Humans and humanoids can also live peacefully in this city!

From Zhou Qi's eyes, this city already has the American urban style before and after the First World War, and even high-rise buildings are rising. Anna is just a girl from a small village, she has never seen such a big city before, walking on the streets stunned, It attracted the contempt of passers-by.

She blushed all of a sudden, she only felt that she was a countryman entering the city.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Where to go?

This is indeed a problem!

Zhou Qi set a destination for himself in the Western Capital, but he has not thought of what to do after coming here. However, since this is the capital of technology and culture, whether it is information or commodities, it will be more developed than other places.

"How about we stay here?" Zhou Qi said with a smile.

"Live here?" Anna's eyes were full of joy. As a girl, she still has vanity. Of course, she is not happy to be able to live in a big city.

It would be great if my brother could come along too!

We can live together in the big city!

Expensive land and high housing prices are the same in any world, but Zhou Qi is not short of money. In order to experience life, he did not buy fancy things like a villa. Following Anna's idea, he bought a small house.

The two settled down in Xidu.

Anna waited on Zhou Qi's daily life, and later found out that when Zhou Qi practiced, she would retreat for ten days and a half months, and she didn't even need to eat. She couldn't help anything except cleaning, so she shamelessly borrowed some money from Zhou Qi and went downstairs. Opened a flower shop and fulfilled his childhood dream.

Living in Xidu is indeed a good decision.

There will always be new knowledge generated here, new scientific research will appear, the city seems to be changing with each passing day, three times a day, which is in response to Zhou Qi’s philosophy of cultivating, if you stay here to practice, although the vitality is slightly weak, But the mood is a thousand miles away.

On this day, Zhou Qi purchased some precious metals for scientific research, and wanted to refine a body protection tool for Anna.

The city is big and naturally chaotic.

Although Anna is young, she is a beautiful woman. If she was hurt by someone while she was cultivating, Zhou Qi might have to smear the city with some blood. It was really troublesome, so she would simply kill the signs.

"Everything in the world has vitality. This is the concept of vitality in the Dragon Ball world."

Zhou Qi was filled with all kinds of metals, and more than half of the periodic table of elements was here. The vitality cultivation method based on the vitality bomb made Zhou Qi more and more satisfied. All things in the world, life and death have vitality.

The metal that has been separated from the ore vein has greatly reduced the vitality content, but it still retains a part of itself.

Stacked together, the content is also very considerable.

Zhou Qixian picked up a piece of brass and pulled out the vital energy in it while breathing. He saw that the brass instantly turned green, covered with rust, and with a pinch, it cracked easily.

"It's alright. Without vitality, it will be useless. If there is no dead thing that is integrated into the cycle of heaven and earth, you can only extract vitality once or twice."

Zhou Qi squeezed a seal, and his mana rolled all the metal on the ground into the air. When he opened his mouth, a cold, heatless blue flame spewed out of his mouth, slowly refining the metal.

The metal was smelted by the real fire, and the vitality was built into the talisman. In five or six minutes, Zhou Qi returned the real fire to his dantian.

All the metal has disappeared, and suspended in the air is a golden bracelet.

"The refining technique has become more and more exquisite." Zhou Qi smiled with satisfaction. He didn't waste so many materials in practising the refining technique in vain. As soon as he waved his hand, the bracelet flew into his hand and put it on his wrist.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw the bracelet fly up in vain, with thousands of clones, freely growing and shrinking.

In Zhou Qi's eyes, this magic weapon is just like that. It is no problem to imprison and protect the master, and it cannot reach the level of magic weapon that touches the rules.

It's just right for Anna!

Zhou Qi put the bracelet aside and scrutinized the details of this refining tool. After so many experiments, it was time to refine my own magic weapon!

What he wants to refine is not this ordinary magic weapon, but a magic weapon that touches the rules!

For example, an ark that can navigate in space must go deep into the rules of the speed of light and curvature.

As for the rules, Zhou Qi has already seen a thing or two from the power of the **** Karl. The destructive power of the **** of destruction Beerus is also the rules of this world. If he wants to refine a magic weapon of great destruction, of course he must go deep into the realm of the God of Destruction.

"The destructive power of the Omni King to destroy the universe and the destructive power of the God of Destruction should be two rules of different nature."

