it?"

Piccolo hadn't noticed yet. He who had this idea had already deviated from the path laid out for him by the gods.

The **** Karl was still in shock. He didn't realize this, but Zhou Qi was keenly aware of the change in his philosophy. In the next story, he added an objective and materialistic view of nature.

The Tianwen we talked about today was specially prepared for Piccolo.

Tianwen's whole chapter is asking questions, asking about heaven and earth, about common people, and about ghosts and spirits. The words are like rocks. It is Qu Yuan's most primitive questioning about the nature of the universe.

This is another big shock to the divine right!

Even the **** Karl, when he first heard the question, couldn't help but fall into his thoughts.

As a god, he knows that the universe was created by the Kaiwang God, but who created the Kaiwang God, and where did the original **** come from?

Just thinking about this made his scalp tingle.

The whole thought of Tianwen is to analyze the universe with a metaphysical philosophical perspective, which fundamentally questions the rule of gods.

The **** Karl became more and more worried, and when he looked at Piccolo who was thinking seriously, he already had a feeling of regret that he should not be in the lower realm.

"About Tianwen, I don't ask you to understand it now."

Zhou Qi calmly said, "Just keep him in your heart and always keep your doubts about everything."

Wu Tian and Tsurumi nodded respectfully and said yes.

Piccolo also nodded subconsciously, keeping Tianwen in his heart. The stories and knowledge he has heard in the past few days will become the nourishment for his growth.

"Mr. Zhou..."

The **** Karl hesitated again and again, and said, "Excuse me, where did you hear these truths?"

The old **** Zhou Qi is there: "The truth is there, but no one has ever discovered it."

Carl was speechless.

It is indeed very reasonable, but the truth that no one has discovered on earth for thousands of years, how does it pop out of your mouth in different ways?

The sky was getting late, and just as everyone thought they were going to have a few days ahead, they rested in the same place for one night, and suddenly a chill came, and there was plenty of water vapor in the air.

"No way!"

Tsurumi looked up at the sky, and at the end of the sky, dark clouds were rolling in.

It is going to rain!

He frowned and looked around, the neighborhood was empty, the terrain was flat, and there was not even a hillside to shelter from the rain.

"Senior brother, we can't let the master get in the rain!" Tsurumi pulled Wu Tian aside and whispered.

Wu Tian also looked worried.

It doesn't matter if they get in the rain, but you can't let the master get in the rain!

The master has also transmitted his voice through his spiritual sense, so he cannot perform Taoist magic in front of this outsider, otherwise, a thunderbolt will smash the rain cloud!

"How about we join forces to break up the rain cloud?" Wu Tian came up with an idea.

Tsurumi thought for a while, then shook his head.

"This is already the border of the grassland. We have been camping for several days. Why don't we go and find out if there are any towns and villages, so that we can take the master over there. If not, let's break up the rain cloud!"

Wu Tian also thought this was a good idea, so he nodded in agreement.

They stepped forward to report this idea to Zhou Qi, Zhou Qi just waved indifferently and let them act on their own.

Wu Tian and Tsurumi separated, disappearing into the grasslands like an afterimage of a sandalwood bow, leaving only Zhou Qi and the gods Karl and Piccolo in their original places.

Carl looked at the boy sitting cross-legged and hesitated.

The other's two apprentices are not here, this is a good opportunity to tear his face. From the sense of anger, this young man is simply an ordinary person.

But he wasn't sure if the other party was really an ordinary person?

To be able to teach two apprentices with such a high level of kung fu, and to be able to say the classics of the Great Way casually, no matter how you look at them, they don't look like ordinary people!

During this hesitation, Piccolo suddenly walked up to Zhou Qi.

"Mr. Zhou."

Piccolo's green face was a little embarrassed, "I still don't quite understand what you said yesterday."

Zhou Qi smiled and answered his confusion casually.

Piccolo was overjoyed and continued to follow these questions. Zhou Qi has always been friendly to those who are eager to learn and those who seek progress. He even sat on the ground and explained the truth to Piccolo from different angles.

The **** Karl beside him felt uncomfortable.

There is always a feeling of sadness that his heir was kidnapped, but he had no choice but to squat at the door and listen to the sound of night running.

"I can't let Piccolo stay here!"

He made up his mind.

If you stay any longer, the substitute Heavenly God will become Zhou Qi's third disciple, which is a miserable loss!


"The smell of burning?"

Wu Tian's galloping figure suddenly stopped.

He stopped, looked in the direction of the smell, turned into an afterimage and sprinted over. At the end of his line of sight, a village stood on the border of the grassland.

When Wu Tian came to the entrance of the village, he slowed down and frowned.

"anyone there?"

he shouted loudly.

But got no response.

The village has a grassland style, not a traditional wooden house structure, but more like a yurt.

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