While Frieza was still in shock, the metal planet suddenly deformed. Countless nano-robots rolled and surged like waves. The circular planet spread out from the center, elongated its body and mimicked its shape.

Frieza's eyesight was astonishing, and she could see the center of the planet at a glance.

That is.....

Sabo and Dodoria.

With happy smiles on their faces, the two of them fell into a deep sleep with their eyes slightly closed. Frieza breathed a sigh of relief. He had never seen such a strange situation before.

The pipes continuously extract the energy from the two bodies.

Is it because I have little knowledge, or are you too arrogant?

Frieza's back froze, and this strange scene made him retreat, instantly pulling away tens of thousands of miles away. The moment he left, the planet suddenly stretched out its metal tentacles and fluttered into the air.

If caught, I'm afraid Frieza will not be able to escape the fate of the human flesh battery!

too terrifying!

Frieza suddenly felt that the world was too big and too scary, and a fighting power of 100 million was nothing. He would rather return to his home planet to be an otaku prince than go out to explore. This scene had a huge impact on him.

But it's not over yet!

The planet turned into a giant, twisted mechanical octopus with tentacles swaying around.

"What the **** is this?" Frieza continued to step back to distance himself. He felt the giant mechanical octopus, hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size, looking at himself with an indifferent look.

As if trying to figure out where to start.

However, a larger energy source attracted the attention of the big mechanical octopus. It moved its body and looked at the star that was a hundred times larger than it.

What is it going to do?

Frieza has regretted coming here, and only feels that she will never forget this shadow in her life.

He stared at the action of the big mechanical octopus, forcibly forcing the form to degenerate to its original state. This big octopus seemed to be able to sense the amount of energy. Frieza, with a combat power of 120 million, was naturally a delicious meal.

But Frieza, who was 560,000, was a lot less meaningful in comparison.

And this star...

Delicious stars!

The big mechanical octopus simulated a huge straw and plunged into the star.

This star, which is in its prime, is a huge nuclear reactor that is changing in chains all the time. The visible reduction of light and heat to the naked eye is like a big light bulb slowly dimmed.

All the energy was absorbed by this big octopus.


Frieza no longer hesitated and flashed back into the spaceship.

The spaceship members were stunned and stared at the vacuum octopus in shock.

"This king will fight it for 300 rounds, and there will be no winner. We promise to fight again in the future!" Frieza slapped the spaceship pilot and woke up: "Move this king, I will go back to practice for three months, Come and fight him again!"

The pilot of the spaceship woke up like a dream, and everyone hurriedly went to work.

The disc spaceship stumbled and slipped away quickly.

The big mechanical octopus didn't even look at it, but quietly swallowed up the energy of the stars, and its body expanded several times again. Joe Connor meditated cross-legged, looking at the direction the spaceship was leaving.

"Why didn't the sage let me shoot?" He put his palms on his legs and muttered to himself in confusion.

Before, the big octopus could pull out his hand and drag Frieza in as a human flesh battery.

However, when Yuanshi Tianzun sent a message, Qiao Conner did not do this.

"Forget it, Tianzun must have his own reason!"

Joe Connor no longer thought about it, and slowly closed his eyes.

The big mechanical octopus closed its body again and turned into a silent metal planet, but a blue-fire-spitting thruster emerged from its tail. This mechanical planet, which was sleeping tens of billions of Platons, left the Platon galaxy.

Disappeared in the endless sea of ​​stars.


"A humiliation, a real humiliation!"

Frieza stood on the observation deck, staring at the rapidly departing Galaxy, gnashing her teeth.

When did I suffer such a shame?

Frieza was upset, and the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. Not only did she lose two close subordinates, but she also fled in front of so many people.

But he didn't dare to go back and face that terrifying big octopus.

The thought of Sabo and Dodoria being made into human flesh batteries made him numb. If this kind of thing should be on him, it would be better to die directly. Frieza would rather fight with the strong than be swayed by it. Kind of weird thing to catch.

"Lord Frieza!"

The subordinates came in to report the news.

They found a spaceship with a strange whereabouts, coming from the direction of the Platon galaxy, thinking that the other party might know about Platon, and hurriedly reported it.

"Then what are you waiting for, take it back!"

Frieza was angry when she saw these dull subordinates.

The subordinates left in a hurry, the spaceship swayed, and did not notice the approach of the round spaceship at all.

It wasn't until there was a shadow above his head that he woke up.

The owner of the spaceship is an ordinary carbon-based creature, who was captured by Frieza's soldiers and brought to Frieza.

"What, what?" the spaceship owner shouted: "I abide by the laws and regulations of the Galactic Empire and love peace. You can't treat me like this, I have the right to remain silent! I need a lawyer!"

The soldiers all laughed.

Galactic Empire?

"You are in front of you, the son of the Great Kurdish King of the Frozen Empire, Lord Frieza!" The soldier shouted fiercely, "Don't kneel!"

"Why are you yelling so loudly?!" The owner of the spaceship trembled with fright.

Then he looked at the young Frieza in the seat in shock.