"The kind of King Quan is not so much the destruction of the universe, it is better to delete the universe from the background, which will lead to the blankness of the future universe where Trunks lives, the destruction of God of Destruction, and the destruction of objects from the atomic level. It's fundamentally breaking the rules."

Zhou Qi thought inwardly, "I can't touch the power of King Quan's authority yet, but breaking the rules and the material transformation of alchemy are quite close!"

After all, Ska of the steel-making world has mastered the alchemy of one-handed destruction of matter!

Zhou Qi can also delve into the atomic sense, or even a microscopic level, which is very helpful for him to understand the rules of breaking, but what kind of magic weapon he needs to refine, it makes him think.

First of all, there is an ark that can cross the sea of ​​​​stars, which is inevitable.

Next is the Dao Protector Magic Treasure!

There are a lot of theories. In Xianxia Zhiyi, there are a lot of sayings about magic weapons. The Fengshen Bang can even be said to be a battle of magic weapons. Xuan is like this, refining feathers into magic weapons, and the five colors of divine light are all brushed.

The sword immortals in the legend of Shushan are divided into tangible swords and intangible swords. A tangible sword is one or more immortal swords forged to protect the Tao.

The invisible sword is just a sword qi that can be practiced, and it can still chop people's heads thousands of miles away!

Zhou Qi was able to understand the rules of destruction. The first thing he considered was to refine a magic weapon with the meaning of great destruction. The power of this world is respected, and the God of Destruction is so feared by others, it is not that he can destroy the galaxy.

If Zhou Zhouqi accidentally met the God of Destruction, he couldn't say that he was afraid of his destruction!

There must be a magic weapon that can not only respond to the enemy, but also protect the body.

"Responding to the enemy and protecting one's body.... magic weapon, immortal sword..." Zhou Qi's eyes lit up, "Sword array!"

The formation method is also a common setting in the Xianxia worldview.

Zhou Qi really didn't expect this, he could not only practice magic weapons, but also deduce the formations in this world. Since the upper limit of qi is so high, the upper limit of formations should be higher, right?

The Galaxy Douzhuan Great Array... It might really be possible to reverse the Galaxy!

Having said that, it is not so easy to make an immortal sword. For example, the bracelet magic weapon that has just been forged also consumes a lot of precious metals. This is only the simplest magic weapon.

Zhou Qi wants to refine the magic weapon, and the materials must be more advanced!

Only a thousand jins of metal can extract a tael of red gold. It should be the basic material of magic weapons. Otherwise, it is not enough to carry the breaking rules. Even ordinary metals are not what he thinks. At least if they are buried in the deep sea for thousands of years, they contain a lot of water vitality. Only metals, rare fire materials in the core of the earth, etc., can construct a magic weapon embryo.

"These materials can't be bought in the west!" Zhou Qi sighed softly. It seems that I have to travel far away to collect such materials.

Not to mention, refining the magic weapon for Anna can also keep her safe.

Just take advantage of this time, go out and collect materials, cultivating Taoism, you can't stay home!

Zhou Qi walked out of the secret room, found Anna with a smiling face in the flower shop downstairs, gave her the bracelet magic weapon, and explained that he would be away for a while.

With tears in her eyes, Anna was extremely reluctant. She asked Zhou Qi to promise that she would come back within half a year, so she stopped following her.

She still sent Zhou Qi out of the city, went to the field, watched Zhou Qi disappear into the sky, wiped her tears and silently returned to the city.


Zhou Qi floated above the sky, watching Anna return to the Western Capital, and shook his head.

Only by refining the immortal swords with the four properties of wind, fire, water and soil, can they carry the rules of destruction, and at the same time, they can set up a great array of body protection, and even sublime to the extreme.

Of course, it is still very early to do this.

Zhou Qi made some deductions and decided to go to the sea to find metal first, and then went to the sea with the light.

The sea area of ​​this earth is far larger than the reality. Apart from the two continents, there are islands scattered on the sea. The future No. 1 Martial Arts Conference in the world will also be held on a certain island.

Zhou Qi squeezed a water-splitting trick and escaped into the deep sea.

The mana formed bubbles, separating the sea water in front of him, and the further down he went, the more high pressure and darkness became.

There are too many secrets in the deep sea, and there are even giant undersea beasts with a combat power of more than 100. During Zhou Qi's dive, he saw a deep-sea python several hundred meters long fighting with a deep-sea squid.

