In the Dragon Ball universe, the strong are respected!

When a civilization that develops technology goes out of the galaxy, it will despair to find that this universe does not care about knowledge, but only cares about power.

When a person has the power to overturn mountains and destroy the continent, etiquette, morality and knowledge must be put back. Not all strong people are as willing to be ordinary as Kakarot and protect the weak.

It is the eternal truth of this universe that the strong oppress the weak!

And this unfortunate low-level civilization encountered a high-level robber organization, and the result can be imagined.

Civilizations destroyed, races slaughtered, wealth plundered!

This robber organization looted the entire civilization, slaughtered cleanly, slaughtered tens of billions of people to only a few hundred people, and left this galaxy happily.


Among the remaining hundreds of people, some people have found the secret realm left by the super ancient civilization.

He came out of the secret realm, crossed the starry sky with his own strength, found that gang of robbers, and killed them cleanly!

This is the second instance of a super-ancient civilization.

And there are more and more cases like this. The entire universe and the four major galaxies have inheritors of super ancient civilizations.

What is surprising is that these inheritors are reckless and judge sins with their own hearts, not relying on powerful forces.

They are neither strong nor combat power, and they cannot be measured with instruments. No matter how they look at them, they are just ordinary people.

However, it is such an ordinary person who can kill a planet-level warrior with a flip of his palm!

The warriors who hid in the slums gave up their superior life only by provoking such monsters.

"You damned monsters!"

The soldier shrank, nestled in the smelly corner, and looked at the sky with stern eyes.

With 3,600 combat power, he was originally a famous robber in the interstellar space. He formed a group with his companions, sometimes robbing merchant ships sailing, and sometimes looting the wealth of civilization, living a good life.

As long as they avoid the regular armies of the two great empires, the universe is so big, where can they go?

However, a band of robbers with such a simple dream encountered this group of monsters that were the inheritors of ancient civilizations.

Thinking of these monsters, the warrior's eyes filled with deep fear.

In the bandit group, his combat power is only at the middle and lower levels. The head of the group is a strong man with a combat power of 5,000 points. He once destroyed a super soldier on the continental shelf of a planet with all his strength.


he died!

Without even encountering an enemy or fighting, the whole person bleeds from the seven orifices and falls to the ground.

After that, the members of the bandit group all died as if they had been cursed. They didn't encounter any battles, and they didn't encounter any enemies. It was just like this all of a sudden, they died of fear.

It's not scary to meet the enemy, the scary thing is that you don't know where the enemy is, and your life is not guaranteed!

Watching the members flee and die one by one, the soldiers desperately escaped from the bandit group, hid in the slums in despair, nibbling on unbearable pig food, and hid in the stinking garbage.

Abandon all identities.

Just to live!

"Just dodge this time." The soldier took a hard bite of the dry bread, suppressing the panic in his heart: "I will wash my hands with a golden plate, quit the arena, and never do this again!"

These monsters, who inherited the super ancient civilization, dealt a heavy blow to the atmosphere of respect for the strong.

The warrior who set up the flag did not feel that the Death Omen Star had already shone.

"Sir, it's here..."

A low, cowardly voice came from the end of the alley.

Immediately afterwards, the crisp footsteps clattered, from far to near.

The soldier's body froze and he wanted to escape, but his legs couldn't stop shaking.

At the end of the dark alley, a young man walked out, wearing a Taoist robe, with a half-smile.

"You are quite good at running!"

"Yes, it's you..." The warrior's teeth trembled in fear, his eyes widened.

This is the first time he has seen the appearance of the enemy.

Staring at the young man's calm face, the warrior's heart was filled with blood, and he shouted in a low voice, "How on earth did we provoke you, you have to kill them all!"

The youth said, "You should be killed for bullying the weak."

The soldier was stunned when he heard the words, and then his face turned hideous.

He clenched his fists tightly, rolled with arrogance all over his body, and rushed to the sky with a bang. The young man raised his head indifferently, and the warriors above the city were full of arrogance, and the turbulent waves rolled in circles, changing the color of the situation.

"If you continue to hide, I'm really afraid of you!"

The warrior's arms spread out, and the majestic energy gathered in the palm of his hand, which was enough to overturn the entire city's qigong wave.

He laughed wildly: "But if you come out, then die for me!"

Fear comes from the unknown. The moment the opponent appeared, most of the fear in the warrior's heart disappeared.

At this moment, he blended humiliation, anger, and fear into his energy, and wanted to let the entire city be buried with each other.

Since you think I'm bullying the weak!

Then if you have the ability, don't run away!

The young man raised his eyelids and said, "Go."

In the blink of an eye, a pitch-black light and shadow swept high into the sky, heading straight for the warrior, grabbed the warrior's arm with lightning speed, raised his knees, and slammed into the warrior's chest.


With majestic strength, he stirred the warrior's internal organs and hammered it out like a sack of sackcloth.