"You are the invincible, invincible, unparalleled in the world, Lord Frieza, who has been out of the Frozen Empire for ten thousand years?"

Good guy!

The soldier beside him was stunned for a moment.

Frieza Longyan Dayue looked at the owner of the spaceship's expression much kinder, and waved his hand: "No need to kneel, this king is such an unreasonable person, you... You are very good! What's your name?"

The owner of the spaceship said shyly: "In the next week, the interstellar treasure hunter is also."

Chapter 308 Chapter 65 Kurd's Helplessness

Quantum world.

When the Four Sages saw the historic meeting between Frieza and the owner of the spaceship, they all focused on Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi slowly filled a cup of fairy tea.

The face of Frieza is nothing but the avatar he created using magic, and his words and deeds are controlled by him. Frieza never dreamed of the moment when he appeared in the Platon galaxy.

I was thinking about by an alchemist!

"Natural fortune, the protagonist of the world." Nu Wa lightly opened her red lips, her voice turned softly, and a small smile escaped from the corner of her mouth: "This imperial prince must be an important role in this world."

Yuanshi and Tongtian also pinched their fingers to deduce.

The world line that Zhou Qi concealed is not so easy to see through. Any ability related to future vision is useless in today's Dragon Ball universe.

At least an important person in this world, carrying the destiny of the universe!

This is enough to prove that Frieza can take on the great responsibility of conferring God!

Thinking of this, the four sages looked at Frieza in the picture, their eyes were more kind, and each had a plan in his heart, and he was unwilling not to squeeze the use value of this imperial prince.

Zhou Qi snickered to himself.

He was distracted and controlled the fake body in the spaceship to deal with Frieza's questioning, and also helped the Four Sages to refine the list of gods in the quantum world.

On the other hand, the fake on the spaceship has gained Frieza's trust.

He revealed everything about the secret realm, and told all the changes in the Platon civilization from a first-person perspective. Of course, he erased the part that should not be said.

Now the Platon civilization is gone.

Frieza has no means of proof at all!

Zhou Qi was stunned and stunned Frieza for a while.

"and many more!"

Frieza clutched his forehead. The impact of such a large amount of information caused his original worldview to crumble.

"You said that there was a super civilization tens of billions of years ago, and the owner of that monster planet only got part of the inheritance of this super civilization?" Frieza still didn't quite believe it.

He is the prince of the empire.

Even the frozen demons worship force and violence.

But Frieza is not an ordinary frozen demon, he is the future heir of the empire, a good tutor is essential!

"This is completely different from the education I received." Frieza moved dangerously on Zhou Qi's face, trying to see if the other party was deceiving him. However, this treasure hunter had an upright face and full of enthusiasm.

"Lord Frieza!"

Zhou Qi raised his chest and said sadly, "You can question my character, but you can't question my professional ethics!"

"I am a treasure hunter, unearthing the secrets of history, looking for treasures from the past, and restoring history to its original appearance. If you don't want to believe it, you can throw me out of the spaceship and let me fend for itself!"

He rebuked Fang Qiu, his blood was passionate, and he was not afraid of power.

he made it!

For the sake of his ideals and his own ambitions, he contradicted the prince of the empire and guarded his professional ethics.

Frieza's face sank at first, and a trace of admiration rose in her heart when she saw the courage of the treasure hunter who was not afraid of power and life and death.

It was a strong and sturdy man!


The eyes of the soldiers on the side are all red!

Frieza has always grown up under the admiration and fear of everyone. When did he ever see such a good man who can express his heart and mind, he suddenly felt a love for talent and thought: Although this guy has low fighting power, he is a good man!

Maybe I was really wrong?

How can someone like this who is not afraid of death go against professional ethics to deceive me?

The more Frieza thought about it, the more he thought, how could that metal planet scare me away if he hadn’t acquired the inheritance of a super-ancient civilization, but my father said that if I liberate all my combat power, there will be only him, the God of Destruction, and the King of Realms in this world. With the sealed Majin Buuwai.

No one is his opponent!

With his thoughts turned, Frieza's face softened, and he said politely, "Mr. Zhou, why does this king distrust you? Does anyone else know about the inheritance of super-ancient civilizations besides you?"

Qiao Connor, who was born into a poor family, can become so powerful after obtaining super ancient inheritance?

What if this king got it?

Wouldn't it be possible to fly up and side by side with the sun, the God of Destruction is no longer my opponent?

Under Frieza's gentle gaze, Zhou Qi touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly: "A week ago, I should have been the only one who knew."


Frieza felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Qi turned his head silently: "I was still in the Platon Civilization a week ago, when Joe Connor had taken control of the entire civilization... I was worried that I would not be able to escape, and the efforts of more than ten years were wasted, so... .I posted it on the interstellar network!"

Frieza: "..."

I, what the **** did you do?

The spaceship is connected to the interstellar network.

As Frieza expected, the interstellar network was already boiling. Zhou enabled various angles to photograph the Platon mechanical riot, and anonymously announced the secrets of the super-ancient secret realm inheritance.

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