It seems that the python seems to be downwind and is about to be hanged by the squid.

Zhou Qi waited and watched, and decided to get himself a mount.

Py: "The Awakened Must Die"

Brother Qingdi's book is so beautiful!

PY2: "I am a wishing machine"

Not bad, you can take a look


Chapter 271 Chapter 28

The two giant beasts fought and fought in the deep sea, creating a rolling sound, and the fish quickly fled away.

What is the concept of a squid and a sea snake a few hundred meters in size? Zhou Qi stood in the distance, as if watching the two mountains intertwined with each other, and this war will end with the failure of the sea snake.


Zhou Qi's palm was empty, and his mana rolled up a large piece of sea water, condensing it into sharp and hard ice, and stabbed at the squid.

"hold head high!"

The squid roared in pain, the tentacles were cut off by the ice, and the huge wound was infected with a chill, spreading to the body, the sea snake took this opportunity to break free from its attack.

Like this giant beast that has lived in the deep sea for a long time, primitive wisdom has long been born. The squid looked in the direction of the ice thorn, and after looking for a while, he saw a creature smaller than a shark. Standing in the turbulent waters.

It is it!

The squid didn't know how the creature it had never seen hurt itself, but the anger made it too lazy to think, and it slammed into Zhou Qi like a giant mountain.

"Nice animal, it will hold revenge." Zhou Qi smiled, the majestic mana stretched out, grabbed out the sea water with a radius of 1000 meters, drained the heat, and saw a huge ice that made the squid feel palpitations. The long sword suddenly appeared.

The coldness radiated, making the surrounding sea water slowly freeze.

A will to freeze the vitality of all things, pointing to the squid that hit.

"hold head high!"

The squid howled in fear. At this time, he wanted to run, but he couldn't stop the car. He slammed into the sword and died.

The ice giant sword was still standing in the water, and the chill wrapped the squid's body, forming a dark cube that slowly sank into the water.

This cube of solid ice will not melt for thousands of years. If it is salvaged in the future, it may cause some brainstorms. Why is there such a saying that there are ice cubes in the deep sea?

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes at the giant snake that was about to slip away quietly, and appeared on its huge snake head in a flash.

"Where do you want to run?"

The giant snake is very tangled and sad.

After finally getting rid of the deep-sea overlord, he was stopped by an even more terrifying creature that he had never seen before. I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, and it was a sea dog!

Although this creature is small in size, it is extremely dangerous, and the sea snake feels that it is better to be a little more cowardly.

Seeing the human-like ingratitude in the eyes of the giant snake, Zhou Qi was stunned and said with a smile: "You bastard, your wisdom is much higher than that of the big octopus, don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just want to send You are a fortune!"

These words were transmitted through the spiritual mind, and I am not afraid that it will not understand.

"You... what do you mean."

A tender and difficult response came from his mind.

Its intelligence has reached the level of a human child.... Zhou Qi stepped on the snake's head, first passed a mana, recovered its injuries caused by the battle, and then said: "You can grow to be so big, already It's been a long time!"

The giant snake uses a unique way of chronology to tell the age. As Zhou Qi expected, it has grown in this sea for thousands of years.

It stands to reason that snakes should not have such a long lifespan, but life in the deep sea is different from life on land. There are many giant beasts like it that have survived for many years in this ocean.

Zhou Qi saw that the snake had reached the end of its lifespan and its physical function had begun to decline. After this battle, it would not survive for a month.

When he told the news to the giant snake, the snake panicked and rolled in the sea, creating a huge momentum.

"Die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

The desire to survive is an instinct possessed by any creature. For it, it will become food for other creatures when it dies. This is the ultimate fear!

"Quiet." Zhou Qiyi stretched out his hand to soothe the giant snake's emotions, and said calmly, "With me here, you can't die."

"Take me to your lair first!"

Zhou Qi came up with a new idea from the giant snake. Metal could be found again, but it would be a pity if the inspiration disappeared.

He had a desire to experiment, so he rode a giant snake and came to a huge canyon in the deep sea.

"This is really amazing." Zhou Qi looked at the dark canyon without a trace of light, and felt the restless qi in it. When his spiritual sense probed over, he could feel the quiet wriggling movements.

This canyon has become a paradise for sea snakes.

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