
Covetousness stretched out his hand a little, and the unparalleled vitality he had just absorbed formed a huge white sword of tens of thousands of meters above his head, and slashed towards Moruo.


The giant sword has no edge and uses force to suppress people.

Moro turned his head with difficulty, only to see the white giant sword covering the sky, pressing down on him.

"Do not!"

he screamed.


The giant sword slashed on the surface, but it did not cause any turbulence. It turned into a majestic vitality and injected it into this dead planet.

In an instant.

Flowers bloom, trees grow, and green grass spreads.

Even the bandits who survived by chance fell to the ground in despair, looking at the dwarf brother in front of them in horror.

"Strange..." Greed for money frowned, looking at the clean sky.

"What's wrong?" asked lustfully.

Greed for money: "Morra escaped."

She jumped up lustfully and screamed, "How did you let him escape, how can we explain to Lord Frieza!"

Greed for money touched his head a little embarrassedly.

At the moment when the vitality giant sword slashed, the space was twisted out of the wormhole, and Moruo took the opportunity to drill into the wormhole and escape.

This is simply a miracle.

Who would have thought that a black hole would appear at that time and place?

"Forget it!" With a wave of lust, he **** the remaining robbers, and then took the horns dropped by Moro into his hands, and sighed: "Go back to Lord Frieza to apologize, we can only say that we are unlucky. !"


Darkness, fear.

Moro used all his magic power to form a protective shield in front of him, resisting the high pressure of the wormhole space.

He was breathing heavily, and his face was still filled with fear. At the moment when the great sword of vitality slashed down, he really felt cold all over and felt the threat of death.

If it hadn't happened to have a wormhole...


The space was slightly rippling, and Moruo was wrapped in a purple aura, breaking through the wormhole.

The magnetic field radiation of the cosmic vacuum struck in an instant, and was resisted by the aura in front of him. Moro watched the surrounding environment vigilantly and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he can survive in the vacuum of the universe.

"It consumes too much magic power, I need to devour a planet to replenish it!"

Moro only hopes that he does not fall into a galaxy that is too barren, otherwise without a spaceship, he may not encounter a planet in his life and die in the lonely cosmic vacuum.

This way of dying is too suffocating.

But luck seemed to favor Mara, and he soon found a planet.

He was suspended in low-Earth orbit, looking at the planet under his feet greedily and in shock.

This planet is extremely huge and extremely beautiful.

It's as beautiful as a fairyland.

What shocked him was the vitality possessed by this planet. In his induction, the planet was like a huge magnetic field, attracting the vitality in the vacuum of the universe.

Abundant vitality constitutes the only element of the planet.

Whether it is the sky or the earth, there is a majestic vitality, far more than all the planets Moro has eaten.

"If only I could absorb it!"

Mora stared at the Star of Vitality obsessively.

However, the previous encounters had already made him a soldier, and Moruo was afraid that he would encounter this kind of natural enemy monster again. He did not devour the vitality of the planet immediately, but quietly restrained his breath and escaped into the planet.

Just stepping into the planet, Mora broke out in a cold sweat, thankful that he made the right choice.

Outside the planet, the huge vitality blocked his induction, and after breaking through the atmosphere, Moro sensed the life fluctuations on this planet.

That is an extremely large number of life fluctuations with extremely high energy value!

"How come there are so many strong people here?" Moruo hid his breath, hid in the white clouds, and quietly peeped to the ground.

Then he saw wild monkeys jumping out of joy and hunting on the ground.

These savages with long tails cheered and chased the giant beasts, each unscrupulously exploded their own power and turned into a state of blond hair and blue eyes.

Such blond barbarians are not worth mentioning in Mora's view, but what makes him feel palpitated is the green hair mixed with the blond hair. There is a very small part of life in these people, and they have almost endless power.

Even in the transformation state, it is pure energy-like green hair that is distinguished from blond hair.

"What kind of planet is this, and why does it have so many powerful and terrifying beings?" Moro stared at the hunting on the ground, and the more he felt chilled, he was too concerned about the activities on the ground, and he didn't notice a figure quietly approaching behind him.


The clouds burst open, and a embarrassed figure fled in a panic.

Several Saiyans with dark blue hair chased towards the fleeing Mara, and at the same time echoed their hunting companions.


The Saiyans were excited, they immediately abandoned the giant beast in front of them, and rushed to the sky in groups, chasing after Mara.

Under the combined attack of Super Saiyan, the legendary Super Saiyan and the Super Saiyan God, Mora, who consumed too much energy, could not run away from this group of excited wild monkeys.

He couldn't even resist, so he was directly detained.

"Catch it up, raise it up!"

"Can you eat it, is it delicious?"

A group of super races surrounded Mora, and they discussed excitedly up and down.

Several Super Sailors stood up, pushed aside these companions who were full of food, and scolded: "What to eat, this is an intelligent life, have you all lost the king's education?"