The energy gathered by the warriors disappeared in an instant, and they flew for several kilometers all the way.


His pupils shrank suddenly.

The one who attacked him turned out to be the long-dead leader of the bandit regiment!

It's just that the head of the regiment at this time was expressionless, his complexion was as pale as a corpse, and his eyes were empty and strange.

"Captain, what are you doing, Chief!"

Facing his former partner, the soldier clutched his chest and roared in pain.

The opponent's figure flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of the warrior, a hand wrapped around his neck, bound him so he couldn't breathe, and brought it to the youth.

"Please, please let me go!"

The soldier finally understood the gap between the two sides, and fell to his knees at the young man's feet in tears.

The youth said, "Did the people you killed also kneel at your feet like this, begging your forgiveness?"

His face was extremely indifferent, a dark halo floated from his left hand, and he slapped it on the warrior's forehead. The evil mana invaded the warrior's soul and forcibly pulled it out.

The young man ignored the cry of his soul, slapped the spiritual platform, and a long green banner appeared in the void. It was eerie, and the soul was incorporated into it, and then there was a mournful cry of a soldier.

"Zenan, you bullied the weak and killed millions of lives by force. You are an unpardonable crime!"

"Your soul will be captured by me in the soul capture banner, and you will suffer the pain of burning fire forever and ever."

The young man judged his sins like the King of Hell, and put away the soul-repelling banner.

The soldier's body fell stiffly to the ground.

The young man didn't even look at it, he just flicked his sleeves and left a message on the wall, and then he took the Dharma Protector Zombie to escape into the void and disappeared.

After a long time....

The cowardly civilized natives walked in cautiously.

He happily glanced at the soldier's corpse, then wiped all the good things on the other side's body before looking at the message on the wall.

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice

——Intercepting four generations of disciples, Kirk.



Frozen Empire.

Capital star.

At the meeting, the staff of the intelligence organization turned on the terminal computer and displayed the relevant information on the three-dimensional image.

"Yesterday's case in Southern Galaxy was the 46th case in half a year."

"The known information is: the super-ancient civilization is divided into three organizations, namely, Interpretation, Interception, and People's Education. The connection between these three organizations is still unknown!"

The conference room is huge.

But there were very few people attending the meeting, only five people.

They had different skin colors, different appearances, and different races, but they sat quietly in the chairs and solemnly reviewed the information obtained by the intelligence organization.

These five people are Frieza's first team - the Ginuit team!

Half a year, forty-six cases.

The 3D image shows the details of the relevant case.

"Those who have acquired the inheritance of super ancient civilizations have strange powers." The staff played the video, which was shot from a long distance and was not clear. A strong man was flying and fleeing in the void, as if being chased by something. some time.

Another flash.

The strong man was split into two halves in mid-air!

The members present here are all strong with amazing dynamic vision, and they can see a flashing afterimage at a glance.

"Sword...." Keith's pupils from the Ginuit team opened slightly, exclaiming in disbelief.

In the picture, it was actually a long sword that intercepted the strong man like lightning.

Mind power?


Everyone stared at the paused picture, their thoughts were chaotic, they had never seen a sword move freely, and even with this extreme speed, they could easily kill a warrior.

Is this the power of super ancient civilizations?

The Ginuit team finally put away the disdain in their hearts and understood why King Frieza was looking for traces of super-ancient civilization, if they could master this power...

Excited blue veins appeared on everyone's neck.

Ginyu said: "These people who have found super ancient civilizations, haven't you found a way to capture them and study them?"

The staff pushed the glasses and said calmly: "Master Ginyu, please don't lower the IQ of our intelligence organization. When the first case appeared, we had already arranged for experts to arrest them... No matter how many we went. , they didn't come back!"

Likum, a tall man with a bunch of red hair, slapped the table and said disdainfully, "That's because you are too weak. If we go out, hum!"

The staff said: "It is undeniable that everyone in the team has great power, but what if you can't see each other's silhouette and die?"

"What do you mean?" Ginyu was taken aback.

The staff continued to explain the collected information.

In these forty-six known cases, it is almost impossible to find the same fighting methods. From the perspective of the Dragon Ball world, each one is extraordinarily bizarre.

Killing with the sword, killing with magic, killing with shadows, killing with zombies, killing with magic weapons.

The Ginuit team looked at the shocking case, and was so shocked that the vest became cold in an instant. The staff was right at all. These monsters who inherited super ancient power have extremely strange methods, and can be thousands of miles away. You curse to kill alive.

When you died, you couldn't find who moved your hand!

This is still a known case.

No one knows how many secret realms have been excavated!

Those powerhouses who came out of the secret realm call themselves the disciples of the Three Sects.

This is not surprising!

There are many people who pursue the secret realm, but the people who have obtained the inheritance of the secret realm are some civilians who have been bullied and have no fighting ability.

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