As soon as he heard the word "Wang", Chao Sai Monkey's expression changed, and he ran away quickly.

Chao Saishen was angry and laughing, and came to Shuilian Cave with Moruo, whose worldview collapsed to the point of disbelief.

"Mr. Zhou Qi, this is the alien life you need!"

Chao Sai God is already at the top of the planet's rank, and he has an equal status with the occasional Lumao Chuan Chao, but he still unconsciously lowered his posture when he saw the alchemist who was experimenting.

Don't say that the power you possess comes from the other party.

Just like Lumao, who went mad not long ago, was beaten like a grandson by the young man in front of him, and Lumao was beaten to such an extent that he didn't even dare to transform. No one on this planet dared to question this alchemist. .

"Put it here."

Zhou Qi casually pointed to the corner without raising his head.

Chao Saishen hurriedly threw Moro to the corner and escaped.

Moruo leaned against the wall in a daze. He looked at the laboratory with different painting styles, and then at the boy whose back was turned to him. He rolled his eyes, and a bit of killing intent arose in his heart.

Just when he quietly got up.

"I advise you to be quiet." Zhou Qi held the self-made quantum sea observation microscope with one hand, and stretched out the other hand, with a blue arc between his fingers, "I will find you when I finish the observation. chat."

Moro looked at the arc in the boy's palm, and once again felt the chill in the depths of his bones.

He didn't dare to say a word, and sat back down dejected.

What kind of world is this?

You all know how to bully the elderly!

Zhou Qi finished the observation, shook his head in dissatisfaction, then looked at Moruo, who was nervous and fearful, and said with a smile, "Mr. Moruo, I have long admired the name."

He snapped his fingers.

Moro only felt that his body was lifted, and there was a soft sofa chair under his butt.

"You, how do you know my name!"

Moro leaned against the sofa chair, vigilantly asking.

He has had enough of this era, the inexplicable powerhouse, the inexplicable planet, and the inexplicable scientist in front of him.

He even misses the Galaxy Prison, at least there, he is still a respected big brother, where, like now, he has suffered humiliation and fear, and even his life is not guaranteed.

"Of course I know you." Zhou Qi poured a cup of tea for Moruo, "Otherwise, why would a wormhole appear so coincidentally for you to escape?"

Moro almost jumped up.

"That wormhole!" He screamed in disbelief, "You made it?"

Looking at the young man's calm expression, Moruo's heart pounded, and he was able to create a wormhole at such a long distance. What kind of method is this?

He has completely lost the thought of escaping.

In front of such a mighty force, what is his strength, ability, and even wisdom?

Mora said sullenly, "You saved me, what are you looking for in me?"

Zhou Qidao: "I want to introduce you to a more promising job, there is a place that is more suitable for you to play."


Moro opened his mouth in surprise, the word had never been linked to his existence.

Looking at the serious expression of the young man, he didn't feel like he was ridiculing himself, so he could only ask patiently, "What job, what place?"

Zhou Qi pinched a trace of fluorescence with his fingertips and lightly tapped it between Moruo's eyebrows.

Moro only felt that there was a chaotic and complicated message in his brain, no matter how he thought, he couldn't see the content of the message, as if it was encrypted by inexplicable means, and could only be unraveled by special methods.

He is still in chaos.

Zhou Qi slapped Moruo's forehead with a palm, and in an instant, the world swirled, his horizons pulled away, and Moruo seemed to have gone through a thousand years, and it seemed like a moment passed, he passed through a strange passage.

Wait until he wakes up again.

Everything in front of me has changed.

The sky is blood-colored, the earth is blood-colored, and the air is blood-colored.

Even the sense of vitality contained heart-pounding negative emotions.

Moro stood on the blood-colored hill and looked helplessly in all directions. His body, spirit, soul and energy were eroded by the ubiquitous blood-colored vitality.

"Where is this place?!"

A voice answered him.

"This is the Demon World."

Moruo turned his head, and on another blood-colored hill, there was a handsome young man in a blood-robed robe, standing with his hands behind his back, with cinnabar between his brows.

Just by seeing this young man, it was as if he saw the vision of the heaven and the earth being shattered and the corpse and the sea of ​​blood. Mara took a step back and collapsed on the ground involuntarily.

Behind the boy, endless blood mist rolled.

Countless demons are looming.

"This is really the devil world...." Moruo had also set foot in the devil world. He found out his impression of the devil world from his memory. Compared with the **** world, the goat's face was full of fear.

Why did the demon world become like this?

Tsurumi came to Mora in one step, reached out and grabbed it, and pulled out a blue light band from the center of his eyebrows.

He sucked this light band into his mouth and decrypted it in a special way. Tsurumi closed his eyes and a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"I understand, Master." He murmured in a low voice, looking at Moruo with less ruthless eyes.

The blood mist rolled behind him, and Xebec stepped out of it.

"Mara, Xebec, the two of you will be united together, and in five hundred years, you will start my demonic way and destroy Buddhism."

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